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词汇 actor


Word family nounactabilityactantactingactoractureadjectiveactableactorishverbact
Related topics: Performing
ac·tor /ˈæktə $ -ər/ ●●● W3 noun [countableC]  
APsomeone who performs in a play or film 演员
leading/principal actor
 She has starred with many leading actors.
character actor (=an actor who takes unusual or interesting roles) 性格演员
a good/fine/great actor
He had a reputation as a fine actor.
a well-known/famous actor
I’d really like to be a famous actor.
a professional/amateur actor
It isn’t easy to become a successful professional actor.
the leading/principal actor (=acting the most important part)
Schwarzenegger was one of Hollywood’s leading actors.
a supporting actor (=acting a part that is not the most important one)
She was awarded an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.
a talented/accomplished actor
Jacobsen was one of the most accomplished actors of his generation.
a comic actor
He was a comic actor and he always got a laugh.
a classical actor (=acting parts from important traditional literature)
a drama school that trains classical actors
NOUN + actor
a movie/film/screen/Hollywood actor
the movie actor Brad Pitt
a stage actor
Most stage actors are very badly paid.
a television/TV actor
For several years he had small parts as a television actor.
a comedy actor
Jason was voted top TV comedy actor.
a character actor (=an actor who is good at unusual or interesting roles)
As a character actor you get interesting parts.
actor someone who performs in a play or film 演员
Her son wants to be an actor.
nBoth my parents are actors.
actress a woman who performs in a play or film. Many women prefer to be called actors rather than actresses 女演员〔许多女性更喜欢被称作actor,而不是actress
Who was the actress who played Jane Eyre?
nShe’s one of my favourite actresses.
star a famous actor 明星
Julia Roberts is a famous Hollywood star.
The hotel is popular with movie stars.
the star someone who plays the most important part in a play or film 主角
Daniel Radcliffe is the star of the ‘Harry Potter’ films.
co-star one of two or more famous actors who have important parts in a play or film 联袂主演明星
Her co-star Jodie Foster won the Best Actress Award.
the lead the main acting part in a play or film 主角
He will play the lead in a new version of ‘Dracula’.
extra an actor in a film who does not say anything but is part of a crowd 临时演员,群众演员
She started her career as an extra in TV soap operas.
understudy an actor who learns a part in a play so that they can act the part if the usual actor is ill 候补演员,替角
Vanessa had flu, and her place was taken by her understudy, Miss Lisa Fennell.
a group of actors 演员的群体
the cast all the actors in a play or film 〔一出戏或一部电影的〕全体演员
Other members of the cast include Johnny Depp and Danny DeVito.
She will head the cast (=she will have the most important part).
company a group of actors who perform plays together 剧团
In 2006, he joined the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The play will be performed by an all-female company.
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