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词汇 lot


Word family nounlotslot
lot1 /lɒt $ lɑːt/ ●●● S1 W1 pronoun , adverb  
1 a lot  (also lots informal) a large amount or number 大量,许多
 We’ve spent a lot on the children’s education.
 ‘How many CDs have you got?’ ‘Lots.’
a lot of
 They paid a lot of money for that house.
 I eat a lot of vegetables.
 There were lots of people at the party.
an awful lot (also a whole lot informal) (=a very large amount or number) 很多,极多
 He spends an awful lot of time on the computer.
a lot to do/learn/say etc
 I still have a lot to learn.
 It’s a great city, with lots to see and do.
A lot is fairly informal and lots is informal. In written English, use many followed by a plural noun, or a large amount followed by an uncountable noun. a lot 较不正式, lots 很不正式 在书面英语中复数名词前可用 many ,不可数名词前可用 a large amount
This was unpopular for a lot of reasons. the matter. → This was unpopular for many reasons.
这不受欢迎有很多原因 They spent a lot of money. → They spent a large amount of money. 他们花了很多钱
Use a singular verb if you are using a lot of or lots of before an uncountable noun, and a plural verb if you are using it before a plural noun. 如将 a lot of lots of 用在不可数名词前用单数动词如用在复数名词前则用复数动词
A lot of money was spent on it.
为它花了很多钱 。
Do not say 'lot of' or 'a lots of'. 不要说 ‘lot of’ ‘a lots of’.
A lot of people were killed.
很多人遇害 。
Do not use a lot of with ‘years’ or ‘days’. Say many years/days or a long time. 不要将 a lot of years days连用要说 many years/days a long time
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
a lot of
A lot of is fairly informal and is mainly used in spoken English or informal written English.
You can use a lot of with a plural noun and a plural verb:
A lot of people were hurt.
You can use a lot of with an uncountable noun and a singular verb:
A lot of money was spent on it.
lots of
Lots of is more informal than a lot of, but is used in exactly the same way.
You say:
Lots of people were hurt.
Lots of money was spent on it.
many, a large amount of
In written English, you usually use many or a large amount of.
You use many with a plural noun and a plural verb:
Many people were hurt.
You use a large amount of with an uncountable noun and a singular verb:
A large amount of money was spent on it.
When talking about years, days, weeks etc, you usually use many instead of a lot of:
The book took many years to write.
Don’t say: The book took a lot of years to write.
2 a lot  (also lots informal) if someone or something is a lot better, faster, easier etc, they are much better, faster etc 很,非常,很大程度 SYN much
 My headache is lots better, thanks.
 She has a lot more contact with clients these days.
 You’ll get there a lot quicker if you take the motorway.
 The house is a lot tidier now Chris has left home.
3 a lot used to say that something happens to a great degree or often 很大程度,非常;经常
 Things have changed a lot since I was a child.
 Paul travels a lot on business.
 I’ve been worrying a lot about my health.
 She likes you a lot.
4. have a lot on your plate informalPROBLEM to have a large number of problems to deal with or a large amount of work to do 有很多难题要处理;有很多工作要做
5 have a lot on your mind WORRIEDto have a lot of problems that you are worried about 有很多操心的事情,心事重重
 ‘You’re quiet today.’ ‘I’ve got a lot on my mind.’
6 have a lot on British EnglishBrEBUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO to be very busy, with a large number of things to do in a short time 很忙,要赶做很多事情
 I can’t help you now – I’ve got rather a lot on.
thanks a lot at thanks1(5), → a fat lot of good/use at fat1(5), → have a lot to answer for at answer for
Related topics: Film, Trade
lot2 ●●● S2 noun  
1 group of people/things 一批人/东西 [countableC]GROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people or things considered together 一批[][东西]
 Could you help me carry this lot upstairs?
lot of
 The last lot of people offered £70,000.
 I did three lots of exams last summer.
 Come on, you lot, hurry up!
 His friends are a strange lot.
2 the lot especially British EnglishBrEALL/EVERYTHING the whole of an amount or number of things, people etc 全部,全数
 We’ll do everything – cooking, washing, ironing – the lot.
 I can’t believe you ate the whole lot.
 I think that’s the lot (=everything is included).
the lot of you/them/us (=all of you, them, or us) 你们/他们/我们所有的人
 Shut up, the lot of you!
Examples from the Corpus
3 SB’s situation 某人的处境 [singular]SITUATION your lot is your work, duties, social position etc, especially when they could be better 〔尤指不太好的〕命运,处境
 She seems happy enough with her lot.
 The unions have always tried to improve the lot of their members.
4 land 土地 [countableC] especially American EnglishAmEAREA an area of land used for building on or for another purpose 一块地,场地 〔用于建屋或其他用途〕
 the vacant lot (=empty land) behind the Commercial Hotel
 a used-car lot
parking lot
5 film 电影 [countableC]AMF a building and the land surrounding it where films are made 电影摄制场 SYN studio
 the Universal Studios lot
6 thing to be sold 待售物品 [countableC]BBT something, or a group of things, that is sold at an auction 拍卖品
 Lot 54 is a Victorian lamp.
7 choosing 选择
a) by lotCHOOSE if someone is chosen by lot, several people each take a piece of paper or an object from a container, and the person who is chosen is the one who gets a particular marked paper or object 用抽签[抓阄]的方法
 In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot.
b) draw/cast lots to choose something or someone by lot 抽签,抓阄
 We drew lots to decide who should go first.
8 throw in/cast your lot with somebody/something to join or support someone or something, and accept that what happens to them will affect what happens to you 与某人/某事物共命运
 In 1915 Italy threw in her lot with the Allies.
Examples from the Corpus
bad lot at bad1(21), → a job lot at job(18)
Examples from the Corpus
LOTn /lɒt $ lɑːt/ trademark  
na Polish airline
From Longman Business Dictionary
lotlot /lɒtlɑːt/ noun [countableC]
1COMMERCEsomething that is sold at an AUCTION, especially a group of things that are sold together
The auction was a record sell-out, with all but two of 111 lots sold for a total of £6.3 million.
job lot
2FINANCE a group of shares that are sold together
round lot
3MANUFACTURINGa quantity of goods that is produced at the same time or sold together as a group
Batch production is the production of standardised units in small or large lots.
4especially American EnglishAmEPROPERTY an area of land, especially one used for building on
a car lot
vacant lot
Origin lot2
Old English hlot object used for making a choice by chance




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