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词汇 baton


Related topics: Music, Other sports, Police
bat·on /ˈbætɒn, -tn $ bæˈtɑːn, bə-/ noun [countableC]  
1. APMa short thin stick used by a conductor (=the leader of a group of musicians) to direct the music 〔乐队指挥用的〕指挥棒
2. DSOa short light stick that is passed from one person to another during a race 接力棒
3. SCPa short thick stick used as a weapon by a police officer 警棍 SYN truncheon
4. PGOSSOa short stick that is carried as a sign of a special office or rank 权杖,官杖
5. DLOa light metal stick that is spun and thrown into the air by a majorette 〔乐队行进时女指挥手中转动的〕金属指挥杖
Examples from the Corpus
Origin baton
(1500-1600) French bâton, from Late Latin bastum stick




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