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词汇 miracle


Word family adjectivemiraculousadverbmiraculouslynounmiraculousnessmiracle
Related topics: Christianity
mir·a·cle /ˈmɪrəkəl/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 LUCKYsomething very lucky or very good that happens which you did not expect to happen or did not think was possible 意外的幸运事,不可思议的事;奇迹
 It’s a miracle you weren’t killed!
 By some miracle, we managed to catch the plane.
 the economic miracle of the 1950s.
 She’s our miracle baby.
small/minor miracle (=something lucky but not very important) 幸事,小奇迹
 The fence’s survival in these winds seems like a minor miracle.
2 RRCan action or event believed to be caused by God, which is impossible according to the ordinary laws of nature 〔神创造的〕奇迹,神迹
 Do you believe in miracles?
3 miracle cure/drug MHa very effective medical treatment that cures even serious diseases 有奇效的疗法/药物
 There is no miracle cure for diabetes.
Examples from the Corpus
4 work/perform miracles EFFECTIVEto have a very good effect or achieve a very good result 创造奇迹,有奇效
 Maybe you should try yoga – it worked miracles for me.
Examples from the Corpus
5 a miracle of something IMPRESSa very good example of something 某事物极好的例子,某事物的精品
 The concert tour was an absolute miracle of organization.
 a miracle of modern engineering
Examples from the Corpus
perform/work a miracle (=achieve something very good which no one thought was possible)
The new coach has worked miracles, and the team have won their last four games.
believe in miracles
Do you believe in miracles?
need a miracle
He'll need a miracle to pass this test.
take a miracle (=need a miracle)
it would take a miracle to transform her into an elegant woman.
hope for a miracle
I knew I would probably never walk again, but I couldn’t help hoping for a miracle.
pray for a miracle
We prayed for a miracle, but her burns were so severe that she did not survive.
a miracle happens
Then the miracle happened – there was a job, and I could have it.
a minor/small miracle (=something lucky but not very important)
I’d managed to produce a good meal in half an hour, which seemed like a minor miracle.
an economic miracle
Brazil seemed to be experiencing an economic miracle.
miracle + NOUN
a miracle worker (=someone who performs miracles)
A doctor is just a person, not a miracle worker.
a miracle cure (=something that solves a problem very effectively)
Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for thinning hair.
a miracle drug (=a very effective drug that cures a serious disease)
Why is this new miracle drug so expensive?
it’s a miracle (that)
It’s a miracle you weren’t killed
something is no miracle
It was no miracle, it was just good planning and leadership.
something is nothing short of a miracle (=it is extremely unexpected and you are very pleased about it)
What has happened is nothing short of a miracle.
don't expect miracles
Don’t expect miracles. A hairdresser can't make a 50-year-old look like a 20-year-old.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin miracle
(1100-1200) Old French Latin miraculum




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