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词汇 lean


Word family nounleaninglean-toleannessadverbleanlyadjectiveleanyverblean
ldoce_197_blean1 /liːn/ ●●○ S3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp leaned or leant /lent/ especially British EnglishBrE)   lien
1 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BEND to move or bend your body in a particular direction 屈身;倾斜身体
lean forward/back/over etc
 They were leaning forward, facing each other.
 Lean back and enjoy the ride.
 She leant towards him and listened.
5  See picture of LEAN 倚靠4  See picture of 见图 lean
2 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]SUPPORT/HOLD UP to support yourself in a sloping position against a wall or other surface 倚,靠
lean against/on
 He was leaning on the bridge, watching the boats go by.
3 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to put something in a sloping position where it is supported, or to be in that position 使斜靠;斜靠在
lean (something) against/on something
 A huge mirror was leaning against the wall.
 He leant his bicycle against the fence.
4 [intransitiveI]BEND to slope or bend from an upright position 倾斜;弯曲
 trees leaning in the wind
5lean on somebody phrasal verbphr v 
a) DEPEND/IT DEPENDSto depend on someone for support and encouragement, especially at a difficult time 〔尤指在困难时刻〕依靠,倚赖
 The couple lean on each other for support.
b) informalPERSUADE to try to influence someone, especially by threatening them 〔尤指通过恐吓对某人〕施加压力
 He won’t pay unless you lean on him.
6lean towards something phrasal verbphr v SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto tend to support, or begin to support, a particular set of opinions, beliefs etc 倾向于,向倾斜
 Canada, the UK and Japan leant towards the US view.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Food
lean2 adjectiveadj  
1 THIN PERSONthin in a healthy and attractive way 苗条的,瘦而健美的
 He was lean, tall, and muscular.
see thesaurus at thin
2. DFlean meat does not have much fat on it 〔肉〕瘦的,脂肪少的 OPP fatty
3. EFFICIENTa lean organization, company etc uses only as much money and as many people as it needs, so that nothing is wasted 〔组织、公司等〕节俭的,精简的
4 PROBLEMa lean period is a very difficult time because there is not enough money, business etc 收益差的;不景气的
 His wife was a source of constant support during the lean years.
leanness noun [uncountableU]
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
leanlean /liːn/ adjectiveadj
1COMMERCEusing the most effective methods and the fewest employees possible
In the struggle to turn the company into a lean commercial outfit, some lines have been discontinued altogether.
2MANUFACTURING lean manufacturing uses methods and techniques to produce goods as cheaply as possible, for example by using as few workers as possible and using JUST-IN-TIME methods, where parts are delivered only when they are needed
American companies are learning the tricks of lean manufacture.
3COMMERCEa lean period is a very difficult time because there is not enough money, business etc
a lean year for business
Many Welsh tourist attractions are having a very lean time.
leanness noun [uncountableU]
To achieve the necessary leanness, many more jobs will have to be lost in the defence industry across Europe.
Origin lean1
Old English hleonian
Old English hlæne




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