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词汇 pins and needles

pins and needles

Word family nounpinnerpinningpinballpinboardpincasepincushionpindownpinfishpinheadpinholepinhookerpin moneypinpointpinprickpinstripepintablepintailpinwheelpinwormpinadjectivepinstripedpintailedpin-up
Related topics: Illness & disability
ˌpins and ˈneedles noun [uncountableU]  
1 MIan uncomfortable feeling, often in your foot or your leg, which you get especially when you have not moved part of your body for a long time, and the supply of blood has stopped flowing properly 酸痛,发麻,针刺感
 I’ll have to move because I’m starting to get pins and needles in my foot.
2. be on pins and needles American EnglishAmENERVOUS to be very nervous and unable to relax, especially because you are waiting for something important 如坐针毡,坐立不安〔尤因等待重要事情〕 SYN be on tenterhooks
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