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词汇 overweight


Word family noun weight weights weighting adjective overweightunderweight weighted weighty weightless verb weigh outweigh weight
Related topics: Nutrition, Measurement
o·ver·weight /ˌəʊvəˈweɪt◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/ ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 DFNFAT someone who is overweight is too heavy and fat 〔人〕体重超常的,过重的,肥胖的 underweight
10 kilos/20 pounds etc overweight
 Sally was 50 pounds overweight.
 He is slightly overweight.
see thesaurus at fat
2 TMHEAVY something such as a package that is overweight weighs more than it is supposed to weigh 〔包裹等〕超重的 underweight
 My luggage was overweight by five kilos.
slightly overweight/a little overweight (also a bit overweight)
He was tall and slightly overweight.
He’s a bit overweight, not too much.
seriously/heavily overweight (=very overweight)
Being seriously overweight doubles the risk of heart disease.
grossly overweight disapproving (=extremely overweight)
The vet said the dog was grossly overweight and that it was affecting his heart.
be 5 kilos/20 pounds etc overweight
I’m about 15 pounds overweight right now.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
overweighto·ver·weight /ˌəʊvəˈweɪt◂ˌoʊvər-/ adjectiveadj
1HUMAN RESOURCESan overweight organization has too many people working for it
an overweight monopoly
The company is considered to be overweight and overbureaucratic.
2FINANCE if someone is overweight in a particular type of investment in relation to other investments they hold, they have more of it than is usual, or more of it than they should have
He suggested portfolio managers be overweight in shares in electronics, machine tool makers and utilities.
Most people were overweight in the dollar because they believed in a US economic recovery.
opposite underweight
overweight verb [transitiveT]
Economists at Merrill Lynch are advising clients to overweight their holdings of US, Canadian, and Australian dollars.




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