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词汇 life expectancy

life expectancy

Word family adjectiveexpectableexpectantexpectativeexpectedadverbexpectablyexpectantlyexpectedlyexpectinglynounexpectanceexpectationexpecterexpectingverbexpect
ˌlife exˈpectancy noun [countableC]  
1. LIFEthe length of time that a person or animal is expected to live 〔人或动物的〕预期寿命
2. LAST FOR A PERIOD OF TIMEthe length of time that something is expected to continue to work, be useful etc 〔某物的〕预期使用寿命
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
life expectancyˌlife exˈpectancy noun (plural life expectancies) [countableC]
1INSURANCE the age someone will probably live to, used by insurance companies when working out the risk of insuring them
Sixty-year-old men who still smoke have a life expectancy of less than 12 years.
2the average number of years that something such as an electrical product will last




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