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词汇 plough


Word family adjectiveploughablenounplougherploughingploughboyploughgateploughlandploughmanploughman's lunchploughshareploughwrightploughadverbploughwise
Related topics: Agriculture, Soil, Tools
plough1 (also plow American English) /plaʊ/ noun [countableC]  
1. TAa piece of farm equipment used to turn over the earth so that seeds can be planted
2. under the plough British EnglishBrE formalTA land that is under the plough is used for growing crops 〔土地〕用于耕种的
Examples from the Corpus
snow plough(1)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Agriculture, Soil
plough2 (also plow American English) verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TADIG to turn over the earth using a plough so that seeds can be planted 犁(地),耕(地)
 In those days the land was plowed by oxen.
 a ploughed field
see thesaurus at dig
2 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]SLOW to move with a lot of effort or force 奋力前进
plough through/up/across etc
 We ploughed through the thick mud.
3. plough a lonely/lone furrow British EnglishBrE literary to do a job or activity that is different from those done by other people, or to do it alone 独行其是,踽踽独行
4plough ahead phrasal verbphr v to continue to do something in spite of opposition or difficulties 〔指不顾反对或困难〕我行我素 奋力从事
 The government will plough ahead with tests this year, despite a boycott from teachers.
5plough something ↔ back phrasal verbphr v MONEYto use money that you have earned from a business to make the business bigger and more successful 把〔赚来的钱〕再投资
 Companies can plough back their profits into new equipment.
Examples from the Corpus
6plough into somebody/something phrasal verbphr v HIT/BUMP INTOto crash into something or someone, especially while driving, because you are unable to stop quickly enough 〔尤指刹车不及〕猛撞上
 I plowed into the car in front.
7plough on phrasal verbphr v CONTINUE/NOT STOPto continue doing something that is difficult or boring 继续做〔困难或枯燥的事情〕
 Julia ploughed on with the endless exam papers.
 He looked displeased but she ploughed on regardless.
Examples from the Corpus
8plough through something phrasal verbphr v READto read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time 费力地坚持读[]
 Most staff will never want to plough through the manuals that come with the software.
Examples from the Corpus
9plough something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v BREAKto break up the surface of the ground by travelling over it many times 轧破,碾坏〔地面〕
 Horses plough up the paths and make them muddy for walkers.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
the PloughPlough, then British EnglishBrE, the Plow American EnglishAmE  
n1.a group of seven bright stars that can only be seen from the northern part of the world. They form part of the constellation (=group of stars) called Ursa Major, and in the US they are often called the Big Dipper.
From Longman Business Dictionary
ploughplough /plaʊ/ British EnglishBrE, plow American EnglishAmE verb
plough something → back into something




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