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词汇 mistake


Word family noun mistake mistakennessmistakingmistaken identityadjective mistaken unmistakable mistakableverb mistake adverb unmistakably mistakenly mistakably
mis·take1 /məˈsteɪk/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 [countableC]MISTAKE something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect 〔行为、看法、言辞等上的〕错误 error
mistake in
 We may have made a mistake in our calculations.
 The most common mistake is to plant them too deep.
see thesaurus at fault
2 [countableC]MISTAKE something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result 错误〔指不明智或有不良后果的行为〕
 Buying the house seemed a great idea at the time, but now I can see it was a terrible mistake.
 Marrying him was the biggest mistake she ever made.
make the mistake of doing something
 I stupidly made the mistake of giving them my phone number.
3 by mistake DELIBERATELY#if you do something by mistake, you do it without intending to 错误地,无意地 SYN accidentally OPP deliberately, on purpose
 Someone must have left the door open by mistake.
 I’m sorry, this letter is addressed to you – I opened it by mistake.
Examples from the Corpus
4 in mistake for somebody/something as a result of a mistake in which someone or something is wrongly thought to be someone or something else (被)误以为是某物/某人
 The boy was shot dead in mistake for a burglar.
5. we all make mistakes spokenMISTAKE used to tell someone not to be worried because they have made a mistake 人人都会犯错〔用于告诉别人不用因犯了错而忧心〕
Examples from the Corpus
6 make no mistake (about it) spokenEMPHASIZE used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, especially when you are warning about something serious or dangerous (对这一点)不要搞错〔用以强调自己所说的是事实,尤在对严重或危险之事提出告诫时〕
 Make no mistake, this is the most serious threat our industry has ever seen.
Examples from the Corpus
7 and no mistake British EnglishBrE spoken informalCERTAINLY/DEFINITELY used to emphasize the description you have just given 毫无疑问,的确
 Miles was a heartbreaker, and no mistake!
Examples from the Corpus
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect 〔行为、看法、言辞等上的〕错误
make a mistake 犯错
The lab must have made a mistake – this can’t be right.
correct a mistake 纠正错误
Luckily I was able to correct the mistake before my boss saw it.
realize your mistake 认识到自己的错误
As soon as he realized his mistake he turned in the right direction.
admit your mistake 承认错误
nIt is better to admit your mistake and apologize.
mistakes happen 错误在所难免
nWe’re very careful, but mistakes can happen.
a common mistake 常见的错误
A common mistake is to imagine that dogs think like humans.
a little/minor mistake 小错
The essay was full of little mistakes.
a serious/grave mistake 严重的错误
There was a serious mistake in the instructions.
an honest mistake (=a mistake, and not a deliberate action) 无心的错误
nThomas admitted he had broken the law, but said that it had been an honest mistake.
a silly/stupid mistake 愚蠢的错误
nYou need to be able to laugh at your own silly mistakes.
an easy mistake (to make) 容易犯的错误
nShe looks like her sister, so it’s an easy mistake to make.
a spelling mistake 拼写错误
nShe spotted two spelling mistakes in the article.
be full of mistakes 错误百出
The article was full of mistakes.
it is a mistake to think/assume etc something 认为/假设是错误的
It would be a mistake to assume that all snakes are dangerous.
there must be some mistake (=used when you think someone has made a mistake) 一定是什么地方弄错了
nThere must be some mistake. I definitely booked a room for tonight.
be full of mistakes (=have a lot of mistakes) 错误百出
The report was full of mistakes.
nbe all a mistake (=used to say that a situation happened because of a mistake)
He couldn’t bring himself to tell her it was all a mistake.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘do a mistake’. Say make a mistake.
不要说do a mistake’. 而要说 make a mistake.
mistake something incorrect that you accidentally do, say, or write 〔无意中所犯的〕错误
a spelling mistake
I made a mistake – it should say £230, not £320.
error formal a mistake 错误,谬误
an error in the report
grammatical errors
He had made a serious error on his tax form.
misprint a small mistake in something that is printed 印刷错误
There was a misprint in the article, and instead of ‘pleasant’ it said ‘pheasant’.
typo informal a mistake in something that has been typed or printed 打字[排印]错误
I spotted a couple of typos in the letter.
inaccuracy formal a piece of information that is not completely correct 不准确,错误
The report contained several inaccuracies.
mix-up a careless mistake in which one name, time, address etc has been confused with another, so that the details of something are wrong 〔把姓名、时间、地址等搞混而引起的〕错误
There was a mix-up over the train times and I missed my train.
slip-up a careless mistake when you are doing something 失误,疏忽
The other team took advantage of the goalie’s slip-up.
oversight a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something 疏忽;失察
Through some oversight, the brochures were not ready by the right date.
a slip of the tongue a mistake in which you accidentally say a similar sounding word 口误
When I said Thursday, I meant Tuesday. It was a slip of the tongue.
faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː, ˈfəʊ pɑː $ ˌfoʊ ˈpɑː/ formal an embarrassing mistake in a social situation, when you do or say something that you shouldn’t 失态;失礼;失言
Harris, trying to be funny, addressed the waiter as ‘boy’. A deathly silence followed this faux pas.
a stupid mistake 愚蠢的错误
blunder a stupid mistake caused by not thinking carefully enough about what you are saying or doing, which could have serious results 愚蠢[粗心]的错误
In a serious blunder by the hospital, two babies were sent home with the wrong parents.
gaffe /ɡæf/ an embarrassing and stupid mistake made in a social situation or in public 〔在社交场合或当众的〕出丑,失礼,失言
a serious gaffe in her speech about immigration
nhowler British EnglishBrE a very bad mistake, especially one that shows you do not know something, and that often makes other people laugh
Photographers should be careful of making classic howlers, such as having a tree grow out of your subject’s head.
ncock-up British EnglishBrE informal a silly mistake when you are doing something – a very informal use
They made a cock-up with the bill.
The government is anxious to avoid any more cock-ups.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result 错误〔指不明智或有不良后果的行为〕
make a mistake 犯错
nI just want to prevent you from making a terrible mistake.
nlearn from your mistakes
I’m sure he will learn from his mistakes.
nrepeat a mistake
We certainly do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past.
na big/great mistake
Buying this car was a big mistake.
na bad/terrible/dreadful etc mistake
It would be a terrible mistake to marry him.
a serious/grave mistake 严重的错误
nThe decision to take the money was a serious mistake.
na fatal mistake (=a very bad mistake, often one that ends something)
His fatal mistake was to underestimate his opponent.
na costly mistake (=that costs you money or has a bad result)
Hiring him turned out to be a costly mistake.
it is a mistake to do something 认为/假设是错误的
nIt is a mistake to try to see everything in the museum in one day.
nmake the mistake of doing something
He made the mistake of revealing his true intentions.
nmake the same mistake again/twice
We won’t make the same mistake again.
Examples from the Corpus
mistake2 ●●○ verb (past tensepst mistook /-ˈstʊk/, past participlepp mistaken /-ˈsteɪkən/) [transitiveT]  
1 UNDERSTAND#to understand something wrongly 弄错,误解,误会
 She mistook my meaning entirely.
 Ken mistook her concern, thinking she was interested in him for another reason.
2 you can’t mistake somebody/something RECOGNIZEused to say that someone or something is very easy to recognize 你不会认错某人/某物
 You can’t mistake her. She’s the one with the long red hair.
Examples from the Corpus
3 there is no mistaking somebody/something RECOGNIZEused to say that you are certain about something 绝不可能搞错某人/某物
 There’s no mistaking whose children they are – they all look just like Joe.
Examples from the Corpus
4mistake somebody/something for somebody/something phrasal verbphr v RECOGNIZE#to wrongly think that one person or thing is someone or something else 错当成
 A woman mistook him for a well-known actor, and asked him for his autograph.
 The doctor mistook the symptoms for blood poisoning.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin mistake2
(1300-1400) Old Norse mistaka




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