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词汇 mace


Word family nounmacermace
Related topics: Food, Weapons
mace /meɪs/ noun  
1. [uncountableU]DF a spice made from the dried shell of a nutmeg 〔调味用的〕肉豆蔻干皮(粉)
2. [countableC]PMW a heavy ball with sharp points on a short metal stick, used in the past as a weapon 〔旧时用作武器的〕狼牙棒,钉头锤
3. [countableC]PGOTRADITION a decorated stick that is carried by an official in some ceremonies as a sign of power 〔作为权力象征的〕权杖 sceptre
Examples from the Corpus
Mace noun [uncountableU] trademark  
a chemical which makes your eyes and skin sting painfully. Police officers sometimes carry Mace in cans to defend themselves. 梅斯催泪毒气〔警察有时用来自卫〕
Examples from the Corpus
Origin mace
1. (1200-1300) French macis, from Latin macir, from Greek
2. (1200-1300) Old French Vulgar Latin mattia




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