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词汇 plate


Word family adjectiveplatedplatynounplatefulplateletplaterplatingplate glassplatelayerplatemakerplatemanplatemarkplate tectonicsplate
Related topics: Utensils, Motor vehicles, Animals, Geology, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Photography, Baseball
plate1 /pleɪt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 food 食物 [countableC]
a) DFUa flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve food on 盘,碟
 The plates were piled high with rice.
 a dinner plate
b) (also plateful)AMOUNT the amount of food that is on a plate 〔食物〕一盘[]所盛之量
plate of
 He’s eaten a whole plate of french fries.
Do not use plate when you mean ‘food cooked in a particular way as a meal’. Use dish: the chef who created this dish (NOT this plate)
当表示菜肴时,不要用 plate,而要用 dish: the chef who created this dish (不说 this plate) 首创这道菜肴的厨师
2 sign 标牌 [countableC]TTC a flat piece of metal with words or numbers on it, for example on a door or a car 〔印有文字或数字的〕金属牌;门牌;车牌
 The brass plate on the door said ‘Dr Rackman’.
number/license/registration plate (=on a car) 车牌
 Did anyone see the car’s license plate?
L-plate, nameplate
3. have a lot/enough on your plate informal to have a lot of problems to deal with or problems to worry about 要应付的问题很多,要操心的事情很多
Examples from the Corpus
4 protective covering 保护性覆盖物 [countableC]
a) technicalHBA one of the thin sheets of bone, horn etc that covers and protects the outside of some animals 〔骨质、角质等的〕盾片,鳞甲
b) PMWa thin sheet of metal used to protect something 金属护板[]
metal/steel/iron plates
 The shoes had metal plates attached to the heels.
5. earth’s surface 地球表面 [countableC] technicalHEG one of the very large sheets of rock that form the surface of the Earth 板块 plate tectonics
6 gold/silver/
a) gold/silver plateHCM ordinary metal with a thin covering of gold or silver 镀金/镀银的金属
b) DFU[uncountableU] things such as plates, cups, forks, or knives made of gold or silver /银餐具
7 hand/give/offer somebody something on a plate to let someone get or achieve something easily, without much effort from them 把某事物拱手送给某人
 I worked hard for what I’ve got. It wasn’t handed to me on a plate.
8 pictures/photos 图片/照片 [countableC]
a) TCNa sheet of metal that has been cut or treated in a special way so that words or pictures can be printed from its surface 〔印刷用的〕金属版,印版
 copper printing plates
b) TCNPICTUREa picture in a book, printed on good-quality paper and usually coloured 〔书中的〕整页(彩色)插图
c) TCPa thin sheet of glass used especially in the past in photography, with chemicals on it that are sensitive to light 〔尤指过去摄影用的〕感光板[]
9. DSBbaseball 棒球 [countableC usually singular] the place where the person hitting the ball stands 本垒板
10 COMPETITION 竞赛the ... Plate used in the names of sports competitions or races in which the winner gets a silver plate 银碟赛〔用于奖品为银碟的竞赛名称中〕
 This horse won the Galway Plate.
Examples from the Corpus
11 teeth 牙齿 [countableC]
a) MHa thin piece of plastic shaped to fit inside a person’s mouth, into which false teeth are fixed 假牙床,假牙托
b) MI British EnglishBrE a thin piece of plastic with wires fixed to it, that some people wear in their mouth to make their teeth straight 牙箍,牙齿矫正器 SYN British English brace
Examples from the Corpus
plate2 verb [transitiveT]  
be plated with something 
a) DCBto be covered with a thin covering of gold or silver 用〔金或银〕覆镀,镀上〔金或银〕
 a beautiful necklace, plated with 22-carat gold
 a gold-plated watch
b) COVERto be covered in sheets of a hard material such as metal 用〔金属板等坚硬材料〕覆盖
 The ship had been heavily plated with protective sheets.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin plate1
1. (1400-1500) French plat plate, dish, from plat flat, from Vulgar Latin plattus, probably from Greek platys broad, flat
2. (1200-1300) Old French plat flat
3. (1300-1400) Partly from Old French plat plate, piece of silver, partly from Old Spanish plata silver




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