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词汇 axe


Word family nounaxemanaxe
Related topics: Tools
axe1 (also ax American English) /æks/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1. axe.jpg TZa tool with a heavy metal blade on the end of a long handle, used to cut down trees or split pieces of wood 斧头,长柄斧 pickaxe
2 the axe informalLEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION if someone gets the axe, they are dismissed from their job 被解雇,被开除
 A hundred workers are facing the axe in a cost-cutting exercise.
3 the axe informalGET RID OF if a plan, system, or service gets the axe, someone gets rid of it 取消
 MPs know there will be cuts in public spending but do not know on which department the axe will fall.
4 have an axe to grind PERSUADEto have a strong personal opinion about something which is the reason why you do something 别有企图,有个人动机,有私心
 I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.
Examples from the Corpus
axe2 (also ax American English) verb [transitiveT]  
1 LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONto suddenly dismiss someone from their job 突然解雇,突然开除
 There are plans to axe 2,600 staff.
2 GET RID OFto get rid of a plan, system, or service, especially in order to save money 〔尤指为省钱〕砍掉;取消;废止
 TV’s longest running show is to be axed.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
axeaxe1 /æks/ (also ax American EnglishAmE) verb [transitiveT] informal
1JOBif a company axes jobs, it suddenly dismisses people in those jobs in order to reduce costs
The company announced plans to axe 300 jobs.
2to suddenly get rid of a plan or service, or reduce the amount of money spent on it
The airline’s transatlantic service is to be axed next month.
axeaxe2 (also ax American EnglishAmE) nounJOB
1get/be given the axe if someone gets the axe or is given the axe, they are suddenly dismissed from their job because the company wants to reduce costs. If a plan, project, or service gets the axe, it is stopped in order to reduce costs
A lot of managers are now getting the axe.
2the axe falls if the axe falls, someone is dismissed from their job or a plan, project, or service is stopped because a company needs to reduce its costs
The axe is now falling on people whose talents have been praised only months earlier.




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