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词汇 opportunity


Word family adverbopportunelynounopportunenessopportunismopportunistopportunityadjectiveopportune
op·por·tu·ni·ty /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti $ ˌɑːpərˈtuː-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural opportunities)  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]CHANCE/OPPORTUNITY a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something 机会,时机
opportunity to do something
 a rare opportunity to see inside this historic building
 I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
opportunity for
 Games and songs provide an opportunity for classroom interaction.
2 [countableC]JOB/WORK a chance to get a job or improve your situation at work 〔得到工作或晋升的〕机会
 There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.
equal opportunities at equal1(2)
have opportunity 有机会
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel.
take/use opportunity (=do something you have a chance to do) 把握/利用机会
Several employees took the opportunity to retire early.
seize/grasp an opportunity (=do something very eagerly when you have the chance) 抓住机会
She saw an opportunity to speak to him, and seized it.
miss/lose an opportunity (=not do something you have a chance to do) 错过/失去机会
Dwyer never missed an opportunity to criticize her.
give somebody opportunity 给某人一个机会
The children should be given the opportunity to make their own choices.
get an opportunity 得到一个机会
nI decided to go, as I might never get this opportunity again.
provide/present/open up an opportunity 提供/展现/创造一个机会
nThe course also provides an opportunity to study Japanese.
an opportunity comes (along/up) 机会来临
nWe had outgrown our house when the opportunity came up to buy one with more land.
an opportunity arises 机会出现
nPerhaps she would explain later, if the opportunity arose.
a good/great/wonderful etc opportunity /不错/绝妙等的机会
It's a great opportunity to try new things.
the ideal/perfect opportunity 理想的机会
I'd been wanting to try sailing, and this seemed like the ideal opportunity.
a golden opportunity (=a very good opportunity) 绝佳的机会
nThe council has missed a golden opportunity to improve the town centre.
a rare/unique opportunity 难得的机会
na unique opportunity to stay in a real castle
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (=a very good opportunity that you will only get once) 千载难逢的机会
nFor many athletes, the Olympics are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
a wasted/lost/missed opportunity (=one you do not use) 失去的/错失的机会
nMany people see the failed talks as a missed opportunity for peace.
ample opportunity/plenty of opportunity (=a number of chances to do something) 很多的机会
nThere will be ample opportunity for shopping.
nlimited/little opportunity (=not many chances)
They had little opportunity to discuss the issue beforehand.
a photo opportunity (=a chance to take a good photograph, especially of a particular person)
Parents will always look for good photo opportunities at their kid's graduation ceremony.
at the first/earliest opportunity (=as soon as possible) 一有机会
He decided to leave school at the earliest opportunity.
at every (possible) opportunity (=whenever possible) 利用一切(可能的)机会
She went to the museum at every opportunity.
a window of opportunity (=a time when you can do something) 机遇之窗
nThe other team started making mistakes, but we didn't take advantage of this window of opportunity.
a land of opportunity (=a country where people have a lot of good opportunities) 充满机会的地方
nAmerica was then seen as a land of opportunity.
the opportunity of a lifetime (=a very good opportunity that you will only get once) 一生难求的机会
nThe winner of the contest got the opportunity of a lifetime – the chance to work with a top fashion designer.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
opportunityop·por·tu·ni·ty /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnətiˌɑːpərˈtuː-/ noun (plural opportunities) [countableC]
a chance for you to do something successfully
This is an excellent career opportunity for a recent graduate.
In order to make money, you will need to identify market opportunities.
an investment opportunity
a significant business opportunity




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