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词汇 make up

make up

Word family adjectivemakablemakelessnounmakermakingmakebatemakeovermakeshiftmake-weightverbmake
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Hair & beauty, Theatre, School
ldoce_213_eˈmake-up, makeup /ˈmeɪkʌp/ ●●○ noun  
1 for your face 用于脸部 [uncountableU]DCBAPT coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance 化妆品
 I don’t usually wear much make-up.
make up at make15  See picture of lipstick 唇膏, brush 眼影刷, eye shadow 眼影 ...
2 people in a group 成群的人 [singular]GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGS the make-up of a group or team is the combination of people that are in it 〔群体或团队的〕组成,构成
make-up of
 We should change the make-up of the team.
3 CHARACTER 性格somebody’s make-up CHARACTER/PERSONALITYthe qualities that a person has, which form their character 某人的性格,某人的个性特点
 Pride has always been an important part of his make-up.
somebody’s genetic/psychological make-up
 a possible link between genetic make-up and criminal behaviour
4. test 测验 [countableC] (also make-up test) American EnglishAmESES a test that you take in school when you were not able to take a previous test 补考
wear make-up 化妆
They’re not allowed to wear make-up to school.
have make-up on (=be wearing make-up) 化了妆
She had no make-up on.
use make-up 使用化妆品
She rarely uses make-up.
put on make-up (also apply make-up formal) 化妆
Gloria watched her mother put on her make-up.
do your make-up (=put on make-up) 化妆
nI’ll do your make-up for you, if you want.
take off make-up (also remove make-up formal) 卸妆
nTake off eye make-up gently, using a cotton ball.
touch up/fix your make-up (=put a little more make-up on after some has come off) 补妆
nShe went into the bathroom to touch up her makeup.
nsmudge your make-up (=accidentally rub it so that it spreads to areas where you do not want it)
Grace wiped her eyes, smudging her make-up.
heavy make-up (=a lot of make-up) 浓妆
a girl in high heels and heavy make-up
eye make-up 眼妆
She was wearing far too much eye make-up.
stage make-up (=make-up that actors wear in plays) 舞台妆
nthe elaborate stage make-up for ‘The Lion King’
npancake make-up (=very thick make-up worn by actors)
His face was covered by thick pancake makeup.
make-up + NOUN
a make-up artist (=someone whose job is to put make-up on actors, people appearing on television etc) 化妆师
nthe chief make-up artist on the film
make-up coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance
I don’t usually wear much make-up.
cosmetics creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body in order to look more attractive
a range of cosmetics and toiletries
lipstick a substance you use for adding colour to your lips, in the shape of a small stick
She was wearing bright red lipstick.
eyeshadow coloured cream or powder that you put on your eyelids
eyeliner something you use for adding a line of colour at the edges of your eyelids to make your eyes look bigger or more noticeable
mascara a dark substance you use to colour your eyelashes and make them look thicker
blusher (also blush American EnglishAmE, rouge old-fashioned) red or pink cream or powder used for making your cheeks look slightly more pink
foundation a cream the same colour as your skin that you put on your face before the rest of your make-up
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
make up something phrasal verbphr v [transitiveT]
1to combine together to form a particular total or result
Plastic bags now make up 60% of all bags used in grocery stores.
2to prepare something
Your accountant will make up your accounts and prepare your tax return.




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