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词汇 beat


Word family noun beat beating beaterbeatnikbeatboxadjective beatableunbeatable beatenunbeaten beatableverb beat
Related topics: Human, Medicine, Colours & sounds, Music, Other sports
beat1 /biːt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (past tensepst beat, past participlepp beaten /ˈbiːtn/)   beet
1 competition/election 比赛/竞选 [transitiveT]BEAT/DEFEAT to get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or competition 击败,打败,战胜 SYN defeat
 Brazil were beaten 2–1.
 Labour easily beat the Conservatives in the last election.
beat somebody at/in something
 I beat him more often at pool than he beats me.
beat somebody hollow British EnglishBrE, beat the pants off somebody American EnglishAmE (=defeat them easily) 把某人打得落花流水
2 hit [transitiveT]HIT to hit someone or something many times with your hand, a stick etc 〔多次〕击打
 photographs of rioters beating a policeman
 He was questioned and beaten.
 The woman had been beaten to death by her husband.
 Two prisoners were beaten unconscious.
beat somebody black and blue (=hit someone until it makes marks on their body) 把某人打得青一块紫一块
beat the living daylights out of somebody (=beat someone very hard) 把某人打得半死
see thesaurus at hit
3 hit against 碰撞 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]HIT to hit against something many times or continuously 〔多次或连续〕撞击,拍打
beat on/against/at etc
 Waves beat against the cliffs.
 rain beating on the windows
 Sid beat on the door with his hand.
4 do better 做得更好BETTER [transitiveT] to do something better, faster etc than what was best before 打破〔记录〕;突破
beat a record/score etc
 The record set by Kierson in '84 has yet to be beaten.
 The company’s profits are unlikely to beat last year’s £10 million.
5 be better 更好 [transitiveT not in progressive] especially spokenBETTER to be much better and more enjoyable than something else 赛过,胜过
 Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time.
beat doing something
 ‘Well, ’ said Culley, ‘it beats going to the office.’
 You can’t beat swimming as a good all-body exercise.
 Nothing beats homemade cake.
you can’t beat something (for something)
 For excitement, you just can’t beat college basketball.
6 food 食物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]MIX to mix things together quickly with a fork or special kitchen machine 搅拌,搅打
 Beat the eggs, then add the milk.
beat something in
 Gradually beat in the sugar.
beat something together
 Beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy.
see thesaurus at mix
7 control/deal with 控制/应付 [transitiveT] to successfully deal with a problem that you have been struggling with 克服,战胜〔困难〕 SYN conquer
 advice on how to beat depression
 the government’s long fight to beat inflation
8 heart [intransitiveI]HBHM when your heart beats, it moves in a regular rhythm as it pumps your blood 〔心脏〕跳(动)
 The average person’s heart beats 70 times a minute.
 Jennifer’s heart was beating fast.
9. drums [intransitiveI, transitiveT]CAPM if you beat drums, or if drums beat, they make a regular continuous sound 击(鼓),打(鼓);〔鼓〕敲响
10. wings 翅膀 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HBB if a bird beats its wings, or if its wings beat, they move up and down quickly and regularly 拍打〔翅膀〕;〔翅膀〕有节奏地拍动 SYN flap
11 take some beating BEAT/DEFEATif something or someone will take some beating, it will be difficult for anyone or anything to be or do better 难以超过
 Raikkonen has 42 points, which will take some beating.
 Florida takes some beating as a vacation destination.
Examples from the Corpus
12 EARLYavoid 避免 [transitiveT] to avoid situations in which a lot of people are trying to do something, usually by doing something early 避开,避免
 We left at four a.m. to beat the traffic.
 Shopping by mail order lets you beat the queues.
 Shop now and beat the Christmas rush!
13 do before SB else 先于别人做某事 [transitiveT] informalLOSE A GAME, COMPETITION, OR WAR to get or do something before someone else, especially if you are both trying to do it first 抢在前面
beat somebody to something
 John had beaten me to the breakfast table.
 I wanted the last piece of pie, but somebody beat me to it.
 They wanted to make it into a film, but another studio beat them to the punch.
14 beat about/around the bush DELAYto avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant 〔说话〕转弯抹角,旁敲侧击
 Don’t beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.
Examples from the Corpus
15 beat the system DISOBEYto find ways of avoiding or breaking the rules of an organization, system etc, in order to achieve what you want 钻制度的空子
 Accountants know a few ways to beat the system.
Examples from the Corpus
16 beat a path to somebody’s door  (also beat down somebody’s door)GO if people beat a path to your door, they are interested in something you are selling, a service you are providing etc 踏破某人的门槛〔指对某人出售的东西或提供的服务等感兴趣〕
 The new design was supposed to have consumers beating a path to their door.
Examples from the Corpus
17 beat a (hasty) retreat to leave somewhere or stop doing something very quickly, in order to avoid a bad situation 〔为避免困境〕(赶紧)溜走,(匆忙)撤退
 He beat a hasty retreat when he spotted me.
Examples from the Corpus
18 beat the clock to finish something very quickly, especially before a particular time 提前完成
 The company managed to beat the clock on delivering its new system.
Examples from the Corpus
19 (it) beats me UNDERSTANDused to say that you do not know something, or cannot understand or explain it 我不懂,把我难住了
 Beats me why he wants such a big car.
 ‘What’s he saying?’ ‘Beats me.’
Examples from the Corpus
20. beat it! LEAVE A PLACEused to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there 走开! 滚开!
Examples from the Corpus
21 can you beat that/it? SURPRISEDANNOYused to show that you are surprised or annoyed by something 你相信吗?你想得到吗? 〔表示惊讶或恼火〕
 They’ve got eight children! Can you beat that?
他们有八个孩子! 你想得到吗?
Examples from the Corpus
22 beat your brains out THINK ABOUTto think about something very hard and for a long time 绞尽脑汁
 I’ve been beating my brains out all week trying to finish this essay.
Examples from the Corpus
23. if you can’t beat 'em, join 'emjoin 'em if you can’t beat 'em TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDused when you decide to take part in something even though you disapprove of it, because everyone else is doing it and you cannot stop them 斗不过他们就随了他们,随大流
24. beat the rap AVOID American EnglishAmE informal to avoid being punished for something you have done 逃脱惩罚
Examples from the Corpus
25 beat time APMto make regular movements or sounds to show the speed at which music should be played 打拍子
 a conductor beating time with his baton
Examples from the Corpus
26. beat a path/track to make a path by walking over an area of land 踏出一条小路
Examples from the Corpus
27 to beat the band LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT American EnglishAmE informal in large amounts or with great force 大量地;大力地
 It’s raining to beat the band.
Examples from the Corpus
28 beat the heat COLD American EnglishAmE informal to make yourself cooler 去暑,解热
 Fresh lemonade is a great way to beat the heat.
Examples from the Corpus
29. metal 金属 (also beat out) [transitiveT]HCMTI to hit metal with a hammer in order to shape it or make it thinner 锤打,〔用锤〕敲打
30. hunting 打猎 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DSO to force wild birds and animals out of bushes, long grass etc so that they can be shot for sport 将(猎物)赶出〔树丛、草丛等〕
31. beat your breast literaryUPSET to show clearly that you are very upset or sorry about something 捶胸顿足〔表示难过或愧疚〕
beaten, beating
easily beat somebody
Jason easily beats me at chess every time we play.
narrowly beat somebody (=by only a few points, votes etc)
New Zealand narrowly beat the Springboks in South Africa.
comfortably beat somebody (=by more than a few points, votes etc)
He comfortably beat the second placed candidate.
soundly beat somebody (=by a lot of points, votes etc)
In each event she soundly beat her opponents.
beat somebody hands down (=beat someone very easily)
He should be able to beat them all hands down.
comprehensively beat somebody (=by a lot of points, votes etc)
There’s no point trying to offer excuses as to why we were so comprehensively beaten.
convincingly beat somebody (=in a way that clearly shows someone deserves to win)
Mexico convincingly beat Brazil 2–0.
beat somebody into second/third etc place
He was beaten into second place in the Monaco Grand Prix.
beat to get more points, votes etc than someone. Beat is used especially in spoken English 击败,战胜〔尤用于口语〕
We should have beaten them easily.
I always beat my brother at tennis.
defeat to beat someone. Defeat is more formal than beat and is used especially in writing 打败,击败〔defeatbeat正式,尤用于书面语〕
England were defeated by 2 goals to 1.
Bush defeated Kerry in the election.
trounce /traʊns/ to defeat someone completely in a game 〔体育比赛中〕彻底打败,击溃
They were trounced 20–0 by Kuwait.
thrash British EnglishBrE informal, cream American EnglishAmE informal to beat someone very easily in a game 〔体育比赛中〕轻取,轻松击败
Of course, they totally creamed the other team.
nI hope we thrash them!
wipe the floor with somebody informal to beat someone completely in a game or argument 〔在体育比赛或争论中〕彻底击败某人;把某人驳得体无完肤
She wiped the floor with her opponent in the debate.
nThey won a £1,000 prize after wiping the floor with the opposition in a bowling competition.
32beat down phrasal verbphr v 
a) DNif the sun beats down, it shines very brightly and the weather is hot 〔烈日〕曝晒,强烈照射
b) DNif the rain beats down, it is raining very hard 〔雨〕倾盆而下
c) beat the door down to hit a door so hard that it falls down 把门都捶破了
d) beat somebody down British EnglishBrECHEAP to persuade someone to reduce a price 跟某人还价,跟某人杀价
beat somebody down to
 He wanted £4,500 for the car, but I beat him down to £3,850.
e) beat somebody ↔ down to make someone feel defeated, so they no longer respect themselves 使某人颓丧,使某人沮丧
 The women seemed beaten down.
Examples from the Corpus
33beat off phrasal verbphr v 
a) beat somebody/something ↔ offPREVENT to succeed in defeating someone who is attacking, opposing, or competing with you 击败某人/某事
 McConnell beat off a challenge for his Senate seat.
b) SY American EnglishAmE informal not polite if a man beats off, he masturbates 〔男子〕手淫
34beat somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) CAPMif a drum or something else beats out a rhythm, or if you beat out a rhythm on a drum, it makes a continuous regular sound 敲打出〔节奏〕
b) especially American EnglishAmEBEAT/DEFEAT to defeat someone in a competition 击败〔竞争对手〕
 Lockheed beat out a rival company to win the contract.
 Roberts beat out Tony Gwynn for the Most Valuable Player Award.
c) STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGto put out a fire by hitting it many times with something such as a cloth 〔用布等拍打以〕扑灭〔火〕
Examples from the Corpus
35beat up phrasal verbphr v 
a) beat somebody ↔ upHIT to hurt someone badly by hitting them 痛打某人,毒打某人
 Her boyfriend got drunk and beat her up.
b) beat up on somebody American EnglishAmEHIT to hit someone and harm them, especially someone younger or weaker than yourself 欺负殴打某人〔尤指弱小的人〕
c) BLAME beat yourself up (also beat up on yourself American EnglishAmE) informal to blame yourself too much for something 太过自责
 If you do your best and you lose, you can’t beat yourself up about it.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Colours & sounds, Music, Police
beat2 ●●○ S3 noun  
1 [countableC]HIT one of a series of regular movements or hitting actions 〔连续有节奏的〕跳动,敲击
 a heart rate of 80 beats a minute
 the steady beat of the drum
2 [singular]CSOUND a regular repeated noise 有节奏的声音 SYN rhythm
beat of
 the beat of marching feet
3 [countableC]APM the main rhythm that a piece of music or a poem has 〔音乐或诗歌的〕节奏
 a song with a beat you can dance to
4 [singular]SCP a subject or area of a city that someone is responsible for as their job 〔某人在工作中〕负责的领域,辖区
 journalists covering the Washington beat
on the beat
 People like to see police officers on the beat.
5. [countableC]APM one of the notes in a piece of music that sounds stronger than the other notes 节拍,拍子
Examples from the Corpus
beat3 adjectiveadj [not before noun]  
1informalTIRED very tired 累坏的 SYN exhausted
 I’m beat.
 Come and sit down – you must be dead beat.
see thesaurus at tired
Origin beat1
Old English beatan





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