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词汇 mailing list

mailing list

Word family adjectivemailablemailednounmailermailgrammailingmailbagmailboxmail dropmailing listmailmanmailmergemail ordermailroommailshotmail
Related topics: Mail, Advertising & marketing, Computers
ˈmailing list noun [countableC]  
1 TCMBBAa list of names and addresses kept by an organization, so that it can send information or advertising material by post 〔某一机构的〕邮寄名单;邮寄名址录
on a mailing list
 I have included you on my mailing list for new EFL software.
2. a list of names and email addresses kept on a computer so that you can send the same message to a group of people at the same time 电子邮件名单
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
mailing listˈmailing listMARKETING
a large collection of customers’ names and addresses, used by companies to send products, advertisements etc to each one
Please add me to your mailing list for all future events.
the newelectronic mailing list




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