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词汇 play


Word family noun play interplay replay player playfulness playletplay-actingplaybackplaybillplaybookplayboyPlaybusplay-by-playplay dateplayfellowplaygroundplaygroupplayhouseplaying cardplaying fieldplayleaderplaylistplaymakerplaymateplaypenplayroomplayschoolplayslipplaysuitplaythingplaytimeplaywrightadjective playful playable playsomeplayed-outverb play outplay replay adverb playfully
Related topics: Other games, Theatre, Music
play1 /pleɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 children 儿童 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DGO when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often with other people or with toys 玩,玩耍
 Kids were playing and chasing each other.
play catch/house/tag/school etc
 Outside, the children were playing cowboys and Indians.
play with
 Did you like to play with dolls when you were little?
 Parents need to spend time just playing with their children.
2 sports/games 运动/比赛
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PLAY A GAME OR SPORT to take part or compete in a game or sport 参赛,参加〔比赛或运动〕
 Karen began playing basketball when she was six.
 If you feel any pain, you shouldn’t play.
 Men were sitting in the park, playing cards.
play against
 Bristol will play against Coventry next week.
 She’s playing Helen Evans in the semi-final (=playing against her).
play for
 Moxon played for England in ten test matches.
b) [transitiveT] to use a particular piece, card, person etc in a game or sport 〔比赛中〕走〔子〕;出〔牌〕;派〔某人〕出场
 Harrison played a ten of spades.
 The Regents played Eddie at center (=used him as a player in that position) in the game against Arizona.
c) [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to take a particular position on a team 〔在某运动队中〕担当,充任
 Garvey played first base for the Dodgers.
d) [transitiveT] to hit a ball in a particular way or to a particular place in a game or sport 〔在比赛或运动中〕击〔球〕,打〔球〕
 She played the ball low, just over the net.
3 music 音乐 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
PERFORMto perform a piece of music on a musical instrument 演奏,弹奏
 He’s learning to play the piano.
 She played a Bach prelude.
 Haden has played with many jazz greats.
 A small orchestra was playing.
4 radio/cd etc 广播/激光唱片等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] if a radio, CD etc plays, or if you play it, it produces sound, especially music 播放
 The bedside radio played softly.
play a record/CD/tape etc
 DJs playing the latest house and techno tracks
5 theatre/film 剧院/电影
a) [transitiveT]APT to perform the actions and say the words of a particular character in a theatre performance, film etc 扮演〔角色〕
 Streep plays a shy, nervous woman.
play a role/part/character etc
 Playing a character so different from herself was a challenge.
b) [intransitiveI]APTPERFORM if a play or film is playing at a particular theatre, it is being performed or shown there 〔戏剧〕上演;〔电影〕上映
 ‘Macbeth’ is playing at the Theatre Royal in York.
c) [transitiveT]APTPERFORM if actors play a theatre, they perform there in a play 〔演员〕在〔剧院〕演出
6 play a part/role EFFECT/INFLUENCEto have an effect or influence on something 〔在某事中〕起作用;〔在某事中〕有影响
play a part/role in
 A good diet and fitness play a large part in helping people live longer.
Examples from the Corpus
7 play ball 
a) to throw, kick, hit, or catch a ball as a game or activity 玩球类游戏
 Jim and Karl were playing ball in the backyard.
b) to do what someone wants you to do 听命
 So far, the company has refused to play ball, preferring to remain independent.
Examples from the Corpus
8 pretend 假装 [linking verb]BEHAVE to behave as if you are a particular kind of person or have a particular feeling or quality, even though it is not true 假装,装扮
 the accusation that scientists are playing God
 Some snakes fool predators by playing dead.
 ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Don’t play dumb (=pretend you do not know something).'
 Don’t play the innocent (=pretend you do not know about something) with me – we both know what happened.
play the idiot/the teacher etc
 Susan felt she had to play the good wife.
 He played the fool (=behaved in a silly way) at school instead of working.
9 behave 表现 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BEHAVE to behave in a particular way in a situation, in order to achieve the result or effect that you want 〔以某种方式〕表现,行事
 How do you want to play this meeting?
 Play it safe (=avoid risks) and make sure the eggs are thoroughly cooked.
play it carefully/cool etc
 If you like him, play it cool, or you might scare him off.
10 play games HIDE/NOT SHOWto hide your real feelings or wishes in order to achieve something in a clever or secret way – used to show disapproval 耍花招,耍手段〔含贬义〕
 Stop playing games, Luke, and tell me what you want.
Examples from the Corpus
11 play something by ear 
a) to decide what to do according to the way a situation develops, without making plans before that time 见机行事,随机应变
 We’ll see what the weather’s like and play it by ear.
b) if someone can play a musical instrument by ear, they can play a tune without looking at written music 不看乐谱演奏
Examples from the Corpus
12. play a joke/trick/prank on somebody JOKEto do something to someone as a joke or trick 跟某人开玩笑,捉弄某人
Examples from the Corpus
13 play the game 
a) to do things in the way you are expected to do them or in a way that is usual in a particular situation 遵守规则,按规矩行事
 If you want a promotion, you’ve got to play the game.
b) FAIR British EnglishBrE to behave in a fair and honest way 办事公道,光明正大
Examples from the Corpus
14 play the race/nationalist/environmentalist etc card to use a particular subject in politics in order to gain an advantage 打种族/民族主义/环保主义等的牌〔指使用某个政治话题来赢得优势〕
 a leader who is skilfully playing the nationalist card to keep power
Examples from the Corpus
15 play your cards right SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto say or do things in a situation in such a way that you gain as much as possible from it 做事精明,处理得当
 Who knows? If you play your cards right, maybe he’ll marry you.
Examples from the Corpus
16. play your cards close to your chest to keep secret what you are doing in a situation 对自己的行为秘而不宣
Examples from the Corpus
17 play into somebody’s hands to do what someone you are competing with wants you to do, without realizing it 〔因做对手所希望的事〕正中对手下怀
 If we respond with violence, we’ll be playing into their hands, giving them an excuse for a fight.
Examples from the Corpus
18 play for time DELAYto try to delay something so that you have more time to prepare for it or prevent it from happening 为争取时间而拖延
 The rebels may be playing for time while they try to get more weapons.
Examples from the Corpus
19 play tricks (on you) if your mind, memory, sight etc plays tricks on you, you feel confused and not sure about what is happening 〔头脑、记忆、视力等〕使(某人)产生错觉
 It happened a long time ago, and my memory might be playing tricks on me.
Examples from the Corpus
20. play the market BFSRISKto risk money on the stock market as a way of trying to earn more money 〔在证券市场〕买卖证券
Examples from the Corpus
21 play the system ADVANTAGEto use the rules of a system in a clever way, to gain advantage for yourself 钻制度的空子〔使自己得益〕
 Accountants know how to play the tax system.
Examples from the Corpus
22. play second fiddle (to somebody)  (also play second banana informal)IMPORTANT to be in a lower position or rank than someone else (给某人)当第二把手[副手],居次要地位
Examples from the Corpus
23. play hard to get PRETENDATTRACTto pretend that you are not sexually interested in someone so that they will become more interested in you 〔对异性〕欲擒故纵〔故意装出对某人不感兴趣的样子以吸引对方〕
Examples from the Corpus
24. smile 笑容 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] writtenSMILE if a smile plays about someone’s lips, they smile slightly 〔微笑〕浮现
25. play hooky American EnglishAmE, play truant British EnglishSE to stay away from school without permission 逃学,旷课
Examples from the Corpus
26 play with fire DANGEROUSto do something that could have a very dangerous or harmful result 做危险的事,玩火
 Dating the boss’s daughter is playing with fire.
Examples from the Corpus
27 play to your strengths to do what you are able to do well, rather than trying to do other things 发挥自己的长处,拿出自己的优势
 It is up to us to play to our strengths and try to control the game.
28 light 光线 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] writtenSHINE if light plays on something, it shines on it and moves on it 〔在上〕闪烁,掠过
 the sunlight playing on the water
29. water [intransitiveI] written if a fountain plays, water comes from it 〔喷泉〕喷水
30. play a hose/light on something MOVE something OR somebodyto point a hose or light towards something so that water or light goes onto it 把软管/光线对准某处
31. play the field SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto have sexual relationships with a lot of different people 乱搞男女关系,滥交
Examples from the Corpus
32 play fast and loose with something to not be careful about what you do, especially by not obeying the law or a rule 不负责任地利用某物〔尤指不遵守法律或规定〕
 They played fast and loose with investors’ money.
Examples from the Corpus
33. play happy families British EnglishBrE to spend time with your family, doing normal things, especially so that your family appears to be happy when it is not 维持幸福家庭的假象
34play around (also play about British English) phrasal verbphr v 
a) SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto have a sexual relationship with someone who is not your usual partner 与〔某人〕鬼混
 Wasn’t she playing around with another man?
 It was years before I realized he’d been playing around.
b) to try doing something in different ways, to see what would be best, especially when this is fun 摆弄,把玩〔尤指好玩〕
 Play around with the ingredients if you like.
c) to behave in a silly way or waste time, when you should be doing something more serious 胡闹 SYN fool around
 When the teacher wasn’t looking, we used to play about a lot.
Examples from the Corpus
35play around with something (also play about with something British English) phrasal verbphr v to keep moving or making changes to something in your hands 〔在手中〕摆弄,把玩 SYN fiddle with
 Will you stop playing around with the remote control!
36play along phrasal verbphr v 
a) PRETENDto pretend to agree to do what someone wants, in order to avoid annoying them or to get an advantage 假装顺从,暂且附和
 She felt she had to play along or risk losing her job.
b) play somebody along British EnglishBrELIE/TELL A LIE to tell someone something that is not true because you need their help in some way 〔因为需要某人的帮助而〕对某人撒谎,欺骗某人
37play at something phrasal verbphr v 
a) What is somebody playing at?DO British EnglishBrE spoken used when you do not understand what someone is doing or why they are doing it, and you are surprised or annoyed 某人在搞什么鬼?
 What do you think you’re playing at?
b) DO BADLYif you play at doing something, you do not do it properly or seriously 不认真地干,对敷衍了事
play at doing something
 He’s still playing at being an artist.
c) PRETEND British EnglishBrE if children play at doctors, soldiers etc, they pretend to be doctors, soldiers etc 〔小孩〕假扮
play at being something
 a 14-year-old playing at being a grown woman
Examples from the Corpus
38play something ↔ back phrasal verbphr v TCRto play something that has been recorded on a machine so that you can listen to it or watch it 回放〔已录制的录音带、录像带等〕
 He played back his answering machine messages.
Examples from the Corpus
39play something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v UNIMPORTANTto try to make something seem less important or less likely than it really is 使看起来不那么重要,贬低,对轻描淡写
 Management has been playing down the possibility of job losses.
play down the importance/seriousness/significance of something
 The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
Examples from the Corpus
40play off phrasal verbphr v 
a) British EnglishBrE if people or teams play off, they play the last game in a sports competition, in order to decide who is the winner 决胜负
 The top two teams will play off at Twickenham for the county title.
b) play off somebody/something American EnglishAmE to deliberately use a fact, action, idea etc in order to make what you are doing better or to get an advantage 故意压制某人/某物
 The two musicians played off each other in a piece of inspired improvisation.
41play somebody off against somebody phrasal verbphr v ARGUEto encourage one person or group to compete or argue with another, in order to get some advantage for yourself 〔为渔利而〕挑拨离间,使相斗[对立,争吵]
 The house seller may try to play one buyer off against another, to raise the price.
Examples from the Corpus
42play on/upon something phrasal verbphr v USE somethingto use a feeling, fact, or idea in order to get what you want, often in an unfair way 利用〔某一感情、事实或观点〕
 The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.
Examples from the Corpus
43play something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) if an event or situation is played out or plays itself out, it happens 发生;出现
 It will be interesting to see how the election plays itself out.
b) PERFORMif people play out their dreams, feelings etc, they express them by pretending that a particular situation is really happening 想入非非
 The weekend gives you a chance to play out your fantasies.
Examples from the Corpus
44play up phrasal verbphr v 
a) play something ↔ upEMPHASIZE to emphasize something, sometimes making it seem more important than it really is 强调某事的重要性;夸大某事;大肆渲染某事
 Play up your strongest arguments in the opening paragraph.
b) play (somebody) upBEHAVE British EnglishBrE informal if children play up, they behave badly 〔孩子〕捣蛋;使(某人)恼火,给(某人)制造麻烦
 Jordan’s been playing up in school.
 I hope the kids don’t play you up.
c) play (somebody) upHURT/CAUSE PAIN British EnglishBrE informal to hurt you or cause problems for you 使〔某人〕感到痛苦;给〔某人〕造成麻烦
 My knee’s been playing me up this week.
 The car’s playing up again.
Examples from the Corpus
45play up to somebody phrasal verbphr v to behave in a very polite or kind way to someone because you want something from them 投〔某人〕所好,逢迎,讨好,巴结
 Connie always plays up to her parents when she wants money.
Examples from the Corpus
46play with somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) HOLDto keep touching something or moving it 摆弄,玩弄
 Stop playing with the light switch!
b) to try doing something in different ways to decide what works best 试验〔以找出解决问题的最佳方式〕
 Play with the design onscreen, moving text and pictures until you get a pleasing arrangement.
c) THINK ABOUTto consider an idea or possibility, but not always very seriously 〔不大认真地〕考虑〔某事〕 SYN toy with
 After university, I played with the idea of teaching English in China.
d) MORE/EXTRA money/time/space etc to play with money, time etc that is available to be used 可用的金钱/时间/空间等
 The budget is very tight, so there isn’t much money to play with.
e) play with yourselfSYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to touch your own sex organs for pleasure 手淫 SYN masturbate
f) play with words/languageSAY to use words in a clever or amusing way 玩文字游戏;用字遣词机智[幽默]
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Theatre
play2 ●●● S1 W2 noun  
1 theatre 剧院 [countableC]APT a story that is written to be performed by actors, especially in a theatre 剧本;戏剧
 a play by Chekhov
 This is a major theme of Miller’s plays.
play about
 Edward Bond’s play about class war
2 amusement 娱乐 [uncountableU]PLAY A GAME OR SPORT things that people, especially children, do for amusement rather than as work 〔尤指儿童的〕游戏,玩耍;娱乐
 Play is very important to a child’s development.
 a play area
through play
 The program aims to teach road safety through play.
at play
 the happy shouts of children at play
3 effect 效果 [uncountableU] the effect or influence of something 影响;作用
 the free play of competition in the building industry
at play
 There are a number of factors at play (=having an effect) in the current recession.
bring/put something into play (=use something or make it have an effect) 使用某事物;使某事物发挥作用
 A complex system of muscles is brought into play for each body movement.
 Political considerations do come into play (=have an effect) when making policy.
4 action in a game or sport 比赛或体育活动中的动作PLAY A GAME OR SPORT
a) [uncountableU] the actions of the people who are playing a game or sport 比赛
 Rain stopped play after only an hour.
b) [countableC] one particular action or set of actions during a game 〔比赛中的〕一个[]动作
 On the next play, Johnson ran 15 yards for a touchdown.
5 in play/out of play DSif a ball is in play or out of play, it is inside or outside the area in which the rules of the game allow you to hit, kick, catch etc the ball 〔球〕在界内/界外
 He kicked the ball out of play.
Examples from the Corpus
6. play on words SAYa use of a word that is interesting or amusing because it can be understood as having two very different meanings 使用双关语 SYN pun
Examples from the Corpus
7 play of light LIGHTpatterns made by light as it moves over a surface 光的闪烁
 the play of light on the water
Examples from the Corpus
8 make a play for something TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto make an attempt to gain something 设法得到某物
 He made a play for the leadership last year.
Examples from the Corpus
9 make a play for somebody to try to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 想和某人恋爱[发生性关系]
 It’s obvious he was making a play for her.
Examples from the Corpus
10 looseness 松动 [uncountableU]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION if there is some play in something, it is loose and can be moved 松动
 There’s too much play in the rope.
fair play, foul play
write a play 写剧本
So far, he has written three plays.
go to (see) a play 看戏
While we were in New York, we went to a play.
see a play 看戏
I’ve never seen the play.
watch a play 〔认真〕看戏
Some of the audience were talking instead of watching the play.
perform a play 演戏
The play was performed by Brighton Youth Theatre.
act/perform/appear in a play 出演某剧
nShe acted in many plays on the London stage.
be in a play (=be performing in a play) 出演某剧
nMichael is currently in a play on Broadway.
ndo a play spoken (=arrange it or perform in it)
Bob asked if I would do this play, and I agreed.
put on a play (=arrange for it to be performed) 上演某剧
nThe school puts on a Nativity play every Christmas.
direct a play (=tell the actors what to do) 执导某剧
nThe play is directed by Paulette Randall.
produce/stage a play (=arrange its performance) 制作/上演某剧
rehearse a play (=practise it) 排演
nWe spent weeks rehearsing the play.
na play opens (=its performances start)
The play opens in San Francisco on Wednesday for a three-week run.
na play runs (=it continues to be performed)
The play ran for five months.
na play closes (=its performances stop)
The play closes on Sunday, so don’t miss it!
a stage play (=a play in a theatre) 舞台剧
I occasionally write reviews of local stage plays.
a TV/radio play (=a play written to be performed on TV/radio) 电视剧/广播剧
nThis horror story would make a good radio play.
a school play 校园剧
nI got a small part in the school play.
na Nativity play British EnglishBrE (=a play about the birth of Jesus, performed by children at Christmas)
She was chosen to play Mary in the nativity play.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘give a play’. Say put on a play.
不要说give a play’. 而要说 put on a play.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
playplay1 /pleɪ/ verb [transitiveT]
1play the market(s)FINANCE if you play the market, you buy and sell shares on the stockmarket, especially to make a quick profit rather than as an investment for the future
Unless you can afford to lose money occasionally, it’s foolish to play the market in later life.
2play the system to use the rules of a system in a clever way in order to gain an advantage
These accountants know how to play the tax system.
3have money to play with to have extra money which you can use for a particular purpose
If you do get a severance check (=money you get from your employer when you lose your job) and land a job immediately, you’ll have some extra money to play with.
playplay2 noun [countableC]
1informalFINANCE an occasion when someone risks money on a financial market
In stock options, the biggest play of the day was in BP.
2in play journalismFINANCE if a company is in play, it may be bought in a TAKEOVER
The company has strongly denied it’s in play.
Origin play1
Old English plegan
Old English plega





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