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词汇 means


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Related topics: Wages
means /miːnz/ ●●○ S3 W2 noun (plural means)  
1 method 方法 [countableC]WAY/METHOD a way of doing or achieving something 手段;方法;工具
means of
 For most people, the car is still their main means of transport.
 The only means of communication was sign language.
 The window was our only means of escape.
 Do you have any means of identification?
 art as a means of expression
 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children.
 I had no means of telling him I would be late.
 Brian was prepared to use any means to get what he wanted.
 They had entered the country by unlawful means.
 the means by which performance is assessed
see thesaurus at method
2 money [plural]BEWMONEY the money or income that you have 钱;收入
have the means to do something
 I don’t have the means to support a family.
 Paying for your children to go to a private school is beyond the means of most people (=too expensive for most people).
 Try to live within your means (=only spending what you can afford).
 His father was a man of means (=a rich man).
3 by all means! spokenLET/ALLOW used to mean ‘of course’ when politely allowing someone to do something or agreeing with a suggestion 当然可以!
 ‘Can I bring Alan?’ ‘By all means!’
4 by no means/not by any means UNCERTAINnot at all 决不,一点都不
 It is by no means certain that the game will take place.
 She’s not a bad kid, by any means.
Examples from the Corpus
5 by means of something WAY/METHOD formal using a particular method or system 借助某事物,以某种方法
 The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.
Examples from the Corpus
6 a means to an end RESULTsomething that you do only to achieve a result, not because you want to do it or because it is important 达到目的的手段
 For Geoff, the job was simply a means to an end.
Examples from the Corpus
7. the means of production TIPEthe material, tools, and equipment that are used in the production of goods 生产资料
Examples from the Corpus
ways and means at way1(1)
an effective/efficient means
Speed bumps are an effective means of stopping cars from going too fast.
a useful means
Local radio is a useful means of advertising.
the only means
Then, horses and carts were the only means of transport available.
the best means
Is this really the best means of achieving our goal?
an important means
Surveys are an important means of gathering information.
lawful/legal means
Their protests will continue, but only by legal means.
unlawful/illegal means
He was accused of attempting to overthrow the government using unlawful means.
unfair means
Anyone trying to use unfair means in an examination will be reported to the University.
a means of transport British EnglishBrE, a means of transportation American EnglishAmE (=a way of travelling, for example using a car, bus, bicycle etc)
The tram is an efficient means of transport.
a means of communication (=a way of talking to someone, for example by phone, writing etc)
Newspapers are still an important means of communication.
a means of expression (=a way of expressing your feelings or opinions)
Music and art are important means of expression.
a means of identification (=an official document that shows who you are)
Do you have any means of identification?
the means of production (=factories and equipment used for producing goods – used especially in Marxism)
the class of people which owns the means of production
the end justifies the means (=the result you achieve is more important than the way you do it)
It’s too bad if people get hurt - the end justifies the means.
a means to an end (=something you do only to achieve a result, not because you want to do it or because it is important)
Many of the students saw the course as a means to an end: a way of getting a good job.
(whether) by fair means or foul (=using unfair methods if necessary)
They were determined to achieve victory, by fair means or foul.
have no/any/some means of doing something
There was no path, and they had no means of knowing where they were.
use any/every means to do something (=use any method or many methods)
He will use any means to get what he wants.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
meansmeans /miːnz/ noun [plural]
the money and resources that a person or organization has available
means to do something
Large corporations have the means to pay large fines without suffering hardship.
The group has limited means.
young families and people of modest means
Improving the lot of the poor was beyond the city’s financial means.
independent means




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