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词汇 pair


Word family adjectivepairednounpairingpairadverbpairwise
Related topics: Animals, Horses, Bicycles, carts, horses
pair1 /peə $ per/ ●●● S2 W2 noun (plural pairs or pair) [countableC]   pear, pare
1 joined together 连接在一起的CONNECTED WITH an object that is made from two similar parts that are joined together 〔由连在一起的相似两部分构成的〕一副,一把,一条
pair of trousers/scissors/glasses etc
 two pairs of jeans
 a pair of black tights
2 pair_boots.jpg belonging together 成双成对的TWO two things of the same type that are used together 〔由两个一起使用的同类东西组成的〕一双,一对
pair of
 a new pair of sandals
pair of hands/eyes/legs etc
 She felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was on her.
 earrings, £5 a pair
 a pair of skis
 We have five pairs of free tickets to give away.
3 in pairs TWOin groups of two 两个一组地,成对地,成双地
 We worked in pairs for the role-play exercise.
 The leaves of the tree are arranged in pairs.
Examples from the Corpus
4 two people 两个人TWO two people who are standing or doing something together, or who have some type of connection with each other 〔一起做某事或相互关联的〕两个(人),一对
 The pair are looking for sponsorship from local businesses.
pair of
 a pair of dancers
Do not use pair to talk about a husband and wife (or two people in a similar relationship). Use couple: They’re a nice couple (NOT pair).
指夫妇俩或者是两个有类似关系的人时,不要用 pair 而要用 couple: They’re a nice couple (不说 pair). 他们是很美满的一对。
5 the pair of you/them British EnglishBrE spokenANGRY used when you are angry or annoyed with two people 你们/他们两个 〔用于生气或厌烦时〕
 Oh, get out, the pair of you.
Examples from the Corpus
6 two animals 两个动物
a) HBAa male and a female animal that come together in order to breed 〔一雌一雄的〕一对
pair of
 a pair of doves
 a breeding pair
b) old useDSHTTB two horses that work together 〔一起干活的〕两匹马,双套马
7. I’ve only got one pair of hands spokenBUSY/NOT AVAILABLE used to say that you are busy and cannot do any more than you are already doing 我只有一双手〔意指在忙着,干不了更多的工作〕
8 an extra pair of hands someone who helps you do something when you are busy 增加的一个帮手
 Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.
Examples from the Corpus
9 a safe pair of hands someone you can trust and depend on because they are sensible – used especially in news reports 可靠的人〔尤用于新闻报道中〕
 Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands.
Examples from the Corpus
pair2 verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TWO to put people or things into groups of two, or to form groups of two (使)结成一对,(使)配成一对
be paired with somebody
 We were each paired with a newcomer to help with training.
Pair is usually passive in this meaning, when used as a transitive verb.
2. (also pair up) [intransitiveI] if animals pair, they come together in order to breed 〔动物〕配对〔以繁殖〕
3pair off phrasal verbphr v RELATIONSHIPto come together or bring two people together to have a romantic relationship (使)结成一对〔恋人〕
 All the others were pairing off and I was left on my own.
pair somebody off with somebody
 My aunt was forever pairing me off with unsuitable men.
4pair up phrasal verbphr v 
a) FRIEND British EnglishBrE to become friends and start to have a relationship 结交,交往
 We learned later that he and Tanya had paired up.
b) BBTOGETHERto work together to do something or to put two people together to do something (使)结成搭档
 They first paired up in the screen adaptation of ‘Grease’.
pair somebody ↔ up
 They have paired up writers and artists, and commissioned linked works.
c) if animals pair up, they come together in order to breed 〔动物〕配对〔以繁殖〕
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
pairpair /peəper/ verb [transitiveT]
1COMMERCEif two companies, people, or things are paired, they are put into groups of two because they are connected in some way or will work together
When the new products were paired, encouraging customer gains resulted.
pair with
Chrysler paired with Hilton Hotels for a promotion giving frequent hotel guests free Chrysler cars.
Any cut in capital gains taxes would be paired with increases in other taxes.
2FINANCE if the shares in two companies are paired, they are considered to be shares in one company when they are bought or sold, even though the companies have separate management arrangements
The companies are managed separately, but their shares are paired for trading in the market.
pair ( somebody/something →) up
Origin pair1
(1200-1300) Old French paire, from Latin paria equal things, from par; → PAR




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