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词汇 out


Word family adjectiveoutedout-and-outout-of-the-wayout-of-townnounouteroutingoutnessadverbout
Related topics: Trade, Clothes & fashion, Labour relations, unions, Sport
out1 /aʊt/ ●●● S1 W1 adverbadv   closeout
1 from inside 从里面出来IN/INSIDE from inside an object, container, building, or place 〔从里面〕往外,向外,出来 OPP in
 She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of shoes.
 Lock the door on your way out.
 Charlotte went to the window and looked out.
 Out you go (=used to order someone to leave a room)!
out of
 The keys must have fallen out of my pocket.
 Get out of here!
 Someone had torn several pages out of her diary.
 I don’t think I’d have the courage to jump out of a plane.
 All the roads out of the city were snowbound.
out came/jumped etc
 The egg cracked open and out came a baby chick.
2 outside 外面OUT/OUTSIDE not inside a building 在室外 SYN outside
 Many of the homeless have been sleeping out for years.
 Children were out playing in the snow.
 Brrr, it’s cold out there.
see thesaurus at outside
3 not at home 不在家HERE
a) away from your home, office etc, especially for a short time 〔尤指短时间〕外出 OPP in
 Did anyone call while I was out?
 My parents are both out at the moment.
 He went out at 11 o'clock.
b) DLOHOMEto or in a place that is not your home, in order to enjoy yourself 到外面,在外面〔享乐〕
 You should get out and meet people.
 Let’s eat out tonight (=eat in a restaurant).
 At first he was too shy to ask her out.
be/get out and about (=go to places where you can meet people) 到处去(交友)
 Most teenagers would rather be out and about with their friends.
4 FARdistant place 遥远的地方
a) in or to a place that is far away or difficult to get to []很远的地方去;在[]很难到达的地方
 He went out to New Zealand.
 They’ve rented a farmhouse right out in the country.
b) used to say how far away something is 远的地方
 The Astra Satellite is travelling some 23,000 miles out in space.
out of
 a little village about five miles out of Birmingham
5 XXgiven to many people 分发给许多人 used to say that something is given to many people 〔分发〕出去
 The examination will start when all the question papers have been handed out.
 Have you sent out the invitations yet?
6 get rid of STH 除去某物GET RID OF used to say that someone gets rid of something or makes it disappear 去除,除去
 Have you thrown out yesterday’s paper?
 Mother used washing soda to get the stains out.
7 STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGnot burning/shining 不燃烧/不发光 a fire or light that is out is no longer burning or shining 〔火或灯〕熄灭的,关掉的
 Turn the lights out when you go to bed.
 The firefighters arrived, and within minutes the fire was out.
8 sun/moon etc 太阳/月亮等 if the sun, moon, or stars are out, they have appeared in the sky 〔太阳、月亮或星星〕出来
 When the sun came out, a rainbow formed in the sky.
9 flowers if the flowers on a plant are out, they have opened 开放
 It’s still February and already the primroses are out.
10 COMPLETELYcompletely/carefully 彻底地/仔细地 used to say that something is done carefully or completely 仔细地;彻底地
 I spent all morning cleaning out the kitchen cupboards.
 In the summer months the soil dries out quickly.
11 INCLUDEnot included 不包括在内 not included in a team, group, competition etc 不包括在内
 The Welsh team was surprisingly knocked out in the semi-finals.
out of
 Daniels will be out of the team until he recovers from his injury.
12 COME FROM/ORIGINATEcome from STH 来自某物 used to say where something comes from or is taken from 来自,源自
out of
 A lot of good music came out of the hippy culture in the 1960s.
 The money is automatically taken out of your bank account every month.
13 STICK OUTaway from the edge of STH 离开某物的边缘 away from the main part or edge of something 离开〔主体或边缘〕
 I swam out into the middle of the lake.
 A long peninsula juts out into the sea.
out of
 She stuck her head out of the window to see what was happening.
14 not working 不运转 especially American EnglishAmEBROKEN if a machine, piece of equipment etc is out, it is not working 〔机器、设备等〕出了毛病的,发生故障的
 I don’t believe it – the elevator’s out again!
be out of order at order1(8)
15 product 产品BBTAVAILABLE used to say that a product is available to be bought 上市,有售
 Is the new Harry Potter book out yet?
 Sony have brought out a new portable music system.
16 XXnot in a situation 不在某一状态 no longer in a particular state or situation 脱离〔某种状态〕
out of
 She’s not completely cured, but at least she’s out of danger.
 This whole situation is getting out of control.
 How long have you been out of work now?
 Karen waved until the car was out of sight (=too far away to be seen).
17 FREE/NOT IN PRISONhaving left an institution 离开某个机构
a) having left the institution where you were 离开〔某个机构〕
out of
 a kid just out of college
 His wife isn’t out of hospital yet.
b) no longer in prison 出狱
 Once he was out, he returned to a life of crime.
18 not fashionable 不时髦DCFASHIONABLE no longer fashionable 不再时髦 OPP in
 You can’t wear that – maxi skirts have been out for years.
19 not secret 不再保密SECRET no longer a secret 〔秘密〕公开地,暴露地,泄露地
 Her secret was out.
 The word’s out that Mel Gibson is in town.
 Eventually the truth came out.
20 read/shout etc something out (loud) SAYto say something in a voice that is loud enough for others to hear (大声)念出/叫出等某物
 Someone called out my name.
 We all listened as he read the statement out loud.
Examples from the Corpus
21 unconscious 失去知觉UNCONSCIOUS not conscious 昏迷,失去知觉
 She fainted – she was out for about ten minutes.
 How hard did you hit him? He’s out cold.
22 NOT HAVEnone left 一点不剩 used to say that there is none of something left because you have used it all, sold it all etc 一点不剩
 The album was sold out within minutes.
out of
 We’re out of milk.
 They’ve run out of ideas.
23 before the day/year etc is out FINISH/COME TO AN ENDbefore the day, year etc has ended 在一天/一年等过去之前
 Don’t cry, I’ll be back before the week’s out.
Examples from the Corpus
24 not correct 不正确WRONG/INCORRECT if a measurement, result etc is out, it is wrong because the numbers have not been calculated correctly 错误的,不正确的
 He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.
 The bill was out by over £10.
 Their forecast was way out.
not far off/out/wrong at far1(2)
25 be out for something/be out to do something informalINTEND to have a particular intention 试图得到某物/力图做某事
 Andrew’s just out for a good time.
 I was convinced he was out to cheat me.
26 PGnot in power 不当政 used to say that someone, especially a political party, no longer has power or authority 〔尤指政党〕在野,下台 OPP in
 It’s time we voted the Republicans out.
out of
 The party has been out of office for a long time.
27 on strike 在罢工 British EnglishBrEBEL used to say that someone has stopped working as a way of protesting about something 罢工
 The railway workers have come out in sympathy with the miners.
28. homosexual 同性恋的SYHOMOSEXUAL if a homosexual is out, they have told people that they are homosexual 公开承认自己是同性恋者
29 IMPOSSIBLEnot possible 不可能的 spoken if a particular suggestion or activity is out, it is not possible 〔建议或活动〕不可能,不行
 We don’t have enough money to rent a car, so that’s out.
30 seaDN when the tide is out, the sea by the shore is at its lowest level 〔潮汐〕在最低水位;落[退] OPP in
 You can walk across the sands when the tide is out.
31 sport 体育运动
a) DSa player or team that is out in a game such as cricket or baseball is no longer allowed to bat 〔板球或棒球比赛中选手或球队〕出局
 Sussex were all out for 365.
b) DSa ball that is out in a game such as tennis or basketball is not in the area of play 〔网球或篮球运动等的球〕出界 OPP in
32 out with it! SAY spoken used to tell someone to say something which they have been unwilling to say or have difficulty saying 说出来!〔要某人说出难以启齿的事〕
 OK, out with it! What really happened?
Examples from the Corpus
33 BECAUSEreason 原因 because of a particular feeling that you have 由于,因为
out of
 They obeyed him out of fear rather than respect.
 Just out of curiosity, why did you take that job?
34 CONSIST OF/BE MADE OFmade of STH 用某物做成 used to say what substance or materials a particular thing is made of 制成,用做成
out of
 a tombstone carved out of black marble
 toy boats made out of old tin cans
35 XXhow many of a group 一组中的多少 used to say how common something is, or how large a part of a group you are talking about 中的几个
nine out of ten/three out of four etc
 Nine out of ten students pass the test first time.
 Apparently they’ve lost three games out of seven already.
36 out of it informal
a) DIFFERENTslightly unhappy because you feel different from the rest of a group of people and cannot share their fun, conversation etc 〔因为和周围的人格格不入而觉得〕不自在,不是滋味
 I felt a bit out of it because I was the only one who couldn’t speak French.
b) DFDDRUNKunable to think clearly because you are tired or drunk, or have taken drugs 〔因疲惫、酒醉或吸毒而〕神志不清,昏昏沉沉
 You were really out of it last night. What were you drinking?
Examples from the Corpus
37 out there 
a) in a place that could be anywhere except here 不知在什么地方
 My real father is out there and one day I plan to find him.
b) where someone or something can be noticed by many people 在那里〔在大家都会注意到的地方〕
 Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids.
c) informal an idea, work of art etc that is out there is so unusual that it might seem silly or extreme 〔想法、艺术作品等〕古怪的,出格的
 He’s brilliant, but some of his ideas are really out there.
Examples from the Corpus
38 out front especially American EnglishAmE
a) in front of something, especially a building, where everyone can see you 前面〔人人都能看到的地方,尤指大楼前面〕
 There’s a blue car out front.
b) taking a leading position 带头,承担领导责任
 As a civil rights leader, he was always out front.
c) informal very honest and direct 坦诚的,直率的
 Molly is very out front in talking about her mistakes.
Examples from the Corpus
out of your mind at mind1(24), → out of the blue at blue2(4), → out of luck at luck1(10), → out of this world at world1(15), → be out of the question at question1(9), → out front at front1(8), → out back at back2(2), → out of sorts at sort1(10)
Examples from the Corpus
out2 ●●● S1 W2 prepositionprep especially American EnglishAmE informal  
from the inside to the outside of something – many teachers of British English consider it incorrect to use ‘out’ as a preposition 里面出去,离开〔许多英国英语教师认为把out作为介词使用是不正确的〕
 Karen looked out the window at the back yard.
 Get out the car and push with the rest of us!
Examples from the Corpus
out3 verb  
1 [transitiveT]SYHOMOSEXUAL to publicly say that someone is homosexual when that person would prefer to keep it secret 揭露〔某人〕是同性恋
 Several politicians have been outed in recent months.
Out is usually passive in this meaning.
n2 [transitiveT] to let the public know a fact about someone that they would prefer to keep secret
out somebody as something
 He was outed as a supporter of the far-right party.
3. murder/the truth etc will out! SHOW/BE A SIGN OFused to say that it is difficult to hide a murder, the truth etc 谋杀案/真相等终将水落石出!
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Sport
out4 noun  
1 [singular]REASON an excuse to avoid doing an activity or to avoid being blamed for something 推托的借口,逃脱的托词
 I’m busy on Sunday, so that gives me an out.
2. DS[countableC] an act of making a player in baseball lose the chance to score a point 〔棒球等的〕出局
3 on the outs (with somebody) American EnglishAmE informal arguing or not agreeing with someone (与某人)不和的,(和某人)争吵的
 Wilson is on the outs with his family because of his relationship with that woman.
Examples from the Corpus
ins and outs
Examples from the Corpus
out- /aʊt/ prefix  
1 XXused to form nouns and adjectives from verbs that are followed by ‘out’ 〔与后接out的动词构成名词和形容词〕
 an outbreak of flu (=from ‘break out’)
 outspoken comments (=from ‘speak out’)
2 OUT/OUTSIDE[in nouns and adjectives] outside or beyond something 〔某物的〕外面
 an outbuilding (=small building away from the main building)
 outlying areas (=far from the centre)
3 MORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNT[in verbs] being or becoming bigger, further, greater etc than someone or something else 大过,远过,超过
 He’s outgrown his clothes (=become too big for them).
 She outlived her brother (=he died before her).
4 [in verbs] doing better than someone, so that you defeat them 强于,胜过
 I can out-argue you any day.
 She outran him.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
outout /aʊt/ adjectiveadj [not before a noun]
1available to be bought
His new book is due out next spring.
The company plans to bring out a similar product of its own.
2British EnglishBrE if the workers in a company, factory etc are out, they are refusing to workSYN ON STRIKE
Teachers in some places stayed out on strike for weeks against the orders of their unions.
3American EnglishAmE if a worker is out or out sick, they are not at work because they are sickSYN BrE off sick
Ralph’s been out sick four times this month already.
4American EnglishAmE if a machine is out, it is not workingSYN BrE out of order
5if your accounts, calculations etc are out, they are wrong
The bill was out by over £10.
Origin out1
Old English ut

out2 prepositionprepout3 verbn GRAMMAR1out4 nounout- prefix




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