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词汇 keep


Word family noun keep keeper keeping keepershipkeep fitkeepnetkeepsakeadjective kept keepablekeeperlessverb keep
keep1 /kiːp/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp kept /kept/)  
1 not change 不改变 [linking verb, transitiveT]CONTINUE/NOT STOP to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this (使)保持,(使)处于
keep (somebody/something) warm/safe/dry etc
 We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
keep calm/awake/sane etc
 I was struggling to keep awake.
keep something clean/tidy
 Keep your room tidy.
keep somebody busy/amused/occupied
 some toys to keep the kids amused
 You won’t be able to keep it secret forever.
 Peter cycles to work to keep fit.
 Don’t keep us in suspense any longer!
keep (somebody/something) away/back/off/out etc
 The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back.
 If I were you, I’d keep away from that area at night.
 a sign saying ‘Danger: Keep Out’
 The little boy kept close to his mother.
keep (somebody) out of something
 Keep him out of trouble.
 You keep out of this, Mother (=do not get involved). It’s no concern of yours.
 How can I cut your hair if you won’t keep still!
keep left/right (=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move) 靠左侧/右侧〔行走〕
keep somebody/something doing something
 Jane kept the engine running.
nGRAMMAR: Linking verbs
Keep is used as a linking verb in this meaning. It links the subject of the sentence with an adjective:
I try to keep busy.
The fruit will keep fresh for several weeks.
2 continue doing STH 继续做某事 [intransitiveI] (also keep on)KEEP DOING something to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times 继续;重复
keep (on) doing something
 I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.
 I keep telling you, but you won’t listen!
 She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking.
5Do not say keep up doing something. Say keep doing something or keep on doing something.
不要说 keep up doing something. 而要说 keep doing something keep on doing something.
Keep is followed by an -ing form, not an infinitive. You say:
He kept talking to me.
Don’t say: He kept to talk to me.
3 not give back 不归还 [transitiveT]KEEP/CONTINUE TO HAVE to have something and not give it back to the person who had it before 保留,留下,留着
 You can keep it. I don’t need it anymore.
4 not lose 不丢失 [transitiveT]KEEP/CONTINUE TO HAVE to continue to have something and not lose it or get rid of it 保留,留着
 We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it.
 I kept his letters for years.
 In spite of everything, Robyn’s managed to keep her sense of humor.
5 store STH 存放某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]KEEP/STORE to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily 存放,储存
 Where do you keep your teabags?
 George kept a bottle of whiskey under his bed.
6 make SB stay in a place 让某人留在某处 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to make someone stay in a place, especially a prison or hospital 监禁,关押,拘留〔尤在监狱或医院里〕
 He was kept in prison for a week without charge.
7 delay SB 耽搁某人 [transitiveT]DELAY to delay someone 耽搁,延误
 He should be here by now. What’s keeping him?
8 do what you promised 遵守诺言 [transitiveT]PROMISE to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,笃守,恪守
keep your word/promise
 How do I know you’ll keep your word?
 patients who fail to keep their appointments
9 keep a secret TELL A SECRETto not tell anyone about a secret that you know 保守秘密
 Can I trust you to keep a secret?
Examples from the Corpus
10. keep something quiet/keep quiet (about something) to not say anything in order to avoid telling a secret or causing problems 别把某事说出去/(对某事)保密
11. keep a record/account/diary etc REGULARto regularly record written information somewhere 定期记录/记账/写日记等
Examples from the Corpus
12 keep going 
a) keep (somebody) going to have or to give someone enough hope and emotional strength to continue living and doing things in a bad situation (使某人)坚持活下去,(使某人)尽力维持下去
 That woman’s been through such a lot – I don’t know how she keeps going.
 Her letters were the only thing that kept me going while I was in prison.
b) keep (something) going if you keep a business, institution, regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen 使(某事物)继续下去
 The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can’t afford to keep it going.
c) keep going to continue doing something difficult 坚持做〔困难的事〕
 Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.
d) keep somebody going if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get something bigger or better 使某人支撑下去
 I’ll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.
Examples from the Corpus
13 food 食物 [intransitiveI]LAST FOR A PERIOD OF TIMESAME if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten 保鲜,保持不坏
 Eat the salmon because it won’t keep till tomorrow.
14 animals 动物 [transitiveT]OWN to own and look after animals 饲养
 We keep chickens and a couple of pigs.
15 stop other people from using STH 不让别人使用某物 [transitiveT] to stop other people from using something, so that it is available for someone 保留,留下 SYN save
 Will you keep a seat for me?
16 keep somebody waiting to make someone wait before you meet them or see them 让某人等候
 Sorry to keep you waiting – I got stuck in a meeting.
Examples from the Corpus
17. keep guard/watch PROTECTCAREFULto guard a place or watch around you all the time 守护/监视
Examples from the Corpus
18. shop 商店 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrE old-fashionedOWN to own a small business and work in it 开设,经营〔小商店〕
19 provide SB with things 为某人提供东西 [transitiveT]LOOK AFTER somebody to provide someone with money, food etc 供养,抚养,养活
 He did not earn enough to keep a wife and children.
keep somebody in something
 There’s enough money there to keep you in champagne for a year!
20 protect 保护 [transitiveT] formalPROTECT to guard or protect someone 护卫,保护
 The Lord bless you and keep you.
 His only thought was to keep the child from harm.
21. keep goal/wicket to be the player in a team whose job is to protect the goal or wicket 守门/防守三柱门 goalkeeper, wicket keeper
Examples from the Corpus
22 keep quiet used to tell someone not to say anything or make any noise 请安静,别说话
 Keep quiet! I’m trying to watch the game.
Examples from the Corpus
23 how are you keeping? used to ask if someone is well 过得如何?过得怎么样?
 ‘Hi, Mark! How are you keeping?’ ‘Oh, not so bad.’
24. keep your hair/shirt on! used to tell someone to be more calm, patient etc 保持冷静! 耐心点!
25 somebody can keep something used to say that you do not want or are not interested in something 由某人去做某事〔表示你对某事不感兴趣〕
 She can keep her wild parties and posh friends – I like the quiet life.
26 it’ll keep used to say that you can tell someone something or do something later 以后告诉你;以后再做
 ‘I don’t have time to listen now.’ ‘Don’t worry, it’ll keep.’
Examples from the Corpus
nTHESAURUSMeaning 5: to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily
keep to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily
Where do you keep the scissors?
The keys are kept in my office.
store to put things away and keep them until you need them
Villagers have begun storing wood for the winter.
save to keep something so that you can use or enjoy it in the future
He had been saving the bottle of champagne for a special occasion.
We can save the rest of the pie for later.
file to store papers or information in a particular order or a particular place
All the contracts are filed alphabetically.
collect to get and keep objects of the same type because you think they are attractive or interesting
Kate collects old postcards.
hold to keep something to be used when it is needed, especially something that many different people may need to use
Medical records are now usually held on computers.
reserve formal to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process such as cooking
Reserve some of the chocolate so that you can use it for decorating the cake.
hoard to keep large amounts of food, money etc because you think you may not be able to get them in the future – used when you do not approve of people doing this because it is not necessary or not fair to other people
People have been hoarding food and fuel in case there is another attack.
Rationing of basic food products was introduced to prevent hoarding.
27keep at something phrasal verbphr v 
a) keep at it spokenCONTINUE/NOT STOP to continue to do something, although it is difficult or hard work 坚持干,继续苦干
 I know it’s hard, but keep at it! Don’t give up!
b) keep somebody at somethingWORK HARD to force someone to continue to work hard and not let them stop 强迫某人继续苦干某事
Examples from the Corpus
28keep back phrasal verbphr v 
a) TELL A SECRET keep something ↔ back to deliberately not tell someone all that you know about something 隐瞒某事
 I got the feeling he was keeping something back.
b) keep something ↔ back to not show your feelings, even though you want to very much 抑制,控制〔情感〕
 She was struggling to keep back the tears.
c) keep somebody ↔ back to prevent someone from being as successful as they could be 阻止[妨碍]某人发展[进步] SYN hold back
 Fear and stereotypes have kept women back for centuries.
d) keep something ↔ back especially British EnglishBrESAVE something TO USE LATER to not give or pay something that you were going to give 保留[扣留]某物
 They kept back some of his wages to pay for the damage.
Examples from the Corpus
29keep somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v 
a) PREVENTto prevent the size, cost, or quantity of something from increasing or being too great 控制[限制]…增长
 We need to keep costs down.
b) SICK/VOMITto succeed in keeping food in your stomach, instead of bringing it up again out of your mouth, when you are ill 使不吐出,使不呕吐
 I could hardly keep anything down for about three days.
c) used to ask someone to make less noise 使安静点,使轻声点
 Keep your voice down – she’ll hear you!
 Can you keep it down – I’m trying to work.
d) to prevent a group of people from becoming as successful and powerful as the other people in a society 压制,控制
 Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.
Examples from the Corpus
30keep from phrasal verbphr v 
a) keep (somebody/something) from somethingPREVENT to prevent someone from doing something or prevent something from happening 不让(某人)做某事;不让(某事)发生
keep somebody from (doing) something
 His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.
 I hope I haven’t kept you from your work.
keep something from doing something
 Put the pizza in the bottom of the oven to keep the cheese from burning.
keep (yourself) from doing something
 The play was so boring I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.
b) keep something from somebodyTELL A SECRET to prevent someone from knowing something, by deliberately not telling them about it 不让某人知道某事,对某人隐瞒某事 SYN withhold
 The government had wanted to keep this information from the public.
Examples from the Corpus
31keep somebody in phrasal verbphr v 
a) to make someone stay in hospital because they are too ill to go home 让〔某人〕留院
 They kept her in overnight for observation.
b) KEEP somebody IN A PLACE British EnglishBrE to force someone to stay inside, especially as a punishment in school 使〔某人〕留在屋里;〔尤指〕罚〔某人〕课后留校
32keep in with somebody phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE FRIENDLYto try to stay friendly with someone, especially because this helps you 与〔某人〕友好相处〔尤因这样做对自己有利〕
 It’s a good idea to keep in with the boss.
Examples from the Corpus
33keep off phrasal verbphr v 
a) keep something ↔ offPREVENT to prevent something from touching or harming something 使不碰到;使避开
 She held an old piece of cloth over them both to keep the rain off.
keep something off something
 How are we going to keep the flies off this food?
b) keep your hands off somebody/something used to tell someone not to touch someone or something 别碰某人/某物
 Keep your hands off me!
c) keep (somebody) off something to not eat, drink, or take something that is bad for you, or to stop someone else from eating, drinking, or taking it (使某人)不去吃[喝,服用]有害的东西
 Keep off fatty foods.
 a programme aimed at keeping teenagers off drugs
d) keep off something especially British EnglishBrE to avoid talking about a particular subject, especially so that you do not upset someone 避开某一话题〔以免激怒别人〕 SYN avoid, stay off
e) keep something ↔ off if you keep weight off, you do not get heavier again after you have lost weight 〔减肥后〕使体重保持稳定
f) NOT DO something British EnglishBrE if rain keeps off, it does not fall 〔雨〕未下
Examples from the Corpus
34keep on phrasal verbphr v 
a) CONTINUE/NOT STOPto continue doing something, or to do something many times 继续;反复做
keep on doing something
 You just have to keep on trying.
b) keep somebody ↔ onKEEP/CONTINUE TO HAVE to continue to employ someone, especially for longer than you had planned 继续雇用某人,留用某人〔尤指比原定时间长〕
 If you’re good, they might keep you on after Christmas.
c) British EnglishBrE informalTALK TO somebody to talk continuously about something or repeat something many times, in a way that is annoying 唠叨,纠缠不休 SYN go on
 There’s no need to keep on and on about it!
 If I didn’t keep on at the children, they’d never do their homework.
Examples from the Corpus
35keep to something phrasal verbphr v 
a) STAY/NOT LEAVEto stay on a particular road, course, piece of ground etc 不离开〔某一道路、方向、地方等〕
 It’s best to keep to the paths.
b) OBEYto do what has been decided in an agreement or plan, or what is demanded by law 遵守,遵从
 Keep to the speed limits.
c) keep to the point/subject etc to talk or write only about the subject you are supposed to be talking about 紧扣要点/主题等
d) keep something to somethingPREVENT to prevent an amount, degree, or level from becoming higher than it should 把某物限定在〔某一数量、程度或水平上〕
 Costs must be kept to a minimum.
e) keep something to yourself to not tell anyone about something 对某事保密,绝口不提某事
 I’d appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.
f) keep to yourself (also keep yourself to yourself British English)TELL A SECRET to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people 离群索居,不与人来往
Examples from the Corpus
36keep up phrasal verbphr v 
a) keep something ↔ upCONTINUE/NOT STOP to continue doing something 将某事继续[坚持]下去
 I don’t think I can keep this up any longer.
keep up the good work! (=continue to work hard and well) 继续好好干下去吧!
b) if a situation keeps up, it continues without stopping or changing 〔情况〕持续,保持 SYN continue
 How long can the economic boom keep up?
c) FAST/QUICKto go as quickly as someone else 跟上,并驾齐驱
 I had to walk fast to keep up with him.
d) to manage to do as much or as well as other people 跟上,保持同步 OPP fall behind
 Jack’s having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.
keep up with the Joneses (=try to have the same new impressive possessions that other people have) 与他人攀比
e) LEARNto continue to read and learn about a particular subject, so that you always know about the most recent facts, products etc 跟上,持续了解
 Employees need to keep up with the latest technical developments.
f) keep something ↔ up to make something continue at its present level or amount, instead of letting it decrease 继续保持[维持]某事物
 NATO kept up the pressure on the Serbs to get out of Kosovo.
g) UPif one process keeps up with another, it increases at the same speed and by the same amount 跟上,与同步
 Food production is not keeping up with population growth.
h) keep something ↔ up to continue to practise a skill so that you do not lose it 坚持练习某事物
 I used to speak French, but I haven’t kept it up.
i) keep somebody up informalSLEEP to prevent someone from going to bed 不让某人睡觉
 I hope I’m not keeping you up.
j) keep your spirits/strength/morale etc upCONTINUE/NOT STOP to stay happy, strong, confident etc by making an effort 保持高昂的情绪/体力/士气等
 We sang as we marched, to keep our spirits up.
k) keep up appearancesPRETEND to pretend that everything in your life is normal and happy even though you are in trouble, especially financial trouble 〔尤指尽管遇到钱财方面的麻烦仍〕佯装若无其事;装门面
Examples from the Corpus
37.keep up with somebody phrasal verbphr v to write to, telephone, or meet a friend regularly, so that you do not forget each other 和〔朋友〕保持联系
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
keep2 noun  
1 somebody’s keep EARNthe cost of providing food and a home for someone 某人的生活费用
earn your keep (=do things in return for the things that are provided for you) 挣生活费
 It’s time you got a job and started earning your keep.
Examples from the Corpus
2 for keeps informalALWAYS/EVERY TIME forever 永远,永久
 Marriage ought to be for keeps.
Examples from the Corpus
3. [countableC]PM a large strong tower, usually in the centre of a castle 〔城堡的〕主楼
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
keepkeep /kiːp/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp kept) /kept/
1[transitiveT] to store something that will be useful
The Credit Reference Agency keeps files on individuals’ debt records.
You shouldkeep a supply of forms.
2keep a record/log/account etc to regularly record written information somewhere
keep to something
keep somebody → on
keep up
Origin keep1
Old English cepan

keep2 noun




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