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词汇 meeting


Word family nounmeetingmeeting-housemeetnessadverbmeetlyverbmeet
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meet·ing /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 MEETan event at which people meet to discuss and decide things 会议;集会
 We’re having a meeting next week to discuss the matter.
at a meeting
 I’ll raise the matter at the next meeting.
in a meeting
 She said that Mr Coleby was in a meeting.
meeting about/on
 There was a public meeting about the future of the gallery.
meeting with
 I’ve got a meeting with Mr Edwards this afternoon.
meeting of
 a meeting of senior politicians
meeting between
 a meeting between unions and management
2 the meeting formalMEET all the people who are at a meeting 所有参加会议的人,全体与会者
 I’d like to put a few ideas before the meeting.
Examples from the Corpus
3 [usually singular]MEET when people meet each other by chance or because they have arranged to do this 相遇;会面,会见
 I had felt drawn to Alice ever since our first meeting.
4. DSa sports competition or a set of races for horses 运动会;赛马会
5 meeting of minds AGREEa situation in which two people have very similar ideas and understand each other very well 彼此意见一致;彼此非常理解
 There was a real meeting of minds between the two leaders.
Examples from the Corpus
6. RRCan event at which a group of Quakers (=a Christian religious group) pray together 〔基督教贵格会教徒的〕宗教聚会,祈祷会
have a meeting 开会
I had a long meeting with my manager.
hold a meeting formal (=have a meeting) 举行会议
The meetings are usually held on a Friday. 
go to a meeting (also attend a meeting formal) 参加会议
All staff members are expected to attend the meeting.
call a meeting (also convene a meeting formal) (=arrange a meeting) 召集会议
The board has the power to convene a general meeting if necessary.
chair a meeting (also preside over a meeting formal) (=lead it) 主持会议
5The meeting was chaired by Professor Jones.
nThe meeting was chaired by Professor Jones of the University of York.
nopen a meeting (=begin it)
There was disagreement about opening the meeting with a prayer.
nclose a meeting (=end it)
He closed the meeting by saying, ‘I think we have made great progress.’
address a meeting (=speak to the people at a meeting) 向大会致辞
nA member of Greenpeace addressed the protest meeting.
adjourn a meeting (=make it stop for a period of time) 休会
nThis meeting is adjourned until tomorrow.
a committee/staff/board etc meeting 委员会/员工/董事会等会议
A staff meeting will be held at 3 p.m.
an annual meeting (=an important meeting held once a year) 年会
the annual meeting of the British Medical Association
a monthly/weekly meeting 每月/每周例会
na routine weekly meeting with the managing director
a public/open meeting (=that anyone can go to) 公开会议
nA public meeting was held to discuss the proposal to build a new school.
a general meeting especially British EnglishBrE (=that anyone, or anyone in a particular organization, can go to) 大会〔组织的每个成员皆可参加〕
nThe annual general meeting of the rugby club was held last night.
a private/closed meeting (=that only a few people are allowed to go to) 非公开会议
nThe senator attended a private meeting with the president.
a summit meeting (=between leaders of governments) 首脑会议,峰会
nThe prime minister is in Paris for a European summit meeting.
a business meeting 商务会议
nHe had to go into town for a business meeting.
a protest meeting 抗议集会
nAnti-road campaigners are holding a protest meeting today.
an emergency/urgent meeting 紧急会议
nThe Council has called an emergency meeting to decide what action to take.
meeting an occasion when people meet in order to discuss something
a business meeting.
Mr Bell is in a meeting.
The committee will hold another meeting Wednesday.
conference an organized event, especially one that continues for several days, at which a lot of people meet to discuss a particular subject and hear speeches about it
Didn’t you give a talk at the conference last year?
a conference of women business leaders
convention a large formal meeting of people who belong to a political party, or to an organization of people with the same interests
the Democratic Party Convention
a convention for Star Trek fans
rally a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to support or protest about something
There was a massive peace rally in London.
summit a meeting between government leaders from important and powerful countries, to discuss important matters
A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.
next week’s economic summit
caucus American EnglishAmE a local meeting of the members of a political party to choose people to represent them at a larger meeting, or to choose a candidate in an election
Obama won the Iowa caucus in 2007.
teleconference/video conference a business meeting in which people in different places talk to each other using telephones or video equipment
The chairman held teleconferences with his senior managers.
gathering/get-together a situation in which a group of people come together to meet, talk, and have drinks with each other, especially friends or family
We held a small family get-together to celebrate her birthday.
She arranged social gatherings in Kettering for young people on Saturday evenings.
date an arrangement to meet someone who you are having, or hoping to have, a romantic relationship with
I think I might ask her out on a date.
rendezvous a meeting where two people have arranged to meet at a particular time or place, often secretly
She arranged a rendezvous with him in the hotel bar.
tryst literary a secret meeting between people who are having a romantic relationship
a good place for a moonlight tryst
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
meetingmeet·ing /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ noun [countableC]
an event at which people meet to talk and decide things
We had a meeting yesterday to discuss progress.
It was decided to hold a shareholders’ meeting later this month.
Two of the directors refused to attend the board meeting.
I’ve been in a meeting all afternoon.
The preliminary findings will be presented at a meeting next week.
meeting with
Representatives of Middle Eastern banks were due in London this morning for a meeting with Bank of England officials.
meeting between
a meeting between unions and management
The chairperson or chair is the person in charge of a meeting, especially an official meeting. He or she chairs the meeting. The agenda is a list of subjects to be discussed in the meeting. The last item on the agenda is usually AOB (=any other business). This is the time when people can discuss things that were not on the agenda. The minutes are an official record of what is said and decided at a meeting, and they often contain action points (=things that must be done as a result of the meeting).
A briefing is a meeting at which someone is given instructions and information about work they will be doing. A session is a meeting that has a particular purpose
a training session
. A conference call is a telephone call involving several people in different places discussing something. A video conference is a meeting in which people in different places can see and speak to each other using special equipment.
A conference is a large formal meeting, usually lasting a day or several days, where people discuss important matters or subjects related to their job
a sales conference
. A congress is an official meeting of representatives of different groups to discuss ideas, give information, and make decisions. A summit is an important meeting or round of meetings between the leaders of several governments
the G8 summit
annual general meeting company meeting creditors' meeting extraordinary meeting statutory meeting




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