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词汇 metaphor


Word family adjectivemetaphoricadverbmetaphoricallynounmetaphoristmetaphor
Related topics: Literature
met·a·phor /ˈmetəfə, -fɔː $ -fɔːr/ ●●○ noun [countableC, uncountableU]  
1 ALa way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggesting that it has similar qualities to that thing 隐喻,暗喻 simile
 She uses some wonderful images and metaphors in her writing.
 a very creative use of metaphor
see thesaurus at language
2. mixed metaphor ALthe use of two different metaphors at the same time to describe something, especially in a way that seems silly or funny 混杂隐喻〔指同时运用两个不同的隐喻描写某物,尤指显得可笑或滑稽〕
Examples from the Corpus
3 SIGN/SYMBOLsomething that represents a general idea or quality 象征
metaphor for
 Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
use a metaphor
To use her own metaphor, she is a caged bird who wants to fly free.
extend a metaphor (=to use other metaphors with a similar idea)
The poem extends the metaphor of food still further.
borrow a metaphor from something (=use a metaphor from another subject, book etc)
To borrow an architectural metaphor, you cannot see the whole building if you focus on the individual bricks.
a powerful metaphor (=one that works very well)
His election campaign used the powerful metaphor of ‘building a bridge to the next century’.
a vivid metaphor (=one that gives you a picture in your mind)
The book is full of vivid metaphors and powerful images.
an appropriate/apt metaphor (=a very suitable one)
Building on sand is an apt metaphor for the challenge we face.
a central metaphor (=one that a poem or book is based around)
The poet as something carried by the ocean is a central metaphor in the book.
a mixed metaphor (=the use of two different metaphors at the same time to describe something, especially in a way that seems silly or funny)
In a mixed metaphor, she said ‘he stepped up to the plate and took the bull by the horns.’
a religious/military/biological etc metaphor
He uses a military metaphor to describe these women as ‘storming’ the castle of male power.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin metaphor
(1400-1500) French métaphore, from Latin, from Greek metaphora, from meta- ( → META-) + pherein to carry




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