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词汇 lay


Word family nounlayerlayeringlayinglayaboutlayawaylaybacklay-bylayoutlayoverlayshaftlaystalllaicitylaicizationlaitylaymanlaypersonlay readerlaywomanadjectivelayeredlaiclaicalverblaicizelay
lay1 /leɪ/ verb   ley
1.the past tense of lie1 lie1的过去式
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Birds
lay2 ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp laid /leɪd/)  
1 put SB/STH down 把某人/某物放下 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PUT to put someone or something down carefully into a flat position 安放,放置 SYN place
 He laid his hand on my shoulder.
 They laid a wreath at the place where so many people died.
 Lay the material flat on the table.
see thesaurus at put
2 lay bricks/carpet/concrete/cables etc PUTto put or fasten bricks, a carpet etc in the correct place, especially on the ground or floor 砌砖/铺地毯/铺水泥/铺设电缆等
 The carpet was laid last week.
 The project involved laying an oil pipeline across the desert.
Examples from the Corpus
3 bird/insect etc/昆虫等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HBB if a bird, insect etc lays eggs, it produces them from its body ();产()
 The flies lay their eggs on decaying meat.
 A cuckoo is able to lay in a range of different nests.
4 table 餐桌 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrEDF to put the cloth, plates, knives, forks etc on a table, ready for a meal 摆放〔餐具〕 SYN set
 John was laying the table.
 As she spoke, she was laying him a place at the table.
5 lay the foundations/groundwork/base to provide the conditions that will make it possible for something to happen or be successful 打基础
lay the foundations/groundwork/base for
 Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.
 It was an invention which laid the foundations of modern radio technology.
Examples from the Corpus
6 give information 提供信息 [transitiveT] formalACCUSE to make a statement, give information etc in an official or public way 提出,提交 SYN put
 Several proposals have been laid before the committee.
7 lay emphasis/stress on something EMPHASIZE formal to emphasize something because you believe it is very important 强调某事物
 a political philosophy that lays great stress on individual responsibility
Examples from the Corpus
8 lay a hand/finger on somebody [usually in negatives] to touch someone with the intention of hurting them 对某人动手
 I swear I didn’t lay a finger on him.
 If you lay one hand on me, I’ll scream.
Examples from the Corpus
9 lay something bare/open 
a) to show what something is really like, or stop hiding facts, feelings etc 使某事暴露
 Every aspect of their private life has been laid bare.
b) to remove the thing that is covering or hiding something else 使某物露出
 When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.
Examples from the Corpus
10 lay somebody/something open to something RISKto do something that makes it possible for other people to blame you, criticize you etc 使某人/某物受到责备[批评]
lay yourself open to something
 By doing that, he laid himself open to ridicule.
 Not to have taken action would have laid the department open to charges of negligence.
Examples from the Corpus
11 lay waste something  (also lay waste to something) formal to destroy or damage something, especially in a war 〔尤指战争中〕把某物摧毁[夷为平地]
 The island was laid waste and abandoned.
 an attack which laid waste to hundreds of villages
12 lay plans/a trap etc PLANto carefully prepare all the details of something 制订计划/设圈套等
 We are laying plans now in order to be successful in the future.
the best-laid plans (=plans that have been made carefully) 安排周密的计划,最好的打算
 Bad weather can upset even the best-laid travel plans.
Examples from the Corpus
13 lay claim to (doing) something to say that something belongs to you or say that you deserve something 声称对某物的拥有权;声称有权做某事
 The town can lay claim to having the oldest theatre in Britain.
 No one has laid claim to the property.
Examples from the Corpus
14 lay siege to somebody/something 
a) if a group of people lay siege to a place, they try to get control by surrounding it 包围[围困]某人/某物
 The armies laid siege to Vienna in 1529.
b) to do everything you can to get someone to talk to you or notice you 包围某人〔指企图跟某人说话或引起注意〕
 A group of young men were always at the stage door, trying to lay siege to the girls.
Examples from the Corpus
15 HAVE SEX 发生性行为get laid informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have sex with someone 性交
 All he wants to do is go out and get laid.
Examples from the Corpus
16. lie 平躺 [intransitiveI] spoken to be in a position in which you are flat – some people consider this use to be incorrect 平躺〔有些人认为此用法错误〕 SYN lie
17 risk money 赌钱 [transitiveT] especially British EnglishBrERISK to risk an amount of money on the result of a race, sports game etc 押〔赌注〕;用打赌 SYN bet
lay something on something
 She laid £50 on the favourite, Golden Boy.
lay money (that)
 I’d lay money that he will go on to play for England.
18 lay somebody/something on the line 
a) INSISTto state something, especially a threat, demand, or criticism, in a very clear way 明确表明某事〔尤指威胁、要求或批评〕
 Lay it on the line and tell them what’s really been happening.
b) (also put somebody/something on the line)RISK to risk losing your life, your job etc, especially in order to help someone 〔尤指为了帮助别人而〕冒的风险
 I’ve laid myself on the line for him once already.
Examples from the Corpus
19 lay something at the door of somebody/something  (also lay something at somebody’s door) to blame something or someone for something 把某事归咎于某人/某事
 The continued divisions within the party cannot be laid entirely at his door.
 Many illnesses are being laid at the door of stress.
20 lay somebody low 
a) ILLif an illness lays someone low, they are unable to do their normal activities for a period of time 令某人病倒
be laid low with something
 She’s been laid low with flu for a week.
Lay low is usually passive in this meaning.
b) literaryHIT to make someone fall down, or injure them seriously 把某人击倒;使某人重伤
Examples from the Corpus
21 lay somebody to rest formal to bury someone after they have died 安葬某人
 She was laid to rest beside her husband.
lay/put something to rest at rest1(10)
Examples from the Corpus
22. lay the ghost (of something) GET RID OFto finally stop being worried or upset by something from the past 摆脱(某事的)阴影
Examples from the Corpus
lay your hands on something at hand1(18), → lay the blame on somebody/something at blame2, → put/lay your cards on the table at card1(13)
5GRAMMAR 语法: lay, lie
The verb lay always has an object, except in sense 3. Its basic meaning is ‘put something down on something’. 除义项3之外动词lay均需有一个宾语。 其基本义为放置(某物)”
She lays a silk cloth over the table.
她将一块真丝台布铺在桌上 。
The verb lie does not have an object. Its basic meaning is ‘be or get into a horizontal position somewhere’. 动词lie不带宾语。 其基本义为平放在某处
She was lying (NOT 不说 laying) on her back.
Lie down here for a while.
Lay is also the past tense of lie. lay也是lie的过去式
I lay on the bed and tried to relax.
The past tense of lay is laid. lay的过去式是 laid
She laid the baby on the bed.
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
You lay something somewhere:
She lays a lace cloth over the table.
Don’t say: She lies a lace cloth over the table.
You lay someone somewhere:
Lay him down gently.
Lay is also the past tense of lie:
I lay on the bed.
Don’t say: I laid on the bed.
Someone lies somewhere:
She was lying on her back.
Let’s just lie here for a while.
Don’t say:
She was laying on her back. | Let’s just lay here for a while.
The past tense of lie is laid:
She laid the baby in its cot.
Don’t say: She lay the baby in its cot.
23lay about somebody phrasal verbphr v literary or old-fashioned ATTACKto attack someone violently 袭击;猛打〔某人〕 SYN set about
 He laid about his attackers with a stick.
Examples from the Corpus
24lay something ↔ aside phrasal verbphr v 
a) to stop using something and put it down, especially so you can do something else 放在一边〔以便做其他事〕 SYN put aside
 Richard had laid aside his book to watch what was happening.
b) STOP DOING somethingto stop behaving in a particular way, or stop having particular feelings, especially so you can achieve something 停止,摒弃〔某种行为或情感〕 SYN put aside
 On the day of the wedding, all arguments between the families were laid aside.
 As a doctor, you often need to lay aside your personal feelings.
c) KEEP/STORE (also lay something ↔ by) to keep something, especially money, so you can use it in the future 留存〔钱等〕备用 SYN put by
 She’d laid aside a few pounds each week from her wages.
Examples from the Corpus
25lay something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v 
a) officially state 正式阐述SAY/STATE to officially state something or say that rules, principles etc must be obeyed 〔正式或坚决地〕阐述,声明;规定
 He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech.
lay down that
 The contract laid down that the work must be completed before 2025.
b) weapons 武器HORIZONTAL if people lay down their weapons, they stop fighting 放下〔武器〕
 The terrorists were urged to lay down their arms.
c) lay down the lawTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something to tell other people what to do, how they should think etc, in a very strong or impolite way 〔用强硬或粗鲁的方式〕发号施令
 I could hear him laying down the law.
d) lay down your life formalDIE to die in order to help other people 〔为了帮助别人而〕牺牲生命
lay down your life for
 He was even prepared to lay down his life for his friends.
e) keep 留存KEEP/STORE to store something, especially wine, to use in the future 储存〔尤指酒〕
f) record 录音 to record your music, for example in a recording studio 录制〔音乐〕
 They are just about to start laying down tracks for their second album.
Examples from the Corpus
26lay something ↔ in phrasal verbphr v especially British EnglishBrE formal KEEP/STOREto get and store a supply of something to use in the future 储存〔某物〕
 He likes to lay in a few special drinks for the festive season.
Examples from the Corpus
27lay into somebody/something phrasal verbphr v ATTACKCRITICIZEto attack or criticize someone or something 痛打;抨击
 Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.
Examples from the Corpus
28lay off phrasal verbphr v 
a) lay somebody ↔ offLEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do 〔因为没有活干而〕解雇〔雇员〕 lay-off
 The company laid off 250 workers in December.
 Millions of people have been laid off in the steel industry.
b) lay off (something) informalSTOP HAPPENING to stop using or doing something 停止,中止(某事)
 I think you’d better lay off alcohol for a while.
lay off doing something
 I had to lay off running for several months.
c) lay off (somebody) informal to stop annoying someone or hurting them 停止烦扰[伤害](某人)
 Just lay off, will you!
 I wish he’d lay off me!
d) lay something ↔ off to pass the ball to someone in your team in a game such as football – used in sports reports 传球〔用于体育报道中〕
lay something off to somebody
 Murphy has the ball and then lays it off to Owen.
Examples from the Corpus
29lay something on phrasal verbphr v 
a) lay something ↔ on especially British EnglishBrEPROVIDE to provide something such as food, entertainment, or transport for a group of people 提供,安排〔食物、娱乐、交通等〕;款待;安排
 They laid on a buffet for his farewell party.
 A bus has been laid on to take you home.
b) lay something on somebodyGIVE to ask someone to do something, especially something that is difficult or something they will not want to do 把〔困难或不想做的事情〕推给某人
 Sorry to lay this on you, but we need someone to give a talk at the conference next week.
c) lay it on (thick) informal
i. PRAISEto praise someone or something too much, especially in order to get what you want 阿谀奉承,竭力恭维
ii. EXAGGERATEto talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is 过分吹嘘[渲染] SYN exaggerate
Examples from the Corpus
30lay somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) spread 铺展SPREAD to spread something out 铺开,展开
 Lay out the map on the table and let’s have a look.
b) arrange 布置AAARRANGE A GROUP OF THINGS OR PEOPLE to arrange or plan a building, town, garden etc 布置,设计〔建筑、城镇、花园等〕 SYN set out
 The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.
c) explain 解释 to describe or explain something clearly 清楚地描述[解释] SYN set out
 The financial considerations are laid out in a booklet called ‘How to Borrow Money’.
d) spend 花费 informalSPEND MONEY to spend money, especially a lot of money 花费〔尤指大笔钱〕 outlay
lay out something on something
 What’s the point in laying out money on something you’ll only wear once?
e) hit 击打 informalHIT to hit someone so hard that they fall down and become unconscious 击倒,打昏〔某人〕
 One of the guards had been laid out and the other was missing.
f) body 尸体MX to prepare a dead body so that it can be buried 给〔尸体〕做殡葬准备
Examples from the Corpus
31.lay over phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE STAY WITH SB, IN A HOTEL ETCto stay somewhere for a short time before continuing your trip 途中停留 layover
32lay up phrasal verbphr v 
a) be laid up (with something)ILL to have to stay in bed because you are ill or injured 〔因患病或受伤〕卧床不起
 I was laid up for a week with flu.
b) to stop using a boat or vehicle, especially while it is being repaired 〔尤指因正在维修〕停止使用〔船或车〕;使〔船只〕入坞维修;使〔车辆〕闲置不用
lay something ↔ up
 Most of the yachts were laid up for the winter.
c) lay something ↔ up old-fashionedKEEP/STORE to collect and store something to use in the future 储存,储备
 We started laying up firewood for the winter.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Christianity
lay3 ●○○ adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
a) NOT KNOWnot trained or not knowing much about a particular profession or subject 非专业的,外行的 layman
 lay witnesses
b) RRCRELIGIONnot in an official position in the church 非神职的,世俗的
 a lay preacher
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Literature
lay4 noun [countableC]  
1 the lay of the land 
a) HAPPENthe situation that exists at a particular time 〔特定时候的〕形势,情况
 Get the lay of the land before you make any decisions.
b) APPEARANCEthe appearance of an area of land, for example the way it slopes 地形,地貌
Examples from the Corpus
2 the lay of something the appearance of something and where each part of it is 某事物的外部情况
 Mr. Lowe will give you the lay of the camp and tell you what we’re going to be doing.
Examples from the Corpus
3. be a good/quick/easy etc lay informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to be a good, quick etc person to have sex with 是个淫荡的人
Examples from the Corpus
4. literaryAL a poem or song 诗;歌
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
laylay /leɪ/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp laid)
lay somebody → off
lay something → out
Origin lay3
(1300-1400) Old French lai, from Late Latin laicus, from Greek laikos of the people, from laos people
1. (1800-1900) LAY1
2. (1200-1300) Old French lai

n GRAMMAR15 GRAMMAR2n GRAMMAR3 →PHRASAL VERBS1lay3 adjectiveadjlay4 noun




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