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词汇 love


Word family noun love lover loveliness. lovey lovabilitylovablenesslovelessnessloveliheadlovelinesslovingnesslove affairlovebirdlovebitelove childlove-hate relationshiplove letterlove lifelovelightlovelocklovelornnesslovemakerlovemakinglove nestlove ratlove seatlovesicknessadjective lovableunlovable loveless lovely loving unloved loveredloverlessloverlylovesomeloveworthylovelornlovesicklovestrucklovey-doveyverb love adverb lovingly lovelesslylovelily
love1 /lʌv/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 romantic attraction 爱情的吸引力 [transitiveT not in progressive]LOVE to have a strong feeling of affection for someone, combined with sexual attraction
 I love you, Tracy.
 He was the only man she had ever loved.
2 care about 关心 [transitiveT not in progressive]LOVE to care very much about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend 爱,关爱〔尤指家人或好友〕
 I love my grandad so much.
 I’ve always loved children.
 In 1941, her much-loved sister was killed in an accident.
 Many people feel guilty after the death of a loved one.
3 like/enjoy 喜欢/喜爱 [transitiveT]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something to like something very much or enjoy doing something very much 喜欢,喜爱〔某物或做某事〕
 I love carrots.
 Jeff loves his work.
 I love the way she sings that song.
 Amy had always loved New York.
love doing something
 I love going out to restaurants.
love to do something
 We all love to talk about ourselves.
I’d love to (do something) spoken (=used to say that you would really like to do something) 我很想(做某事)
 ‘Would you like to come swimming with us?’ ‘I’d love to.’
你想和我们一起去游泳吗?” “我很愿意。
 I’d have loved to have stayed till the end.
 I’d love to know just why they did that.
see thesaurus at like
4 loyalty 忠诚 [transitiveT not in progressive]LIKE somebody OR something to have a strong feeling of loyalty to your country, an institution etc 热爱,忠于〔国家、机构等〕
 Dad’s always loved the navy.
5 I love it! spokenENJOY/LIKE DOING something used when you are amused by something, especially by someone else’s mistake or bad luck 好玩! 太有趣了!〔尤用于表示觉得别人的差错或坏运气好笑〕
 ‘And then her boyfriend walked in and saw her kissing Ray.’ ‘I love it!’
就在那时,她男朋友进来了,看到她正在亲吻雷。” “这太有意思了!
Examples from the Corpus
6 somebody’s going to love something spoken
a) ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingused to say that someone will enjoy something 某人一定会喜欢某事
 Listen guys, you’re going to love this.
b) DON'T LIKEused to say that someone will not be pleased about something 某人不会喜欢某事
 I’m going to love telling him we’ve changed our minds again.
Examples from the Corpus
Patterns with love
You love someone or something:
I love my children.
She loves jazz.
You love doing something:
She loves listening to jazz.
You love to do something:
She loves to listen to jazz in her spare time.
Don’t say: She loves listen to jazz.
Love doing something and love to do something both mean the same thing. You use love to do especially when saying that someone does something regularly or often.
Using the progressive
The usual rule is that love is not used in the progressive. Don’t say: I am loving my children. | She is loving jazz.
In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m loving something they have just seen or heard:
I’m loving his new show (=I like it a lot).
love to like someone very much and care a lot about them – used especially about people in your family or someone who you are sexually attracted to 爱,关爱〔用于家人或爱人〕
I love my wife and children very much.
Have you ever said ‘I love you’ and not really meant it?
adore to love and admire someone very much 爱慕,热爱
When she was a child she adored her father.
be in love (with somebody) to feel that you love someone and want to have a romantic relationship with them (与某人)恋爱
We were both young and very much in love.
Karen was in love with a man who was much older than her.
be infatuated with somebody to love someone a lot and keep thinking about them, in a way that seems silly because you do not know them very well 对某人痴迷〔指不甚了解的人〕
He became infatuated with a woman he met at a conference.
have a crush on somebody to love and be sexually attracted to someone you are not having a relationship with, usually someone older 迷恋某人〔通常指比自己年长的人〕
Jane had a crush on the German teacher.
be crazy about somebody informal to love someone very much – used for emphasis 疯狂地爱上某人〔用于强调〕
She’s crazy about you.
be devoted to somebody to love someone very much and give them a lot of attention 全心全意地爱某人
He was devoted to his wife and his children.
dote on somebody written to love someone very much, especially a much younger family member, and behave very kindly to them 宠爱[溺爱]某人〔尤指年纪比自己小得多的家庭成员〕
He dotes on his grandchildren.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Tennis
love2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 for family/friends 对家人/朋友 [uncountableU]LOVE a strong feeling of caring about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend 〔尤指对家人、好友的〕爱,关心,关爱 OPP hate, hatred
 What these kids need is love and support.
love for
 a mother’s love for her child
2 romantic 浪漫的 [uncountableU]LOVE a strong feeling of liking someone a lot combined with sexual attraction 恋爱,爱情;性爱
love for
 Their love for each other grew deeper every day.
 Tara is madly in love with you.
3 person you love 你所爱的人 [countableC]LOVE someone that you feel a strong romantic and sexual attraction to 恋人;情人;爱人
 He was her first love.
the love of your life (=the person that you feel or felt the most love for) 一生中最爱的人
4 pleasure/enjoyment 快乐/乐趣
a) [singular, uncountableU]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something a strong feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that something gives you 热爱
love of/for
 my love of nature
 He had a great love of music.
 I fell in love with Amsterdam the very first time I visited the city.
b) [countableC]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something something that gives you a lot of pleasure and enjoyment 爱好
 Sailing was her great love.
5 make love (to/with somebody) 
a) SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto have sex with someone that you love (和某人)做爱
b) old useLOVE to say loving things to someone, to kiss them etc (向某人)示爱;(和某人)亲热
Examples from the Corpus
6 send/give your love (to somebody), send/give your love (to somebody)  send/give somebody your loveLOVE to ask someone to give your loving greetings to someone else when they see them, write to them etc (向某人)致意[问候]
 Aunt Mary sends her love.
Examples from the Corpus
7 love (from somebody)/lots of love/all my love writtenTCM used at the end of a letter to a friend, a member of your family, or someone you love 爱你的/深爱你的/全心爱你的〔用于写给朋友、家人或所爱之人的信的末尾处〕
 See you soon. Lots of love, Clare.
希望很快能见到你。 深爱你的,克莱尔。
8 (my) love British EnglishBrE spoken informal
a) LOVEa word used when you are talking to someone you love 亲爱的〔用于对所爱的人说话时〕 SYN darling
 ‘Hello, love, ’ said her father.
b) WOMANa friendly way of talking to someone who you do not know, especially to a woman or child. Many women consider this to be impolite or offensive 亲爱的〔对陌生人说话的友好方式,尤用于妇女或儿童;许多女性认为这种说法不礼貌或具有冒犯性〕
 What’s your name, love?
Examples from the Corpus
9 be a love and .../... there’s a love British EnglishBrE spokenASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something used when you are asking someone, especially children and members of your family, to do something 做个乖宝宝…/…好乖乖〔尤用于要孩子和家人做某事〕
 Give these to your sisters, there’s a love.
10. there is no love lost between somebody and somebody DON'T LIKEif there is no love lost between two people, they dislike each other 某人和某人之间没有好感,某人与某人互相厌恶
Examples from the Corpus
11. tennis 网球 [uncountableU]DST an expression meaning ‘no points’, used in the game of tennis 〔网球比赛中的〕零分
12 not for love or/nor money informalIMPOSSIBLE if you cannot get something or do something for love or money, it is impossible to obtain or to do 无论怎样也不,决不
 I can’t get hold of that book for love nor money.
Examples from the Corpus
13. love triangle a situation in which someone is having a sexual relationship with the partner of a close friend – used especially in newspapers 三角恋爱〔尤用于报纸文章〕
Examples from the Corpus
14. for the love of God  (also for the love of Mike/Pete) old-fashioned spokenANGRY used to show that you are extremely angry, disappointed etc 看在上帝的份上〔用于表示怒不可遏、极度沮丧等〕
a labour of love at labour1(4)
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a strong feeling of liking someone a lot combined with sexual attraction 恋爱,爱情;性爱
be in love 恋爱
Are you in love with her?
fall in love (=start being in love) 爱上,坠入情网
I fell in love with her the minute I saw her.
find love (=meet someone to love) 找到爱情
I never thought I would find love.
return somebody’s love (=love someone who loves you) 回报某人的爱
nEstella does not return Pip’s love.
love at first sight (=when you love someone as soon as you meet them) 一见钟情
For Marion and Ron it was love at first sight.
very much in love 热恋
They were obviously very much in love.
madly/deeply in love (=very much in love) 疯狂地/深深地相爱
I married Dan because I was madly in love.
head over heels in love (=very much in love) 爱得神魂颠倒
nThe two of them fell head over heels in love.
nlove is blind (=used to say that people do not notice the faults of the person they love)
Love is blind, I guess. How else could he stand to be with her?
true love (=real love) 真爱
She felt that she had finally found true love.
nreal love
You could see real love in their eyes.
romantic love 浪漫的爱情
Romantic love was not always the reason for marriage.
sexual love 性爱
nVenus was the Roman goddess of sexual love.
unrequited love (=love for someone who does not love you) 单恋,单相思
nShe had a secret, unrequited love for Harrison.
undying love (=love that does not stop) 无尽的爱
nShe and I swore undying love.
npassionate love
He wrote about his passionate love for her.
love + NOUN
a love song/story 情歌/爱情故事
a tragic love story
a love letter 情书
nShe found a love letter from another woman in his wallet.
love noun [uncountableU] a feeling of liking someone very much and caring a lot about them – used about people in your family, or someone you feel sexually attracted to 爱,关爱〔用于家人或爱人〕
nAll children need love, attention, and encouragement.
nWe don’t need words to express our love for each other.
naffection noun [uncountableU] a gentle feeling of love which makes you want to be kind to someone and show them that you love them – used especially about friends and members of your family
My mother never showed us us any affection.
Alison and I had been at school together, and I felt great affection for her.
ndevotion noun [uncountableU] very strong love for someone in which you want to give them a lot of attention and look after them – used especially about strong feelings of love for your wife, husband, children etc
His recovery is largely due to the devotion of his wife and family
npassion noun [uncountableU] a strong and exciting feeling of love for someone you are extremely sexually attracted to
He loved her still, with just the same passion as he always had.
There was no passion in their relationship.
ninfatuation noun [countableC, uncountableU] a strong feeling of love for someone, in which you cannot stop thinking about them, and which seems silly because you do not know them very well
She hoped that his ridiculous infatuation would soon wear off.
His infatuation with Diane seemed to be growing.
a childhood infatuation
nromance noun [uncountableU] the feeling of loving someone and the nice things you do to show this – used about someone you are sexually attracted to
The romance had gone out of their relationship.
In the UK, one in ten people have found romance over the Internet.
ncrush noun [countableC] a very strong feeling of love and sexual attraction for someone such as a teacher or a famous person, especially when there is no chance of you having a relationship with that person because you are much younger than them
She had a teenage crush on one of her teachers.
I had a big crush on Tom Cruise when I was growing up.
a schoolgirl crush
Examples from the Corpus
Origin love2
Old English lufu




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