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词汇 limit


Word family noun limit limitation delimitation limitarianlimitednesslimiterlimitlessnesslimited companylimited editionadjective limitedunlimited limiting limitless limitablelimitarylimitativeverb limit delimit adverblimitedlylimitlessly
lim·it1 /ˈlɪmɪt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 greatest/least allowed 最大/最小的限度LIMIT the greatest or least amount, number, speed etc that is allowed 限度,极限
 a 55 mph speed limit
limit for
 There’s no age limit for applicants.
limit to/on
 My wife and I set a limit on how much we spend on clothes.
above/over/below a limit
 Pesticide levels in drinking water are already above legal limits in many areas.
2 greatest amount possible 可能的最大量 (also limits)LIMIT the greatest possible amount of something that can exist or be obtained 〔现有的或可获取的〕最大量,极限
limit of
 the limits of human knowledge
 He’d reached the limit of his patience.
 Our finances are already stretched to the limit (=we do not have any extra money).
 There’s no limit to what you can do if you try.
3 place 地方 (also limits)LIMIT the furthest point or edge of a place, often one that must not be passed 〔常指不可以通过的〕界限,边界
 He had not been outside the limits of the prison walls for 20 years.
 The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site.
 Los Angeles city limits
4 off limits FORBID
a) beyond the area where someone is allowed to go 禁止入内的
 That area of beach was off limits to us ‘city kids’.
b) beyond what you are allowed to do or have 不容涉足的
 His private life is off limits to the press.
Examples from the Corpus
5 within limits LIMITwithin the time, level, amount etc considered acceptable 在合理限度内
 You can come and go when you want – within limits.
Examples from the Corpus
6. be over the limit DRUNKto have drunk more alcohol than is legal or safe for driving 〔驾驶〕饮酒过量
Examples from the Corpus
7 know your limits informalKNOW somebody to know what you are good at doing and what you are not good at 知道自己的长处和短处
 I know my limits. I’m not an administrator.
Examples from the Corpus
8 have your limits spokenRIGHT/PROPER to have a set of rules about what is reasonable behaviour, and to not accept behaviour that does not follow these rules 有自己的原则
 I have my limits. You will not use that kind of nasty language in class.
Examples from the Corpus
set a limit (also impose a limit formal) 设定限度
Set a time limit for the completion of the task.
put a limit on something 给某物设限
We have to put a limit on the number of participants.
exceed a limit (=go beyond a limit) 超出限定
He reported a driver for exceeding the speed limit.
go over a limit (=go beyond a limit) 超出限度
Borrowers who go over the spending limit set by the credit card company are penalised.
an upper/lower limit (=the highest/lowest amount allowed) 上限/下限
There is no upper limit on the amount you can borrow.
nEnsure the temperature in the aquarium does not fall below the lower limit.
a strict limit 严格的限制
There are strict limits on spending.
a legal limit (=a limit set by law) 法定限度
The alcohol in his blood was four times more than the legal limit.
the speed limit 速度限制
Too many people go over the speed limit in residential areas.
a time limit 时间限制
nThe time limit for making a claim is three months.
an age limit 年龄限制
nThe lower age limit for entering the Royal Marines is sixteen.
a weight/height limit 重量/高度限制
nThe weight limit per bag is 20 kilos.
spending limits 开支限制
nThere are strict spending limits imposed by law on all candidates.
term limits American EnglishAmE (=limits on how much time a politician can spend in office) 任期年限
nShould Senators be subject to term limits?
limit the highest number, speed, temperature etc that is allowed by a law or rule 〔数量、速度、温度等的〕规定限度
nHe borrowed money up to the limit that the bank allowed.
The speed limit is 65 m.p.h.
There’s no limit on the amount of money that may be brought into the US.
Pollution levels are over the official limit.
nSome families set limits on how much they spend on each other’s Christmas present.
restrictions rules or laws that strictly control what you are allowed to do 〔规章或法律的〕限制,约束
Travel restrictions might reduce the spread of the disease.
nUnions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan.
nBecause of restrictions on reporting, newspapers were not allowed to cover the story.
New restrictions have been imposed on immigration.
limitations limits on what a person or thing is able to do – used especially when you would like to be able to do more 〔对能力或权力的〕制约,限制;局限
The president was unwilling to accept limitations on his power.
the limitations of the computer system
Hikers should know their physical limitations and not take unnecessary risks.
constraints facts or conditions that limit what you can do, for example not having enough time, money etc 〔时间、财力等的〕限制
Financial constraints are forcing many people in their twenties to live with their parents.
The last part of the show had to be cut because of time constraints.
nThe constraints of prison life are sometimes too much for people to bear.
nmaximum the largest number or amount that is possible, normal, or allowed
Classes have a maximum of twenty students.
What’s the maximum you can earn before you have to pay tax?
nminimum the smallest number or amount that is possible or allowed
He was sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison.
Our aim is to reduce the number of accidents to an absolute minimum.
nceiling the largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed
There is a ceiling on the amount of foreign investment.
Import quotas may rise from the present ceiling of 18.5 million to 20 million.
Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
Examples from the Corpus
limit2 ●●● S3 W2 verb  
1 [transitiveT]LIMIT to stop an amount or number from increasing beyond a particular point 〔在量、数上〕限制,限定
 a decision to limit imports of foreign cars
limit something to something
 Seating is limited to 500.
座位限定在 500个。
2 [transitiveT]PREVENT to stop someone from doing what they want or from developing and improving beyond a particular point 限制,制约〔某人的发展等〕
 A lack of formal education will limit your job opportunities.
limit yourself to something
 I limit myself to two cups of coffee a day.
3 be limited to something ONLYto exist or happen only in a particular place, group, or area of activity 局限于某处[团体,范围]
 The damage was limited to the roof.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
limitlim·it1 /ˈlɪmɪt/ noun [countableC]
the greatest amount, size, number etc that is possible or allowed
The contract specifies various time limits and penalty clauses.
Insurance cover for deep-freeze goods is free of charge up to a limit of £500.
credit limit floor limit
limitlimit2 verb [transitiveT]
1to stop something going beyond a particular point
The costs of limiting air pollution are difficult to determine.
limit something to something
The law limits political donations to $500 from each voter.
2to reduce the amount, number etc of something a person or organization may have
limit somebody/something to something
Subscribers were limited to twenty shares each.
Origin limit1
(1300-1400) French limite, from Latin limes edge, boundary




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