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词汇 morale


mo·rale /məˈrɑːl $ məˈræl/ ●○○ noun [uncountableU]  
MOODCONFIDENTthe level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc 士气,斗志;精神面貌
 A win is always good for morale.
low/high morale
 low staff morale
 The failed coup caused a loss of morale within the army.
boost/raise/improve/build morale
 There is a need to raise morale in the teaching profession.
 the prince’s morale-boosting (=intended to raise morale) mission to the war-torn country
maintain/keep up/restore morale
 The media feels pressure to keep the morale of the country up in war time.
raise/improve morale
The special meetings were intended to raise morale.
boost/bolster morale (=improve morale)
The wins have boosted team morale.
keep up/maintain morale (=keep morale high)
It was becoming difficult to keep up the morale of the troops.
affect morale (=have an effect on morale, usually to make it worse)
The uncertainty has badly affected morale.
lower/damage morale
We need to avoid damaging people's morale.
sap morale (=to gradually lower morale)
Knowing it was all pointless sapped my morale.
destroy morale
The possibility of big job cuts was destroying morale.
restore morale (=make people confident and positive again)
The new manager realized that his first job would be to restore morale.
be good/bad for morale
Well-deserved praise is always good for morale.
Morale among the staff was high.
The pay levels have resulted in low morale within the company.
shaky (=morale that could easily become low)
The team's morale is shaky after their series of losses.
sagging morale (=when people are getting less confident and positive)
He did his best to boost the sagging morale of the civil service.
staff/team morale
Positive feedback is good for staff morale.
morale + NOUN
a morale booster/boost (=something that improves morale)
A letter from home was always a morale booster.
morale problems (=when the morale of a group is low)
A lack of information can cause morale problems.
a lack/loss of morale
Rising sickness levels among your employees may show a loss of morale.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
moralemo·rale /məˈrɑːlməˈræl/ noun [uncountableU]
HUMAN RESOURCESthe level of confidence and positive feelings among a group of people who work together
The poor working conditions have an adverse effect on staff morale.
Origin morale
(1700-1800) French moral, from Latin moralis; → MORAL1




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