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词汇 patch


Word family adjectivepatchablepatchedpatchynounpatcherpatchingpatchboardpatchworkpatcherypatchpatchcockeadverbpatchily
Related topics: Clothes, Gardening, Drugs, medicines, Computers
ldoce_250_dpatch1 /pætʃ/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 part of an area 小块,小片MARKAREA a small area of something that is different from the area around it 〔与周围部分不同的〕斑,小块
patch of
 We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on.
 Belinda watched a patch of sunlight move slowly across the wall.
 Look out for icy patches on the road.
 a cat with a white patch on its chest
 He combs his hair over his bald patch.
5  See picture of patch 补丁;eye patch 眼罩;patch AmE 【美】/badge BrE 【英】徽章
2 over a hole 在破洞上DCC a small piece of material that is sewn on something to cover a hole in it 补片,补丁
 a jacket with leather patches at the elbows
3 for growing STH 用于种植某物DLGAREA a small area of ground for growing fruit or vegetables 〔用于种水果或蔬菜的〕小块土地
 a strawberry patch
4. computer 计算机 a small computer program that is added to software to solve problems 〔软件的〕补丁程序
5 eye 眼睛MDPROTECT a piece of material that you wear over your eye to protect it when it has been hurt 眼罩
 He had a black patch over one eye.
6. decoration 装饰DCCDECORATE American EnglishAmE a small piece of cloth with words or pictures on it that you can sew onto clothes 〔缝在衣服上带有文字或图画的〕缀饰,徽章 SYN British English badge
7 a bad/difficult/sticky/rough patch informalDIFFICULTPERIOD OF TIME a period of time when you are having a lot of difficulty 艰难的时期
 Gemma’s going through a bad patch right now.
Examples from the Corpus
8 somebody’s patch British EnglishBrE informalLIVE SOMEWHERE an area that someone knows very well because they work or live there 某人了如指掌的地区 SYN turf
 Policemen know what’s going on in their home patch.
Examples from the Corpus
9 not be a patch on somebody/something British EnglishBrE informalWORSE to be much less attractive, good etc than something or someone else 远不如某人/某物,比某人/某物差得远
 The second film isn’t a patch on the first.
a small/large etc patch
Some of the hills still had small patches of snow.
a white/black/red etc patch
The bird has a large black patch on each side of its neck.
a damp/wet patch
There were damp patches on the ceilings.
a bald patch
He stroked the bald patch on the back of his head .
a dark patch
She noticed two dark patches on the sleeve of his shirt.
a clear patch
Clear patches of brilliant blue sky appeared briefly through the white storm clouds.
a bright patch
Poppies and daisies provided bright patches of colour along the edge of the field.
icy patches (=on a road)
Some icy patches are likely on roads as temperatures drop tonight.
fog patches
There'll be a widespread frost with mist and one or two fog patches
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Clothes
patch2 (also patch up) verb [transitiveT + with]  
1.DCCto repair a hole in something by putting a piece of something else over it 修补;缝补
2patch something ↔ together phrasal verbphr v MAKEto make something quickly or carelessly from a number of different pieces or ideas 〔用碎料〕仓促拼制;〔把不同的观点〕草草拼凑
 A new plan was quickly patched together.
Examples from the Corpus
3patch something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verbphr v 
a) ARGUEto end an argument because you want to stay friendly with someone 与〔某人〕和解;解决 分歧〕
 Try to patch up your differences before he leaves.
patch it/things up (with somebody)
 He went back to patch things up with his wife.
b) REPAIRto repair a hole in something by putting a piece of something else over it 修补
 We’ll have to patch up the hole in the roof.
c) MHto give quick and basic medical treatment to someone who is hurt 快速处理,临时包扎〔伤者〕
 We patched up the wounded as best we could.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin patch1
(1300-1400) Perhaps from Old French pieche piece




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