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词汇 lobby


Word family nounlobbyerlobbyinglobbyistlobby
Related topics: Buildings, Parliaments, Voting, Politics
lob·by1 /ˈlɒbi $ ˈlɑːbi/ ●○○ noun (plural lobbies) [countableC]  
1 TBBa wide passage or large hall just inside the entrance to a public building 〔公共场所入口处的〕门廊,前厅,大厅 SYN foyer
 a hotel lobby
 I’ll meet you in the entrance lobby.
4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方
a) PGPa hall in the British parliament where members of parliament and the public meet 〔英国议会中的〕民众接待厅
b) PPVone of the two passages in the British parliament where members go to vote for or against a bill 〔英国议会中的〕投票走廊〔其一供投赞成票,另一供投反对票〕
3 BBa group of people who try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changed 〔力图使政府更改某项法律或改变某种局面的〕游说团体
 the anti-foxhunting lobby
 a powerful environmental lobby group
nGRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?
In this meaning, lobby is usually followed by a singular verb:
The business lobby has warned the government against raising taxes.
In British English, you can also use a plural verb:
The business lobby have warned the government against raising taxes.
4 PPPERSUADEan attempt to persuade a government to change a law, make a new law etc 〔力图说服政府更改法律、制定新法律等的〕游说
 a mass lobby of Parliament by women’s organizations
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Politics
lobby2 ●○○ verb (lobbied, lobbying, lobbies) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]  
PPPERSUADEto try to persuade the government or someone with political power that a law or situation should be changed 游说〔政府或有政治权力的人更改法律或改变局面〕,进行疏通
lobby for/against
 The group is lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.
lobby somebody to do something
 We’ve been lobbying our state representative to support the new health plan.
lobbyist noun [countableC]
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
lobbylob·by1 /ˈlɒbiˈlɑːbi/ noun (plural lobbies) [countableC]
1a group of people with similar interests who try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changed
Opposition to the new law is expected from India’s industry lobby.
The Prime Minister is still under pressure from the farm lobby.
2an attempt by a group of people to persuade members of a government that a particular law or situation should be changed
lobby of
A mass lobby of parliament is planned for next week.
lobbylobby2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp lobbied) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
to try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changed
The financial community is expected to continue lobbying Congress to introduce new legislation.
lobby against
Industrialists are already lobbying against the reforms.
lobby for
Small firms are lobbying for a change to the law.
lobbying noun [uncountableU]
The decision followed intense lobbying by banks.
The industry launched a huge lobbying campaign to persuade the government to change its mind.
The corporation hired a lobbying firm to put its case to government.
Origin lobby1
(1500-1600) Medieval Latin lobium covered way for walking




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