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词汇 piss


Word family adjectivepissedpiss-poornounpisserpiss artistpissheadpiss-takepiss-upverbpiss
piss1 /pɪs/ verb [intransitiveI] spoken not polite  
1. HBHto urinate 撒尿
2. piss in the wind spoken not polite to waste time or effort trying to do something that is impossible 费时间[精力]做不可能的事
3. it is pissing down (with rain) spoken not polite British EnglishBrEDN used to say that it is raining very heavily 下大雨
4 piss yourself (laughing) spoken not polite British EnglishBrE to laugh a lot, especially when you cannot stop laughing 笑破肚皮
They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
Examples from the Corpus
5. piss all over somebody spoken not polite LAUGH British EnglishBrE to thoroughly defeat a person or a team 把某人打得屁滚尿流
Examples from the Corpus
6. not have a pot to piss in spoken not polite POORto be extremely poor 穷得连个尿壶都没有
7. go piss up a rope! spoken not polite American EnglishAmE used to tell someone to go away 滚开!滚蛋!
8piss about/around phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE spoken not polite 
a) BEHAVEto waste time doing stupid things with no purpose or plan 胡闹,浪费时间,游手好闲 SYN mess about/around
Stop pissing about and get some work done!
b) TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDS piss somebody about/around to treat someone badly by not doing what you have promised to do, or by not being honest with them 欺骗[愚弄]某人 SYN mess somebody about/around
I wish he’d say yes or no – he’s been pissing me around for weeks.
Examples from the Corpus
9piss something ↔ away phrasal verbphr v spoken not polite SPEND MONEYto waste something in a very stupid way 糟蹋
I was earning quite a lot but I pissed it all away.
10piss off phrasal verbphr v spoken not polite 
a) piss somebody ↔ off to annoy someone very much 激怒某人,使某人生气
The way she treats me really pisses me off.
b) LEAVE A PLACE British EnglishBrE to go away – used especially to tell someone to go away 滚开,滚蛋
Now piss off and leave me alone!
He pissed off before we got there.
c) REFUSE British EnglishBrE used to say no or to refuse to do something 不行
Examples from the Corpus
piss2 noun spoken not polite  
1 [singular]HBH an act of urinating 撒尿
go for/have/take a piss
I need to have a piss.
2. [uncountableU]HB urine 尿
3 take the piss (out of somebody/something) spoken not polite British EnglishBrEMAKE FUN OF to annoy someone by laughing at them or making them seem stupid 〔嘲笑或愚弄某人而〕令(某人)生气 piss-take
The kids always take the piss out of some teachers.
4 be on the piss spoken not polite British EnglishBrEDRINK to be at a pub or club, drinking a lot of alcohol 〔在酒吧等〕大量喝酒
‘Where’s Jo?’ ‘Out on the piss somewhere.’
5. be full of piss and vinegar spoken not polite American EnglishAmEENERGETIC to be full of energy 充满活力,精力充沛 be a piece of piss at piece1(15)
Origin piss1
(1200-1300) Old French pissier, from Vulgar Latin pissiare




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