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词汇 moral


Word family noun moral morals moralityimmorality moralist amorality moralismmoralizationmoralizermorallermoral majorityadjective moralimmoral amoral moralistic verb moralize adverb morallyimmorally moralistically
mor·al1 /ˈmɒrəl $ ˈmɔː-/ ●●○ W2 adjectiveadj  
1 [only before noun]GOOD/MORAL relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behaviour, and with the difference between good and evil 道德(上)的 morally, ethical
 It is easy to have an opinion on a moral issue like the death penalty for murder.
 moral philosophy
moral standards/values/principles
 I think you can run a business to the highest moral standards.
 If we accept that certain babies should be allowed to die, we place doctors in a moral dilemma.
 Man is gifted with a moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil.
2 [only before noun]GOOD/MORAL based on your ideas about what is right, rather than on what is legal or practical 基于道德的,道义上的
 The book places a high moral value on marriage and the family unit.
 The UN feels that it has the moral authority (=influence because people accept that its beliefs are right) to send troops to the area.
moral duty/obligation/responsibility
 A man has a moral duty to obey the law.
 It isn’t just lack of moral fibre (=lack of the emotional strength to do what you believe is right) which leads to a rising divorce rate.
3 moral support HELPencouragement that you give by expressing approval or interest, rather than by giving practical help 道义上的支持,精神支持
 Dad came along to give me some moral support.
Examples from the Corpus
4 moral victory a situation in which you show that your beliefs are right and fair, even if you do not win 道义上的胜利
 Through Joan of Arc, France won a great moral victory.
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5 GOOD/MORALalways behaving in a way that is based on strong principles about what is right and wrong 品行端正的;品德高尚的 OPP immoral, amoral
 a moral man of high integrity
6. take/claim/seize the moral high ground to claim that you are the only person who does what is morally right in a situation, with the intention of being noticed and considered to be good by the public 占领道德高地
Examples from the Corpus
7 moral compass a way of recognizing what kind of behaviour is right or wrong 道德指南针,道德准则
 Has the government lost its moral compass?
nCOLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
moral + NOUN
a moral standard/principle
Has there been a decline in moral standards in our society?
a moral value (=behaviour that a society believes is right and good)
Schools teach moral values both by example and in lessons.
a moral duty/obligation (=something you must do for moral reasons)
If you have a pet, you have a moral obligation to take care of it.
a moral judgment
We shouldn't make moral judgements about the way other people live their lives.
a moral imperative (=something that must be done for moral reasons)
He felt that rescuing the hostages was a moral imperative.
a moral code (=a set of beliefs about right and wrong that influences your behaviour)
His own moral code is based on his religious beliefs.
somebody’s moral authority (=influence that someone has because people believe their principles are right)
Corruption in government destroys its moral authority.
moral fibre British EnglishBrE, moral fiber American EnglishAmE (=the emotional strength to do what is right)
Single parents are sometimes treated as though they lack moral fibre.
a moral issue
a debate on the moral issues surrounding the use of animals in medical research
a moral dilemma (=a difficult decision for moral reasons)
Doctors face a moral dilemma when a patient can be kept alive but has no chance of real recovery.
somebody’s moral sense (=a feeling for what is right and what is wrong)
Children’s moral sense develops over a number of years.
moral superiority (=the idea that you are morally right and other people are not)
He connects high social class with moral superiority.
moral philosophy (=the study of moral principles and rules)
a class in moral philosophy
the moral order (=the way societies are organized according to moral standards)
Hitler posed the greatest threat to the moral order of the world that history has ever seen.
Examples from the Corpus
moral2 ●○○ noun  
1 morals [plural]GOOD/MORAL principles or standards of good behaviour, especially in matters of sex 〔尤指男女问题上的〕道德准则[标准] ethics
 the morals and customs of the Victorian period
 Values and morals are independent of religious faith.
 the corruption of public morals (=the standards of behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, expected by society)
 a young woman of loose morals (=low standards of sexual behaviour – often used humorously)
Examples from the Corpus
2 GOOD/MORAL[countableC] a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave, which you learn from a story or from something that happens to you 寓意,道德上的教训;教育意义 message
moral of
 The moral of the film was that crime does not pay.
morals all of the basic ideas that a person or group of people has about what is morally good and right
The man has no morals at all.
He felt that society's morals were declining, as shown by increases in public drunkenness and violence.
morality ideas about what is right and wrong, and what is acceptable behaviour – used when talking about whether it is right to do a particular thing, or when talking about moral standards generally
Several advisers had very different views on the morality of the action (=on whether it was morally right).
They wanted to ban the film, on the grounds of protecting public morality.
ethics moral rules for deciding what is right and wrong – often used about this as a subject that people study and discuss
Doctors must follow a strict code of ethics.
I'm not sure about the ethics of using human embryos for research (=I'm not sure that it is morally right).
principles moral rules or beliefs about what is right and wrong, which make you decide what you should and should not do
He stuck to his principles and spoke out against injustice, despite the risks.
It's against their principles to kill any living thing.
values your ideas about what is important in life
During the 1960s, many young people rejected their parents' values.
He stressed the importance of spiritual values.
scruples beliefs about what is right and wrong that prevent you from doing bad things
She had no scruples about listening to their private conversation.
My scruples would not allow me to interfere in their relationship.
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Origin moral1
(1300-1400) Latin moralis, from mos what people usually or traditionally do




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