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词汇 picture


Word family noun picture picture bookpicture cardPicturephonepicture postcardpicture windowadjective pictorial picturesque picturalverb picture
Related topics: Visual
pic·ture1 /ˈpɪktʃə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 painting/drawing 绘画 [countableC]AVPICTURE shapes, lines etc painted or drawn on a surface, showing what someone or something looks like 画,图画
 The room had several pictures on the walls.
 a book with pictures in it
picture of
 I like that picture of the two horses.
draw/paint a/somebody’s picture
 Draw a picture of your house.
 He asked her permission to paint her picture (=paint a picture of her).
2 photograph 照片 [countableC] a photograph 照片
picture of
 That’s a great picture of you, Dad!
take somebody’s picture/take a picture of somebody
 I asked the waiter if he’d mind taking our picture.
wedding/holiday etc pictures
 Would you like to see the wedding pictures?
3 television 电视 [countableC]TMT an image that appears on a television or cinema screen 〔电视或电影的〕图像,画面
picture of
 upsetting pictures of the famine in Africa
 satellite pictures from space
4 description/idea 描述/想法 [countableC usually singular]DESCRIBE a description or idea of what something is like 描述,描绘,描写
picture of
 The book gives you a good picture of what life was like in Japan in the early 19th century.
 The article paints a rather bleak picture of the future of our planet.
 Detectives are trying to build up a picture of the kidnapper.
 The description in the guidebook showed rather a rosy picture (=one that makes you think that something is better than it really is).
 I now have a vivid picture (=very clear picture) in my mind.
5 situation 情况 [singular]SITUATION the general situation in a place, organization etc 〔某地方、组织等的〕情况,局面
 The worldwide picture for tribal people remains grim.
 the wider political picture
 Checks throughout the region revealed a similar picture everywhere.
big/bigger/wider picture
 We were so caught up with the details, we lost sight of the big picture (=the situation considered as a whole).
6 mental image 头脑中的形象 [countableC usually singular]IDEA an image or memory that you have in your mind 〔脑中的〕形象;印象
 Sarah had a mental picture of Lisbon.
 He had a vivid picture in his mind.
7 put/keep somebody in the picture TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto give someone all the information they need to understand a situation, especially one that is changing quickly 使某人明白[了解]实情〔尤指迅速变化的情形〕
 I’m just going now, but Keith will put you in the picture.
Examples from the Corpus
8 get the picture informalUNDERSTAND to understand a situation 了解情况
 You’ve said enough. I get the picture.
Examples from the Corpus
9 out of the picture TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDif someone is out of the picture, they are no longer involved in a situation 退出的;不再知情的
 Injury has effectively put Woods out of the picture as far as international matches are concerned.
Examples from the Corpus
10 film 电影,影片
a) [countableC]AMF a film 电影
 It was voted the year’s best picture.
b) the pictures [plural] British EnglishBrE the cinema 电影院
 Would you like to go to the pictures?
11 be the picture of health/innocence/despair etc APPEARANCEEXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACEto look very healthy etc 显得非常健康/天真/绝望等
 Head bowed and sobbing, she was the picture of misery.
12. be/look a picture to look beautiful 看起来很漂亮
pretty as a picture at pretty2(7)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: shapes, lines etc painted or drawn on a surface, showing what someone or something looks like
draw/paint a picture
She drew a picture of a mushroom on the blackboard.
do a picture of somebody/something (=draw or paint a picture)
He’s done a picture of a monster.
a picture hangs somewhere
Three pictures hung on the wall over his bed.
a picture shows something formal
The picture shows two women leaning down towards a third.
a picture is of somebody/something (=used to talk about what a picture shows)
There's a picture of his wife above the fireplace.
picture shapes, lines etc painted or drawn on a surface, especially as a piece of art, and often showing what someone or something looks like
a picture of a horse
He painted the picture in 1890, just before he died.
drawing a picture drawn with a pencil, pen etc
We had to do a drawing of a sunflower.
sketch a picture that is drawn quickly
I made a quick sketch of the kind of room we wanted.
painting a picture made using paint
The painting now hangs in the Museum of Modern Art.
Picasso did several paintings of her.
portrait a picture of a person
The portrait was painted by Rembrandt.
landscape a picture of a place, especially in the countryside or the mountains
Constable painted mainly landscapes.
cartoon a funny drawing in a newspaper or magazine that tells a story or a joke
A cartoon in the New York Times showed the president talking to Osama Bin Laden.
comic strip a series of pictures drawn inside boxes that tell a story
Charles Schultz was famous for his cartoon strip about Snoopy and Charlie Brown.
caricature a funny drawing of someone that makes a part of someone’s face or body look bigger, worse etc than it really is, especially in a funny way
He is famous for his caricatures of politicians.
illustration a picture in a book
The book has over 100 pages of illustrations, most of them in colour.
poster a large picture printed on paper that you stick to a wall as decoration
old movie posters
There were lots of posters of pop bands on her bedroom wall.
print a picture that is usually produced on a printing press, and is one of a series of copies of the same picture
a limited edition of lithographic prints by John Lennon
image a picture – used especially when talking about what the picture is like, or the effect it has on you
He produced some memorable images.
a beautiful image
Some of the images are deeply disturbing.
artwork pictures or photographs, especially ones that have been produced to be used in a book or magazine
We are still waiting for the artwork to come back from the printers.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 4: a description or idea of what something is like
a clear/good picture
He still didn’t have a clear picture of what had happened.
a vivid picture (=very clear)
Their diaries give us a vivid picture of their lives at the time.
an accurate/true picture
Our aim is to build an accurate picture of the needs of disabled people.
a distorted/misleading picture (=one that is not accurate)
The media coverage left many people with a distorted picture.
These figures give a misleading picture of the company’s financial health.
a detailed picture
We now have a detailed picture of the bird’s habits.
a complete/full picture
By asking these questions, I was able to get a more complete picture.
an overall/general picture
The study is intended to provide an overall picture of political activity in the nation.
a bleak/gloomy/grim picture (=giving the impression that something is or will be bad)
The report paints a bleak picture of the economy.
a rosy picture (=giving the impression that something is or will be good)
That figure paints a misleadingly rosy picture.
have a picture
I've never been there, but I have a picture of it in my mind.
a picture emerges (=becomes clear)
No clear picture emerges from the studies.
get a picture
Scientists have been trying to get a better picture of how the drug works.
build up/form a picture (=gradually get an idea of what something is like)
Detectives are still trying to build up a picture of what happened.
give/provide a picture
Her book gives us an interesting picture of ordinary people’s homes at the time.
present a picture
Newspapers tend to present a grim picture of what's going on in the world.
paint a picture (=create a particular idea or impression, especially one that is not accurate)
The latest survey paints a grim picture.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Visual
picture2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 IMAGINEto imagine something by making an image in your mind 想象,设想
 Tom, picturing the scene, smiled.
picture somebody/something as something
 Rob had pictured her as serious, but she wasn’t like that.
picture somebody doing something
 I can’t picture him skiing. He’s so clumsy!
picture what/how
 Picture what it would be like after a nuclear attack.
see thesaurus at imagine
2 AVPICTUREto show someone or something in a photograph, painting, or drawing 拍摄;画,绘
 She is pictured with her mum Christine and sister Kelly.
Picture is usually passive in this meaning.
3 DESCRIBEto describe something in a particular way 描绘,描述
be pictured as something
 She’s been pictured as a difficult, demanding woman.
Picture is usually passive in this meaning.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin picture1
(1400-1500) Latin pictura, from pictus, past participle of pingere to paint




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