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词汇 mailbox


Word family adjectivemailablemailednounmailermailgrammailingmailbagmailboxmail dropmailing listmailmanmailmergemail ordermailroommailshotmail
Related topics: Mail, Household, Computers
mail·box /ˈmeɪlbɒks $ -bɑːks/ ●●○ noun [countableC] American EnglishAmE  
1. TCMDHa box, usually outside a house, where someone’s letters are delivered or collected 〔通常置于住宅外的〕信箱4  See picture of 见图 POSTBOX5 see picture at 见图 postbox
2. TCMa container where you post letters 邮箱,邮筒 SYN British English postbox
3. the part of a computer’s memory where email messages are stored 电子邮箱,电子信箱
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
mailboxmail·box /ˈmeɪlbɒks-bɑːks/ noun [countableC]
1American EnglishAmE a box, usually outside a house, where someone’s mail is delivered or collected
2American EnglishAmE a container where you put letters that you want to sendSYN BrE postbox
3COMPUTING the part of a computer’s memory where email messages are stored




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