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词汇 attention


Word family noun attention attendant attentivenessinattentiveness attention spanadjective attentiveinattentive attentattentionalverb attend adverb attentivelyinattentively
at·ten·tion /əˈtenʃən/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 listen/look/think carefully 认真地听//思考 [uncountableU] when you carefully listen to, look at, or think about someone or something 注意,专心,留心
 My attention wasn’t really on the game.
 She tried to pay attention to what he was saying.
 If you paid more attention in class, you might actually learn something!
 Scott sat down at his desk and turned his attention to the file he had in front of him.
 As a society we need to give more attention to the needs of older people.
 Now he’s gone, I can give you my undivided attention.
 This game is fun and is sure to keep the attention of any young student.
 They listened to the speech with close attention.
 Attention to detail is essential in this job.
 During the lecture Sarah’s attention began to wander.
2 INTERESTinterest 兴趣 [plural, uncountableU]ATTENTION the interest that people show in someone or something 兴趣;关心,关注
 She was flattered by all the attention he was giving her.
attract/receive/enjoy attention
 a player who quickly attracted the attention of several clubs
 The exhibition received little attention in the press.
public/media/press attention
 Her case attracted a great deal of media attention.
hold/keep somebody’s attention (=make someone stay interested and keep reading, listening, watching etc) 保持某人的注意力
 The book holds the reader’s attention right to the very end.
 Rob loves being the centre of attention (=the person who everyone is interested in, listens to etc).
 She spent a lot of time trying to avoid the attentions (=romantic interest) of her boss.
 The man then turned his attentions to (=became romantically interested in) her sister.
3 MAKE somebody NOTICEnotice 注意
a) attract/catch/get somebody’s attentionATTENTION to make someone notice you, especially because you want to speak to them or you need their help 吸引/引起/得到某人的注意
 She waved to attract the attention of the waitress.
b) get attentionATTENTION to make someone notice you and be interested in what you are doing 引人注目
 Children often misbehave in order to get attention.
c) draw/call attention to something (also focus attention on something)ATTENTION to make people notice and be concerned or think about something 使人们关注某事
 The purpose of the article was to draw attention to the problems faced by single parents.
 We wanted to focus public attention on this matter.
 He left quietly to avoid drawing attention to himself.
d) divert/distract/draw attention from somethingATTENTION to make people stop being concerned about something such as a social problem 转移人们对某事的注意力
 All this talk of war is just an attempt to draw attention away from the serious economic problems that face our country.
e) bring something to somebody’s attentionATTENTION to tell someone, especially someone in authority, about something such as a problem 使某事引起某人注意
 The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this year.
f) come to somebody’s attentionFIND OUT if something such as a problem comes to the attention of someone in authority, they find out about it 吸引某人的注意力
 It came to my attention that Jenny was claiming overtime pay for hours she had not worked.
g) escape your attention if something escaped your attention, you did not notice it 躲过你的注意力
 This fact had not escaped the attention of the authorities.
4 repair/cleaning 修理/清洁 [uncountableU] something you do to repair or clean something 维修;保养
 The bike’s in fairly good condition, but the gears need a bit of attention.
5 care 关心CARE [uncountableU]HELP things that you do to help or to take care of someone or something 照顾
 Pets need a lot of care and attention.
 Anyone who comes into contact with these chemicals should seek urgent medical attention.
 Your plants look like they could do with a bit of attention.
6. stand to/at attention STANDif soldiers stand to attention, they stand up straight in neat lines 〔士兵〕立正
Examples from the Corpus
n7. attention!
8 for the attention of somebody used on the front of an official letter when you want a particular person to read it or deal with it 谨呈某人;某人亲启
 Letters should be marked ‘for the attention of Joe Benson’.
Examples from the Corpus
pay attention to something/somebody
He read the final page, paying particular attention to the last paragraph.
turn your attention to something/somebody
She quickly put away the shopping and then turned her attention to preparing dinner.
give something/somebody your attention (=think about something or someone so that you can deal with a problem)
She promised to give the matter her attention the next day.
somebody’s attention wanders (=someone stops listening, watching etc carefully)
During the service, her mind began to wander.
somebody’s full/complete/undivided attention
He gave the task his undivided attention.
pay attention to carefully listen to, look at, or think about something or someone
She told the class to stop talking and pay attention.
In any relationship, it helps to pay attention to each other’s needs.
concentrate to think carefully about something that you are doing and not let other things disturb your thoughts
I tried to read a few pages, but I was too upset to concentrate.
Children need their own quiet space where they can concentrate on their homework.
keep your mind on something to continue to pay attention to something, especially when you are very excited or worried about something else
On Friday, the day of the party, I had a dreadful time keeping my mind on my work.
Good football players keep their minds on the game at all times.
keep your eyes on something to keep watching something carefully, so that you do not make any mistakes
The first rule of driving is to keep your eyes on the road.
Keep your eyes on the ball – now swing!
be engrossed in something to be paying so much attention to a book, a conversation, some work etc, that you do not notice what is happening around you
Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel.
He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn’t even hear the doorbell ring.
be absorbed in something to be giving all your attention to something, especially something you are reading, watching, or thinking about
The little boy sat at the edge of the pond, totally absorbed in watching the fish.
He was a quiet man who often seemed to be absorbed in his own thoughts.
Matilda was curled up in an armchair, absorbed in a book.
give something/somebody your undivided attention to give all your attention to something or someone and not do anything else – used especially when this is something you want or need to do
Come round when the kids are in bed so I can give you my undivided attention.
Once I’ve finished my exams, I’ll be able to give my undivided attention to looking for a job.
Examples from the Corpus
a) used to ask people to listen to important information that is being announced, especially on a loudspeaker (=piece of equipment used to make sounds louder) 注意!〔尤用于扩音器播放重要通知时〕
 Attention, please! Could passenger Marie Thomas please proceed to Gate 25 immediately.
b) used when ordering a group of soldiers to stand up straight in neat lines 立正!〔军队口令〕
From Longman Business Dictionary
attentionat·ten·tion /əˈtenʃən/ noun
for the attention of written abbreviation FAO written on the front or at the top of a letter when you want a particular person to read it or deal with it
for the attention of the manager
Origin attention
(1300-1400) Latin attentio, from attendere; → ATTEND




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