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词汇 pain


Word family noun pain painfulnesspainlessnesspain barrierpainkillerpainstakeradjective pained painfulpainless painkillingpainstakingverb pain adverb painfullypainlessly
pain1 /peɪn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun   pane
1 [countableC, uncountableU]PAIN the feeling you have when part of your body hurts 〔肉体上的〕疼,痛,疼痛
 The pain is getting worse.
pain in
 She felt a sharp pain in her leg.
 Greg was in a lot of pain.
growing pains(2)
2 [countableC, uncountableU]SUFFER the feeling of unhappiness you have when you are sad, upset etc 痛苦;苦恼;烦恼
 the pain and grief of bereavement
cause (somebody) pain/inflict pain on somebody
 She hated to say the words, for fear of causing pain.
3 be a pain (in the neck)  (also be a pain in the ass/arse/backside/butt not polite) spokenDIFFICULT to be very annoying 令人极其讨厌
 There were times when Joe could be a real pain in the neck.
 It’s a pain, having to go upstairs to make the coffee every time.
Examples from the Corpus
4 take/go to (great) pains to do something  (also take pains with/over something)CAREFUL to make a special effort to do something 煞费苦心做某事;十分努力地做某事
 He’s taken great pains to improve his image.
Examples from the Corpus
5 be at pains to do something CAREFULto be especially careful to make sure people understand what you are saying or what you plan to do 小心翼翼地做某事〔以免别人误解〕
 Roy was at pains to point out that English was the only exam he’d ever failed.
Examples from the Corpus
6 for your pains DO something/TAKE ACTIONas a reward for something you worked to achieve – used especially when this is disappointing 作为辛劳的报酬〔尤指结果令人失望〕
 I fetched the file, and all I got for my pains was a dirty look from Simon.
Examples from the Corpus
7. no pain, no gainno gain no pain used to say that you can only achieve something, for example become fitter, by suffering or working hard 不劳无获;一分耕耘,一分收获
8 on/under pain of death KILLat the risk of being killed as punishment, if you do not obey 违者处死
 Communist activity was prohibited on pain of death.
Examples from the Corpus
bad 厉害的
Later that evening, the pain was really bad.
terrible/awful 可怕的/厉害的
I woke up with a terrible pain in my side.
severe/intense 严重的/剧烈的
Ever since the accident, Mike’s suffered from severe back pain.
excruciating (=very severe) 极痛苦的,极严重的
The pain in my eye was excruciating.
a sharp pain (=short but severe) 剧痛
She felt a sharp pain in the back of her throat.
a slight pain (=not severe) 微痛
nI’ve got a slight pain in my side.
a dull pain (=a slight but continuous pain) 隐痛
nThere was a dull pain in his lower jaw.
a nagging pain (=felt all the time) 持续不断的痛
nRob felt fine, apart from a nagging pain in his left wrist.
chronic pain (=pain that you suffer from for long periods of time) 慢性疼痛
nMany of the elderly patients suffer chronic pain.
a shooting pain (=a severe pain that goes from one part of your body to another) 刺痛
nThe shooting pains in her arms and legs slowly began to die away.
a searing pain (=very severe, as if you have been burnt) 灼痛
nHis elbow struck the side of the table, sending a searing pain through his arm.
na stabbing pain (=sharp and sudden)
Marcus heard a shot and felt a stabbing pain at the back of his ankle.
na throbbing pain (=a pain that gets stronger and then weaker, in a steady continuous beat)
I’ve still got this throbbing pain in my leg.
back/chest/stomach etc pain //胃部等疼痛
nMany people suffer from back pain.
abdominal pain 腹痛
nSeveral of the hotel’s guests had persistent abdominal pain and diarrhoea.
physical pain 身体疼痛
nHe couldn’t stand physical pain.
nlabour pains British EnglishBrE, labor pains American EnglishAmE (=felt by a woman at the time she is having a baby)
Becky was at work when labour pains began.
have a pain 感到疼痛
I’ve got a terrible pain in my stomach.
feel pain 感到疼痛
The dentist told me that I wouldn’t feel any pain.
be in pain 感到疼痛
Despite being in great pain, he managed to call for help.
suffer (from) pain 忍受疼痛
She suffers from chronic pain in her legs.
inflict pain 施加痛苦
The guards enjoyed inflicting pain on them.
relieve/ease pain (also alleviate pain formal) (=make it less severe) 缓解/减轻痛苦
Exercise can help to relieve lower back pain.
experience pain formal 经历疼痛,忍受痛苦
nAnimals caught in the trap experience great pain before they die.
complain of pain (=say that you have a pain in a part of your body) 诉说疼痛症状
nAfter we finished our run, Tom complained of pains in his chest.
the pain gets worse 疼痛加剧
nIf the pain gets any worse, see your doctor.
the pain goes away (also the pain subsides formal) (=becomes less severe) 痛感消失
nHe lay still until the pain had subsided to a dull ache.
nthe pain comes and goes (=keeps starting and stopping)
The pain comes and goes but it’s never too severe.
pain + NOUN
pain relief (=a drug or treatment that makes pain less severe) 镇痛药;镇痛治疗
nThese drugs offer effective pain relief for the very sick.
somebody’s pain threshold (=their ability to bear pain) 痛觉阈限,痛阈
nEveryone has a different pain threshold.
aches and pains 轻微疼痛
Everyone has a few aches and pains when they get older.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘big pain’. Say terrible pain or severe pain.
不要说big pain’. 而要说 terrible pain severe pain.
pain noun [countableC, uncountableU] the feeling when part of your body hurts 〔身体某部分的〕疼痛
A broken leg can cause a lot of pain.
He felt a sharp pain in his chest.
ache noun [countableC, uncountableU] a continuous pain, especially one that is not very bad. Most commonly used in compounds such as headache, toothache, and backache 〔持续的,尤指不十分剧烈的〕疼痛〔多用于构成复合词, headache,toothache backache
I felt an ache in my back after decorating all day.
Driving gives me a headache.
nI’ve got stomach ache.
nDo you have earache?
twinge noun [countableC] a sudden slight pain that comes and then disappears quickly 〔突发而短暂的〕微痛,刺痛
When I bent down I felt a twinge in my back.
discomfort noun [uncountableU] formal an uncomfortable feeling in your body, or a slight pain 不适;微痛
The procedure takes five minutes and only causes slight discomfort.
agony noun [uncountableU] a feeling of great pain, or a situation in which you feel a lot of pain 极度痛苦
the agony of childbirth
I was in agony by the time I got to the hospital.
nIt was agony (=very painful)getting up out of bed.
suffering noun [uncountableU] continuous physical or mental pain, which makes someone very unhappy 〔身体或精神上的〕痛苦,苦恼
I just wanted someone to put an end to my suffering.
the suffering of the earthquake victims
Examples from the Corpus
pain2 verb [transitiveT]  
it pains somebody to do something formalUPSET used to say that it is very difficult and upsetting for someone to have to do something 某人因不得不做某事而感到苦恼
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin pain1
(1200-1300) Old French peine, from Latin poena, from Greek poine payment, punishment




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