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词汇 list


Word family adjectivelistablelistedlistlesslistfulnounlistinglist pricelisterlistlessnesslistlisteladverblistlessly
list1 /lɪst/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 LISTa set of names, numbers etc, usually written one below the other, for example so that you can remember or check them 名单,清单,目录
list of
 Make a list of all the things you have to do.
on/in a list
 The first person on my list is Mrs Gilling.
2 be high/low on a list (of something)  (also be at the top/bottom of a list) to be considered very important or not very important 是最紧要的/最不紧要的(事情)
 A good car is high on my list of priorities.
Civil List, → be on the danger list at danger(5)
make/draw up/write a list 列一个清单
Could you make a list of any supplies we need?
compile a list formal (=write a list) 列出清单
They’ve compiled a list of children’s clubs and organizations.
put somebody/something on a list 将某人/某物列入清单
I was put on a waiting list to see a specialist at the hospital.
top a list (=be the first thing in a list) 居名单之首
The novel topped the best-seller list.
at the top/bottom of a list 位列名单之首/之末
Her name was at the top of the list of students.
first/last on a list 在名单的第一个/最后一个
Your name will be first on my list.
nWhy am I always last on the list?
long/short 长的/短的
He read out a long list of errors.
a complete/full/comprehensive list 一份完整的/全面的/详尽的名单
The full list of winners is on page seven.
a price list 一份价格清单
We’ll send you a catalog and price list.
a shopping list (=a list of things you want to buy) 一份购物清单
na Christmas shopping list
a grocery list American EnglishAmE (=a list of food you want to buy) 食品购买清单
nDid you put milk on the grocery list?
a wine list (=a list of wines available in a restaurant) 〔餐厅的〕酒单
na good wine list
a waiting list (=a list of people who are waiting for something) 等候者名单
nIf you don’t get the class you want, you can put your name on a waiting list.
a mailing list (=a list of people that a company sends information to) 邮寄名单
nIf you do not want to be on our mailing list, please tick the box below.
a guest list (=a list of people invited somewhere) 宾客名单
nthe guest list for the wedding reception
a to-do list (=a list of things you must do) 待办事项清单
nPainting the bedroom is at the top of my to-do list.
na hit list (=a list of people, organizations etc that someone wants to harm or stop)
list a set of names, places, jobs you need to do etc, which are written one below the other
Henry’s name wasn’t on the list.
She made a list of the people she wanted to invite to the wedding.
Could I have a list of hotels in Bournemouth and the surrounding area?
I forgot to bring my shopping list with me.
checklist a list of things you need or things you have to do which you keep in order to help you remember them
Use a checklist when visiting properties to buy, so that you keep a record of which features you liked and didn’t like.
I made a checklist of things I needed to do before the holiday.
short list/shortlist a list of the most suitable people for a job or prize, chosen from a larger group of people
Her name is on the shortlist for the Booker Prize.
You were lucky to even get onto the shortlist.
A shortlist is drawn up, from which the successful candidate will be chosen.
register an official list containing the names of all the people, organizations, or things of a particular type
a register of qualified translators
a civil register of births, deaths, and marriages
Make sure your name is on the electoral register (=the official list of people who can vote).
programme British EnglishBrE, program American EnglishAmE a list of all the activities or events that have been planned, especially one that shows when each event will happen
First on the programme is a speech by the organizer, Mrs Jenkins.
A spectacular program of exhibitions, displays and competitions has been planned.
Because of bad weather, our programme of events has had to be changed slightly.
agenda a list of the subjects that will be discussed at a meeting
Have you got a copy of the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting?
the next item on the agenda
The fuel crisis will be at the top of the agenda for today’s board meeting.
index an alphabetical list of names and subjects at the back of a book, that shows which page they are mentioned on
It’s a lot quicker if you use the index.
I looked up his name in the index.
inventory a list of everything in a house, factory, or shop, written so that you know exactly what is there
Some of the things in the shop were not listed in the inventory.
The company keeps a full inventory of its equipment.
| make an inventory
She made an inventory of everything in the apartment.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Water
list2 ●●● S2 W3 verb  
1 [transitiveT]LIST to write a list, or mention things one after the other 列出〔清单〕;列举
 The guidebook lists 1,000 hotels and restaurants.
2 [transitiveT] to put someone on an official list, especially a hospital or court list 列入正式名单〔尤指医院或法庭的名单〕
list somebody in fair/stable etc condition
 Several passengers were listed in critical condition.
 The case was listed for trial in the Crown Court.
3. [intransitiveI]TTW if a ship lists, it leans to one side 〔船只〕倾斜
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
listlist1 /lɪst/ noun [countableC]
a set of items such as figures, names etc that belong to a particular group, written down one after the other
detailed lists of proposed prices
see also blacklist, checklist
focus list hit list mailing list shopping list watch list
listlist2 verb
1[transitiveT] to put items such as figures, names etc together in a group
The names and addresses of these bureaux are listed in Appendix I.
see also blacklist
2[transitiveT]FINANCE to make stocks and shares officially available on a stockmarket
It plans to list 29% of its stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
3[intransitiveI, transitiveT] American EnglishAmE if something is listed at a particular amount or lists for a particular amount, that is the price asked for it
The house had been listed at just under $4 million.
The basic model lists for $28,045.
Origin list1
(1500-1600) French liste, from Italian lista
1. (1600-1700) → LIST1
2. (1600-1700) Origin unknown.




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