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词汇 make up

make up

make up
phrasal verbphr v 
a) form/be 形成/ make up somethingCONSIST OF/BE MADE OFBE to combine together to form something 形成,组成,构成 SYN constitute
 Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population.
be made up of something
 The committee is made up of representatives from every state.
nGRAMMAR: Using the progressive
Make up is not used in the progressive in this meaning. You say:
Oxygen makes up roughly 20% of the atmosphere.
Don’t say: Oxygen is making up roughly 20% of the atmosphere.
However, the participle form making up is often used:
Customers under 25 are important, making up a quarter of the total.
b) pretend STH is true 假装某事是真实的 make something ↔ upINVENT to pretend that something is true in order to deceive someone 编造,假装
 I think they’re making the whole thing up.
c) invent 创作 make something ↔ up to produce a new story, song, game etc by thinking 创作,编写〔故事、歌曲、游戏等〕
 Nick made up a song about them.
 When you’re the boss you can make up your own rules.
 I’ve given talks so many times that now I just make them up as I go along (=think of things to say as I am speaking).
d) prepare 准备 make something ↔ upPREPARE to prepare something by mixing things or putting things together 准备;布置
 I could make up a bed for you on the sofa.
 Can you make up a bottle of milk for the baby?
e) SB’s face 某人的脸DCB make somebody ↔ up to put make-up (=special coloured substances) on someone’s face in order to make them look better or different 给〔某人〕化妆[化装]
 They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play.
 One lucky winner will have the chance to be made up and photographed.
Do not use the verb ‘make up’ when you are talking about putting make-up on your own face. Say that you put on (your) make-up.
给自己化妆不要用 ‘make up’ 这个动词,而要说 put on (your) make-up.
f) number/amount 数目/金额 make something ↔ up especially British EnglishBrECOMPLETE to add to an amount in order to bring it up to the level that is needed 凑足,补齐
 I saved as much as I could, and my parents made up the rest.
 The company will be forced to pay $6 million to make up the difference.
g) time/work 时间/工作 make something ↔ upEQUAL to work at times when you do not usually work, because you have not done as much work as you should 补上,补回
 I’m trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.
 Is it OK if I make the work up next week?
h) friends 朋友 (also make it up) informalFRIEND to become friendly with someone again after you have had an argument 和好,和解
 Have you made up with Patty yet?
 Oh come on! Why don’t you just kiss and make up?
i) from cloth 用布料 make something ↔ upDL to produce something from cloth by cutting and sewing 裁制;缝制
 The dress had been made up to her exact requirements.
make something ↔ up into
 I plan on making that material up into a dress.
make up your mind at mind1(3)
Examples from the Corpus
make up at make1(PHRASAL VERB)




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