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词汇 battery


Related topics: Electricity, Agriculture, Weapons, Crime
bat·ter·y /ˈbætəri/ ●●● S2 noun (plural batteries)  
1 batteries.jpg electricity [countableC]TPE an object that provides a supply of electricity for something such as a radio, car, or toy 电池
 You have to take the top off to change the batteries.
 When the red light comes on, you should recharge the battery.
 The car’s got a flat battery.
 a battery-operated hairdryer
4  See picture of 见图 ELECTRICS
2 a battery of something GROUP OF THINGSa group of many things of the same type 〔同类事物的〕一排,一组,一连串
 a battery of medical tests
Examples from the Corpus
3 farm 农场 [countableC]TAHBA British EnglishBrE a row of small cages in which chickens are kept, so that the farm can produce large numbers of eggs 层架式鸡笼
 battery hens
4 guns 枪炮 [countableC]PMW several large guns used together 炮组,排炮
 an anti-aircraft battery
5 crime 罪行 [uncountableU]SCCSCL law the crime of hitting someone 殴打罪
 He was charged with assault and battery.
assault and battery
6 recharge your batteries informalREST to rest or relax in order to get back your energy 休息[放松]以恢复精力
 A week in the mountains should recharge my batteries.
Examples from the Corpus
flat British EnglishBrE, dead American EnglishAmE (=with no more electricity in it)
I'd left the headlights on and the battery was completely flat.
low (=with little electricity in it)
He could see the battery was low on his laptop.
a car/torch/phone etc battery
Have you checked your mobile phone battery?
a rechargeable battery (=one that you can put more electricity in and use again)
The camera uses rechargeable batteries.
a spare battery (=an extra one, in case you need it)
Take a torch and spare batteries.
change/replace the battery (=put a new battery in something)
You may need to change the battery in the smoke alarm.
charge/recharge a battery (=put more electricity in it)
It takes eight hours to fully recharge the battery.
use batteries (also run on batteries)
The clock runs on two 9-volt batteries.
put a battery in
She had put new batteries in the radio.
take a battery out
I'll take the batteries out while I'm not using it.
a battery charger (=a piece of equipment for charging batteries)
Don't forget to pack your battery charger.
battery power
You can plug your laptop in or use it on battery power.
battery life (=how long a battery produces electricity)
My old phone had a longer battery life.
battery powered/operated
A lot of children's toys are battery operated.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin battery
1. (1500-1600) Old French baterie, from batre to hit;
2. from the idea of hitting with gunfire;
3. from the idea of a group of electricity-producing cells joined together




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