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词汇 oil


Word family adjectiveoiledoilyoil-firedoil-richnounoileroileryoilinessoilbirdoilcanoilclothoilfieldoilmanoilnutoil paintoil paintingoil panoil rigoilseedoilseed rapeoilskinoil slickoilstoneoil tankeroil welloiladverboilily
Related topics: Gas, coal, oil, Industry, Cooking, Hair & beauty
oil1 /ɔɪl/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 natural substance under the ground 地下的天然物质 [uncountableU]TPGTI the thick dark liquid from under the ground from which petrol is produced 石油;原油 crude
 a rise in the price of oil
 the importance of protecting our oil supplies
 an oil refinery (=factory where oil is made purer)
2 fuel 燃料 [uncountableU]TPGTI a smooth thick liquid that is used to make machines run easily or is burned to produce heat 润滑油;燃油
 Check the oil level in your car every week.
 The heating system runs on oil.
3 vinegar.jpg liquid from plants 取自植物的液体 [countableC, uncountableU]DFCDCB a smooth thick liquid made from plants or some animals, used especially in cooking or for making beauty products 〔尤用于烹调或生产美容用品的〕植物油,动物油
 cooking oil
olive/vegetable/sunflower etc oil
 coconut oil shampoo
 Fish oils are supposed to help relieve arthritis.
castor oil, cod-liver oil, linseed oil
4 PAINT 油漆oils [plural]AVP paints that contain oil 油漆;油性涂料;油画颜料 SYN oil paints
in oils
 I usually paint in oils (=using oils).
Examples from the Corpus
burn the midnight oil at burn1(20), → pour oil on troubled waters at pour(8)
discover/find oil
Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938.
How does a company go about finding oil and getting it from the ground?
hit/strike oil (=to find oil when you are digging for it)
The engineers drilled down a few hundred metres until they hit oil.
The Ohio Oil Company struck oil on May 3rd.
drill for oil
Plans to drill for oil off the New South Wales coast have recently been revived.
produce oil (=to have natural areas of oil, and take it out of the ground)
The US does not produce enough oil to meet its own needs.
extract oil formal (=to take oil out of an area)
the difficult process of extracting the oil
crude oil (=oil in its natural state)
the price of crude oil
refined oil (=oil that has been treated by an industrial process)
They had exported refined oil.
offshore oil (=found under the sea, not far from the coast)
The company has the technical capabilities to produce offshore oil.
heavy/light oil
2,000 barrels of heavy oil are produced a day.
The oil corporation announced the discovery of another field of light oil.
oil + NOUN
oil prices
The increase in oil prices has prompted warnings of a global recession.
the oil industry
He works in in the oil industry.
an oil company
YPF was the state oil company in Argentina.
an oil producer (=a country which produces oil)
The Soviet Union is the world's largest oil producer.
an oil refinery (=a place where oil is treated by an industrial process)
an oil refinery in Perth
oil production
a fall in US oil production
an oil spill (=situation in which oil comes out of a ship or other container into the sea)
a terrible oil spill near the Shetland Islands
an oil crisis (=situation in which there is not enough oil, and the price of oil is very high)
The world is facing an oil crisis.
an oil rig (=structure on land or in the sea with equipment for getting oil out of the ground)
an oil rig in the North Sea
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Daily life, Technology
oil2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 DTto put oil onto part of a machine or part of something that moves, to help it to move or work more smoothly 加油于;给加润滑油
 The bicycle chain needs oiling.
2 to put oil or cream onto your skin, for example to protect you from the sun 〔给皮肤〕涂油,抹油
 I asked Simon to oil my back for me.
3. oil the wheels British EnglishBrEHELP to help something to be done in business or politics successfully and easily 使〔某事〕顺利进行
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin oil1
(1100-1200) Old French oile, from Latin oleum olive oil, from Greek elaia olive




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