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词汇 poach


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Related topics: Cooking, Crime
poach /pəʊtʃ $ poʊtʃ/ verb  
1 cook 烹调 [transitiveT]
a) DFCto cook an egg in or over gently boiling water, without its shell 用沸水煮〔荷包蛋〕
 poached eggs on toast
b) DFCto gently cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water, milk etc 水煮;炖;煨
 Poach the salmon in white wine and water.
see thesaurus at cook4  See picture of 见图 EGG 15 see picture at 见图 egg1
2 animals 动物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SCC to illegally catch or shoot animals, birds, or fish, especially on private land without permission 〔尤指未经允许在私人土地上〕偷猎,偷捕
 Deer have been poached here for years.
3 people [transitiveT] to persuade someone who belongs to another organization, team etc to leave it and join yours, especially in a secret or dishonest way 挖走〔公司、球队等的成员〕
 That company’s always poaching our staff.
poach from
 Several of their reporters were poached from other papers.
4 steal ideas 窃取想法 [transitiveT] to take and use someone else’s ideas unfairly or illegally 剽窃;窃取〔他人的想法〕
poach from
 characters poached from Shakespeare
5. poach on somebody’s territory/preserve British EnglishBrERESPONSIBLE to do something that is someone else’s responsibility, especially when they do not want you to do it 越俎代庖
poaching noun [uncountableU]
 the poaching of elephants for their ivory tusks
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
poachpoach /pəʊtʃpoʊtʃ/ verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
1HUMAN RESOURCESto persuade someone to leave an organization and come and work for you
Wall Street firms have always poached each other’s star brokers.
poach from
We prefer not to poach from other firms.
2to unfairly or illegally use someone else’s ideas
They were accused of poaching another agency’s ideas.
poach from
a concept poached from their main rival
poaching noun [uncountableU]
There is still some poaching between the major executive search firms.
Origin poach
1. (1400-1500) Old French pochier, from poche bag, pocket
2. (1600-1700) Old French pocher




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