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词汇 king


Word family nounkingdomkinghoodkingletkinglihoodkinglinesskinglingKingskingshipkingbirdkingboltkingcraftkingcupkingfishkingfisherkingklipkingmakerkingpinkingpostkingwoodkingadjectivekingdomedkingdomlesskinglesskinglikekinglyking-size
Related topics: Cards
king /kɪŋ/ ●●● W1 noun [countableC]  
1 ruler 统治者 (also King)HIGH POSITION OR RANK a man who rules a country because he is from a royal family 国王 queen
king of
 Henry VIII, King of England
 On 2 December Henry VI was crowned king (=made the king at an official ceremony).
2 THE BEST 最佳者the king of something someone or something that people think is the most important or best of a particular type of person or thing 某物之王;某物中的极品
 the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll
 the king of Swiss cheeses
 The lion is the king of the jungle.
Examples from the Corpus
3 successful 成功的 if you live like a king, feel like a king etc, you are very successful, happy, rich etc 极佳的感觉 〔指极其成功、幸福、富有等〕
 With her at my side, I felt like a king.
4. chess 国际象棋DGO the most important piece in chess 4  See picture of 见图 CHESS5 see picture at 见图 chess
5. cards 纸牌DGC a playing card with a picture of a king on it 〔纸牌中的〕老K,国王
6 IMPORTANT 重要的be king POPULARif something is king at a particular time, it has a big influence on people 极具影响
 back in the days when jazz was king
Examples from the Corpus
7. a king’s ransom MONEYa very large amount of money 一笔巨款
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1 : a man who rules a country because he is from a royal family
become king
Prince Charles will become king when his mother, Queen Elizabeth, dies.
be crowned king (=be made king)
He was crowned king upon the death of his father.
depose a king formal (=remove a king from power)
The Spanish king was deposed in 1931.
a king rules/reigns (=is in charge of a country)
How could a Christian king rule if he was banned from the Church?
a king abdicates (=gives up the position of being king)
It shocked the nation when the king abdicated.
the rightful king (=the person who should be king)
The Duke of Gloucester claimed that he was the rightful king.
the future king (=someone who will later be king)
She married the future king of France, Philip Augustus.
allegiance/loyalty to a king (=being faithful to the king)
They were fighting out of loyalty to their king.
a king’s subjects (=the people he rules)
The new laws were very unpopular with the king’s subjects.
king the male ruler of a country, who comes from a royal family
George III was the king of England at that time.
King Harald V of Norway
queen a woman who rules a country because she is from a royal family, or the wife of a king
She became queen when she was only 14 years old.
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
monarch a king or queen
The bishops were appointed by the monarch.
monarchy a country that is ruled by a king or queen, or this type of political system
Britain is a constitutional monarchy.
Some people want the monarchy to be abolished.
prince the son of a king, queen, or prince, or the male ruler of a small country or state
Prince Rainier of Monaco
The prince will inherit the throne when his father dies.
ruler someone such as a king, who has official power over a country and its people
the ruler of Babylonia
General Musharraf was the former military ruler of Pakistan.
emperor the ruler of an empire (=group of countries)
the Habsburg emperors of the 19th century
Emperor Hirohito
sovereign formal a king or queen
It was hoped that a meeting of the two sovereigns would ease tensions between the countries.
regent someone who governs instead of a king or queen, because the king or queen is ill, absent, or still a child
Edward II left his friend Gaveston as regent.
the crown formal the position of king or queen
Warwick was a loyal servant of the crown.
Examples from the Corpus
The KingKing, Then  
nElvis presley; an informal name still used for the famous singer, especially by people who love his music
From Longman Business Dictionary
kingking /kɪŋ/ noun
1[uncountableU] if something is king, it is the most important thing and has a strong influence on people’s decisions
We were convinced of the superiority of our product, but ultimatelythe customer is king and it was rejected.
Mr Smith suggests thatcash is king and that readers should look to the health of a company’s cash flow.
2[countableC] someone who is very influential or successful in a particular areaSYN MOGUL
Even the supermarket kings were nervous about the recession.
Origin king
Old English cyning




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