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词汇 kill


Word family noun kill overkill killer killing killcowkiller whalekilljoykillifishadjective killer verb kill adverbkillingly
kill1 /kɪl/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 make SB/STH die 使某人/某物死亡 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]KILL to make a person or animal die 弄死,杀死
 Why did she kill her husband?
 Murray held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him.
 Four people were killed when a train plunged into a flooded river.
be killed instantly/outright (=immediately) 立即死亡,即刻死去
 The driver was killed instantly.
 Bleach kills household germs.
 Smoking kills.
2 kill yourself 
a) to cause your own death 杀死自己,自杀
 You’re going to kill yourself on that bike.
 After her husband died, Mary tried to kill herself.
b) to work very hard to achieve something, in a way that makes you ill or tired 〔工作过分努力而〕累坏身体
 It’s not worth killing yourself over it.
kill yourself to do something
 He about killed himself to make the business go.
Examples from the Corpus
3 make STH stop/fail 使某事停止/失败 [transitiveT]STOP something THAT IS HAPPENING to make something stop operating or fail 使停止;使失败;使关闭
 Joe pulled in and killed the engine.
 The out-of-town shopping centre will kill local trade.
kill your speed (=drive slowly) 减速行驶
4 be angry with SB 对某人发火 [transitiveT] informalANGRY to be very angry with someone 对〔某人〕大发雷霆
 Mom will kill me if I’m late.
5 annoyed/sad 恼火的/伤心的 [transitiveT]TIREDSAD/UNHAPPY to make someone feel annoyed, sad, concerned etc 使生气[伤心,担心等]
it kills somebody to do something
 It kills me to see him working so hard.
 What happened next? The suspense is killing me.
6 would/could kill for something  (also would kill to do something) to want something so much that you will do almost anything to get it or do it 愿不惜一切得到某物,极想要某物
 I could kill for a smoke right now.
 In those days, actors would kill to break into film.
Examples from the Corpus
7 my head/back etc is killing me spokenPAIN used to say that a part of your body is hurting a lot 我的头/背等痛得要命
 I’ve walked miles and my feet are killing me.
8 kill time/an hour etc SPEND TIMEto spend time doing something which is not important, while you are waiting to do something important or waiting for something else to happen 消磨时光,打发时间
 With time to kill, he took a cab to the centre.
9 kill a beer/bottle of wine etc spoken to drink or finish drinking a beer etc quickly 一口喝下啤酒/一瓶葡萄酒等
 Let’s kill these beers and go.
10 make SB laugh 使某人发笑 [transitiveT]FUNNY to make someone laugh a lot 使〔某人〕笑得前仰后合
kill yourself laughing
 They weren’t bothered – in fact, they were killing themselves laughing.
11 it won’t/wouldn’t kill somebody (to do something) spoken used to say that someone could easily do something, and ought to do it (做某事)又不会要了某人的命〔因此应该去做〕
 It wouldn’t kill you to help out once in a while.
Examples from the Corpus
12 (even) if it kills me spoken used to emphasize that you are determined to do something, even though it is very difficult 哪怕困难重重
 I’m completing this course, even if it kills me.
Examples from the Corpus
13. kill two birds with one stone DOto achieve two things with one action 一石二鸟,一举两得,一箭双雕
Examples from the Corpus
14. kill the goose that lays the golden egg to destroy the thing that brings you profit or success 杀鸡取卵,竭泽而渔
Examples from the Corpus
15. kill the fatted calf CELEBRATEto welcome someone home with a big meal etc after they have been away for a long time 盛宴款待〔长期离家归来的人〕
16. kill somebody with kindness to be too kind to someone, in a way that actually harms them 溺爱某人,宠坏某人
Examples from the Corpus
17. kill or cure used to say that something you are going to do will be either successful or fail completely 不是一举成功,就是一败涂地;成败在此一举
Examples from the Corpus
18kill something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v 
a) KILLto cause the death of a lot of living things 使〔生物〕大量死亡;使灭绝 SYN destroy
 Pollution is rapidly killing off plant life.
b) to stop or remove something completely 使〔某事〕彻底停止;根除〔某物〕 SYN destroy
 These figures kill off any hope that the economy is poised for recovery.
Examples from the Corpus
dressed to kill at dressed(3)
kill to make someone die 弄死,杀死
The driver and his passenger were killed in the crash.
He was killed by rival gang members.
murder to deliberately kill someone – used when talking about this as a crime 〔作为犯罪〕谋杀
He was convicted of murdering his wife.
commit manslaughter to kill someone without intending to – used when talking about this as a crime 犯过失杀人罪,犯误杀罪
The court ruled that the guard had committed manslaughter.
assassinate to deliberately kill an important person, especially a politician 暗杀,行刺〔重要人物,尤指政治人物〕
He was part of a plot to assassinate Hitler.
slay to kill someone or something in a violent way – used in newspaper reports and also in old stories 残害,残杀〔用于新闻报道或故事传说〕
Two teenagers were slain in the shootings.
St. George slew the dragon.
nThe king was slain at the battle of Hastings.
execute formal (also put somebody to death) to kill someone as a punishment for a crime 处决,处死
McVeigh, who killed 168 people in a bombing attack, was executed by lethal injection.
eliminate to kill someone in order to prevent them from causing trouble 消灭,清除
a ruthless dictator who eliminated all his rivals
take somebody out informal to kill someone in order to get rid of them, especially an enemy or someone who is causing trouble for you 除掉,干掉
US forces used air strikes to take out the enemy positions.
One of the other drug dealers may have decided to take him out.
bump somebody off humorous informal to kill someone 干掉,除掉
He was so irritating I felt like bumping him off myself.
do away with somebody informal to kill someone 干掉,除掉
nThe settlers in Jamestown had been done away with, but no one knew how.
to kill yourself 自杀
commit suicide to kill yourself 自杀
He committed suicide after the death of his girlfriend.
take your own life formal to kill yourself 自杀,结束自己的生命
He had taken his own life while he was severely depressed.
They believe that it is a sin to take your own life.
to kill a large number of people 杀死许多人
massacre to kill a large number of people in a violent way 屠杀,〔大规模〕杀戮
Thousands of peaceful demonstrators were massacred by the soldiers.
slaughter to kill a large number of people in a violent way. Slaughter is also used about killing animals for food 屠杀〔人〕;屠宰〔动物〕
The army slaughtered thousands of civilians in an effort to stop the revolt.
The pigs were slaughtered on the farm.
exterminate to kill large numbers of a particular group, so that they no longer exist 灭绝,根除〔某一群体〕
Hitler’s goal was to exterminate the Jews.
Examples from the Corpus
kill2 noun  
1 KILL[countableC usually singular] the act of killing a hunted animal 杀死,捕杀〔动物〕
 He raised his knife for the kill.
2 move in/close in for the kill CATCHto come closer to something in order to kill, defeat, or destroy it 逐渐靠近以伺机杀死[击败,摧毁]
 Enemy submarines were moving in for the kill.
3 [singular]KILL an animal that is killed by another animal 〔被其他动物杀死的猎获物
 The cubs will share the remains of the kill.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
killkill /kɪl/ verb [transitiveT]
if someone kills an idea, product etc, they decide to stop developing it, selling it etc
They have killed plans for a weekly regional magazine in Los Angeles.
see also fill or kill
Origin kill1
(1200-1300) Probably from an unrecorded Old English cyllan

→THESAURUS1kill2 noun




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