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词汇 long


Word family nounlongalonginglongnesslongboardlongboatlongbowlongclothlong divisionlonghandlonghornlonghouselong johnslong jumplonglistlongprimerlongshiplongspurlongwalladverblonginglylonglylongwaysadjectivelongishlongsomelong-distancelong-drawn-outlong-haullong-lifelong-livedlong-rangelong-runninglong-sightedlong-standinglong-staylong-sufferinglong-termlong-timelongwearinglong-windedlong
Related topics: Clothes, Linguistics
long1 /lɒŋ $ lɒːŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp longer, superlativesupl longest)  
1 great length 很长的长度LONG measuring a great length from one end to the other 长的 OPP short
 a long table
 long hair
 the longest tunnel in the world
 He stretched out his long legs.
 a long line of people
2 great distance 长距离LONG continuing or travelling a great distance from one place to another 长距离的 OPP short
 a long distance
 Springfield is a long way from Chicago.
 Liz lives in Cheltenham, which is a long way away.
long journey/walk/flight/drive etc (=a journey etc over a large distance that takes a lot of time) 长途旅行/步行/飞行/驾驶等
 It’s a long walk to the shops from here.
3 large amount of time 大量的时间LONG TIME continuing for a large amount of time, or for a larger amount of time than usual 长时间的,长久的 OPP short
 a long period of time
 a long history of success
 He has a long memory.
(for) a long time/while
 He’s been gone a long time.
 I haven’t been there for a long while.
 It took a long time to get everything ready.
 She died a long time ago.
long silence/pause/delay etc
 There was a long silence before anybody spoke.
 She’s recovering from a long illness.
 Doctors often work long hours (=work for more time than is usual).
the longest time American EnglishAmE spoken (=a very long time) 很长的时间
 It took me the longest time to figure out how to open the windows.
4 particular length/distance/time 某一长度/距离/时间长度LONG used to talk or ask about a particular length, distance, or time 长〔用以谈论或询问长度、距离或时间〕
 How long is your garden?
 How long is the film?
 The cable is not quite long enough.
two metres/three miles etc long
 The bridge is 140 feet long.
two hours/three days etc long
 The speech was twenty minutes long.
5 writing 写作LONG containing a lot of words, letters, names, or pages 长篇的,长的 OPP short
 a long novel
 a long list
 He has a very long name.
 He owes money to a list of people as long as your arm (=a very long list).
6 clothing 衣服DCCLONG covering all of your arms or legs 长的 OPP short
 a long dress
 a long-sleeved shirt
7 tiring/boring 累人的/无聊的 spokenLONG TIME making you feel tired or bored 漫长的
 It’s been a long day.
8. vowel 元音 technicalSL a long vowel in a word is pronounced for a longer time than a short vowel with the same sound 长音的 OPP short
9 how long is a piece of string? British EnglishBrE spokenUNCERTAIN used when there is no definite answer to a question 很难说
 ‘How long will it take to finish the project?’ ‘How long is a piece of string?’
这个项目要多长时间才能完成?” “很难说。
10 the long and (the) short of it spokenRESULT used when you are telling someone the most important facts about something rather than all the details 长话短说,总而言之
 The long and the short of it is that we missed the train.
Examples from the Corpus
11 the long arm of somebody/something written the power of someone or something that has authority, especially to catch and punish someone 某人/某事物的权力[权威]〔尤指逮捕和惩罚某人的权力〕
 He won’t escape the long arm of the law.
Examples from the Corpus
12. long face a sad or disappointed expression on someone’s face 愁眉苦脸
Examples from the Corpus
13 long in the tooth informalOLD/NOT YOUNG too old – used humorously 太老了〔幽默用法〕
 I’m getting a bit long in the tooth for this sort of thing.
Examples from the Corpus
14. not long for this world literary likely to die or stop existing soon 行将就木;时日无多
Examples from the Corpus
15 long on something having a lot of a quality 颇具〔某种品质〕
 He was short on patience, but long on a sense of his own worth.
Examples from the Corpus
16. long odds PROBABLYif there are long odds against something happening, it is very unlikely that it will happen 极小的可能性
Examples from the Corpus
17 in the long run/term used when talking about what will happen at a later time or when something is finished 从长远来看
 All our hard work will be worth it in the long run.
Examples from the Corpus
18 long shot someone or something with very little chance of success 成功可能性不大的人[]
 Chelsea are a 20–1 long shot to win the championship.
Examples from the Corpus
19. long time no see spokenHELLO used humorously to say hello when you have not seen someone for a long time 很久不见〔幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
20. take the long view (of something) to think about the effect that something will have in the future rather than what happens now 从长远考虑,从长计议(某事)
Examples from the Corpus
21 a long way very much, far, or a great amount or degree 很多;很大程度
 We’re still a long way from achieving our sales targets.
 Psychiatry has come a long way (=developed a lot) since the 1920s.
 Your contributions will go a long way towards helping children in need (=will help to reach a goal).
by a long way/shot informal (also by a long chalk British English) (=used when something is much better, quicker, cheaper etc) 绝对,远远
 It was his best performance this year, by a long way.
not by a long way/shot informal (also not by a long chalk British English) (=not at all or not nearly) 绝对没有,远远没有
 He had not told Rory everything, not by a long shot.
Examples from the Corpus
22. long weekend three or more days, including Saturday and Sunday, when you do not have to go to work or school 悠长的周末,周末长假
Examples from the Corpus
at (long) last at last3(2), → it’s a long story at story(10), → cut/make a long story short at story(11), → a little (of something) goes a long way at little2(5), → have a long way to go at way1(19)
long continuing for a long time 长久的,长时间的
The film was very long.
There has been a long period without rain.
lengthy continuing for a long time, especially longer than you want or expect 长时间的,过长的
Drivers face lengthy delays on all roads out of the city.
Police are going through the lengthy process of re-examining all the evidence.
He faces a lengthy prison sentence.
long-running [only before noun] continuing for a long time – used especially about disputes, campaigns, or shows 〔尤指争执、运动或演出〕持续很长时间的
He has been involved in a long-running dispute with his neighbour.
The programme is one of the longest-running series on television.
a long-running campaign to prevent the airport from being built
long-lasting continuing for a long time – used especially about effects or relationships 〔尤指效果或关系〕持久的
Stress can have long-lasting effects.
While at the school, she made many long-lasting friendships.
protracted formal continuing for a long time, especially an unusually long time 〔尤指异乎寻常地〕持久的,拖延的
Despite protracted negotiations, they were unable to reach an agreement.
The couple have been involved in a protracted battle for custody of their children.
prolonged continuing for a long time, especially longer than expected, or longer in a way that makes a situation worse 持续很久的〔尤指超出预期或使情况恶化〕
He returned to work after a prolonged absence.
Studies have linked prolonged use of the drug to cancer.
a prolonged period of economic decline
extended [only before noun] continuing for a long time – used especially about visits, trips, breaks etc that last longer than was planned 长时间的〔尤指访问、旅行、休息等时间超出预期〕
an extended stay in hospital
He took an extended break from work after his father died.
She didn’t like being away from home for extended periods.
lasting [only before noun] strong enough or great enough to continue for a long time 持久的;耐久的
The negotiations were aimed at achieving a lasting peace.
This affair has done lasting damage to the president’s credibility.
The book left a lasting impression on me.
enduring continuing for a long time – used especially about memories, influences, or feelings of liking someone or something 〔尤指记忆、影响或对某人、某事物的喜爱〕持久的,持续的
One of my most enduring memories is of going on holiday to France with my parents.
the enduring appeal of Conan Doyle’s stories
his enduring love for Ireland
marathon [only before noun] continuing for a very long time and needing a lot of energy, patience, or determination 马拉松式的〔需要大量时间、精力、耐心或意志力的〕
It was a marathon session of talks which continued until 3 am.
He arrived after a marathon journey across Europe.
too long 过长的
long-winded continuing for too long – used about speeches, answers, explanations etc 〔尤指讲话、回答、解释等〕冗长的
a very long-winded answer to a simple question
He gave a long-winded speech about the company’s vision for the future.
interminable very long and boring 冗长乏味的,没完没了的
They faced an interminable wait in the departure lounge of the airport.
The journey seemed interminable.
long-drawn-out [only before noun] used about a process that continues for much too long 〔过程〕持续太久的
The news heightened expectations that the long-drawn-out investigation might be coming to a close.
nGRAMMAR: Order of adjectives
If there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order.
You say:
I had a nice long bath.
Don’t say: I had a long nice bath.
You say:
She wore a long black coat.
Don’t say: She wore a black long coat.
Examples from the Corpus
long2 ●●● S1 W1 adverbadv  
1 LONG TIMEfor a long time 长久地,长期地
 Have you been waiting long?
 Reform of the law is long overdue.
 long established traditions
2 LONG TIMEused to ask and talk about particular amounts of time 〔用于询问或谈论多长时间〕
 How long will it take to get there?
 Try to keep going for as long as possible.
 It took me longer than I thought it would.
3 LONG TIMESOONat a time that is a long time before or after a particular time 很久〔以前或以后〕
long before/after something
 This all happened long before you were born.
long ago/since
 He should have left her long ago.
 It wasn’t long before (=soon) Lisa arrived.
4 for long [usually in questions and negatives] for a long time 长久地,长期地
 Have you known them for long?
 I haven’t seen her for so long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.
Examples from the Corpus
5 as/so long as 
a) used to say that one thing can happen or be true only if another thing happens or is true 只要
 You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.
b) used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time 只要,只有〔表示只有一件事发生或属实,另一件事才会同时发生或属实〕
 As long as we keep playing well, we’ll keep winning games.
Examples from the Corpus
6 (for) as long as used to talk about something continuing for the amount of time that you want, need, or is possible 长达;达之久
 You can stay for as long as you want.
 She tried to stay awake for as long as she could.
 The fruit should be left on the tree as long as possible.
Examples from the Corpus
7 no longer/not any longer PASTused when something used to happen or be true in the past but does not happen or is not true now 不再
 The extra workers won’t be needed any longer.
 It’s no longer a secret.
In everyday English, people usually say not any longer or not anymore (especially AmE)/not any more (BrE), rather than no longer, which sounds slightly formal or literary: 在日常英语中,人们一般说not any longernot any more (【英】)/ not anymore (【美】),而不说 no longer ,因为后者略显正式或像文学语言
He no longer lives here. → He doesn’t live here any longer OR anymore. 他不在这里住了。
8 before long SOONsoon or in a short time 很快,不久
 Before long a large crowd had gathered outside the building.
 It’s likely that the law will be abolished before long.
Examples from the Corpus
9 somebody/something/it won’t be long spoken used to say that someone or something will be ready, will be back, will happen etc soon 某人/某事/这事不会很久
 Wait here – I won’t be long.
 Dinner won’t be long.
10. all day/year/summer etc long ALL THE TIMEduring all of the day etc 整整一天/一年/一个夏天等
Examples from the Corpus
11. so long spoken especially American EnglishAmEGOODBYE goodbye 再见
Examples from the Corpus
12 long live somebody/something used to show support for a person, idea, principle, or nation 某人/某事物万岁
 Long live the King!
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
long3 ●●○ verb [intransitiveI]  
WANTto want something very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon 渴望,盼望
long to do something
 He longed to see her again.
long for
 She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.
long for somebody to do something
 She longed for him to return.
longed-for, longing
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Geography
SGthe written abbreviation of longitude / longitude 的书面缩写 ,经度
From Longman Business Dictionary
longlong1 /lɒŋlɒːŋ/ adjectiveadj
1FINANCE possessing shares, bonds, currencies etc because you believe that their value is going to increase
long on
Those who were long on dollars rushed to sell them.
long noun [countableC usually plural]
After massive sales recently of US stocks and futures, the fund now has 30% more shorts than it has longs.
2long day/hours etc if you work long hours or a long day, you work for more time than is usual
Tax specialists often work long hours during assessment time.
longlong2 adverbadv
FINANCE go long (on something) to buy or keep bonds, shares, currencies etc because you believe that their value will rise
He reversed short positions and went long on Hong Kong stocks.
Dealers are going long on dollars in expectation of today’s release of strong US trade figures.
Origin long1
Old English long, lang
Old English langian

n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1long2 adverbadv →REGISTER1long3 verblong.




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