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词汇 jail


Word family nounjailerjailbaitjailbirdjailhousejail
Related topics: Jail & punishment
jail1 (also gaol British English) /dʒeɪl/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countableC, uncountableU]  
PRISONa place where criminals are kept as part of their punishment, or where people who have been charged with a crime are kept before they are judged in a law court 监狱;看守所 SYN prison
 He’s been in jail for three months already.
see thesaurus at prison
go to jail 进监狱
They’re going to jail for a long time.
send somebody to jail 把某人送进监狱
The judge sent Meyer to jail for six years.
put somebody in jail 把某人关进监狱
The government would put him in jail if he stayed in the country.
throw somebody in jail (=put someone in jail) 把某人投入监狱
nDrunks were thrown in jail for a few days.
spend time/three months/six years etc in jail 坐牢/在监狱里被关三个月/六年等
nGriffiths spent three days in jail after pushing a policeman.
serve time/five years etc in jail (=spend time in jail) 服刑/坐牢五年等
nHe was finally released after serving 27 years in jail.
get out of jail 出狱
nHe got out of jail after five years for armed robbery.
release somebody from jail 将某人释放出狱
nMore than 30 of those arrested were released from jail for lack of evidence.
escape from jail 越狱
nThe killer has escaped from jail.
the local jail 当地监狱
The suspects were taken to the local jail.
a town/city/county jail //[]监狱
nHe was held without bail for thirty days in the county jail.
a high-/top-/maximum-security jail 高度戒备/最高戒备的监狱
nSome inmates at the high-security jail had been wrongfully imprisoned.
jail + NOUN
a jail sentence 徒刑
He’s serving a 7-year jail sentence.
a jail term (=period of time in jail) 刑期
nHe served only half of his three-month jail term.
a jail cell 牢房,囚室
nThe suspect was found dead in his jail cell.
Examples from the Corpus
jail2 (also gaol British English) ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
KEEP/STOREto put someone in jail 监禁;拘留 SYN imprison
jail somebody for something
 Watson was jailed for tax evasion.
jail somebody for two months/six years/life etc
 They ought to jail her killer for life.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin jail1
(1200-1300) Old French jaiole, from Latin caveola, from cavea cage




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