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词汇 monkey


Word family adjectivemonkeyishnounmonkeyismmonkey nutmonkey wrenchmonkey
Related topics: Animals
mon·key1 /ˈmʌŋki/ ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1. HBAa small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries
2 informalCHILD a small child who is very active and likes to play tricks 顽皮儿童,淘气鬼,捣蛋鬼
 Stop that, you little monkey!
3. monkey business informalBAD PERSON bad or dishonest behaviour 恶作剧;骗人把戏,不轨行为
Examples from the Corpus
4 not give a monkey’s British EnglishBrE spoken informalDON'T CARE to not care at all about something 一点都不在乎
 To be honest I don’t give a monkey’s what they do.
5. make a monkey (out) of somebody MAKE FUN OFto make someone seem stupid 使某人出丑,戏弄[愚弄]某人
6. a monkey on your back American EnglishAmE informalMDDDIFFICULT a serious problem that makes your life very difficult, especially being dependent on drugs 使生活艰难的沉重负担〔尤指药物依赖〕
Examples from the Corpus
monkey2 verb  
1monkey around (also monkey about British EnglishBrE) phrasal verbphr v informal STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEto behave in a stupid or careless way 胡闹,捣蛋,调皮
 Stop monkeying around and listen to me!
Examples from the Corpus
Origin monkey1
(1500-1600) Probably from Low German




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