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词汇 influence


Word family adjectiveinfluenceableinfluentinfluentialnouninfluencerinfluenceadverbinfluentially
in·flu·ence1 /ˈɪnfluəns/ ●●● S3 W1 noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]POWER the power to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks, without using direct force or orders 影响(),作用
 As a scientist, his influence was immense.
influence on/over
 the unions’ influence over local politics
see thesaurus at effect
2 [countableC]EFFECT/INFLUENCE someone or something that has an influence on other people or things 有影响的人[]
bad/good/positive etc influence (on somebody)
 Gayle’s mother said I was a bad influence on her daughter.
 For centuries the country remained untouched by outside influences.
3. under the influence (of alcohol/drink/drugs etc) DRUNKdrunk or feeling the effects of a drug 受到(/药物等的)影响
Examples from the Corpus
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
have an influence on somebody/something 对某人/某事有影响
His works have had an influence on many modern writers.
exert an influence formal (=have an influence) 产生影响
Technology exerts a powerful influence over our lives.
use your influence 利用你的影响
She wasn’t afraid to use her influence to get what she wanted.
exercise/wield influence formal (=use it) 施加影响
The Federal Reserve exercises influence on the economy by setting short-term interest rates.
come/fall under the influence of somebody/something (=be influenced by someone or something) 受到某人/某事物的影响
They had come under the influence of a religious sect.
nextend your influence (=make your influence larger)
Syria had the opportunity to extend its influence in the region.
a good/positive influence 好的/积极的影响
Television can have a positive influence on young people.
a bad/negative influence 坏的/消极的影响
He thought her friends were a bad influence.
a big/great influence 大的/极大的影响
The goalkeeper’s injury had a big influence on the match.
an important/significant/major influence 重要的影响
Parents have an important influence on children's development.
nHe was a major influence on my musical tastes.
considerable influence 相当大的影响
Well-organized pressure groups can exert considerable influence on the government.
a strong/powerful influence 强大的影响
The press can have a powerful influence on the way people vote.
a deep/profound influence 深远的影响
His writings had a profound influence on the Romantic poets.
a growing influence 日益增加的影响
Many people are worried about the growing influence of these websites.
a lasting influence (=continuing for a long time) 持久的影响力
His travels in Africa had a lasting influence on his work.
a direct/indirect influence 直接/间接影响
The Cubist painters had a direct influence on his work.
nThe federal government has an indirect influence on investment through its control of bank credits.
a calming/soothing influence 镇静/舒缓作用
The music seemed to have a calming influence.
somebody’s personal influence 某人的个人影响力
Frank used his personal influence to get his son a job at the newspaper.
political/cultural/economic influence 政治/文化/经济影响
French political influence began to dominate the country.
outside/external influence (=happening from outside a country or a situation) 外部的影响
nThey must make their own decisions, free from external influence.
nThe US remains the biggest outside influence on the country.
undue influence (=too much influence) 过多的影响
nHe felt that the United States wielded undue influence in Europe.
Examples from the Corpus
influence2 ●●● S3 W2 verb [transitiveT]  
EFFECT/INFLUENCEto affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc without directly forcing or ordering them 影响,对起作用
 Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.
influence a decision/outcome/choice etc 影响决定/结果/选择等
 Several factors are likely to influence this decision.
influence somebody to do something
 What influenced you to take up nursing?
see thesaurus at persuade
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
influencein·flu·ence1 /ˈɪnfluəns/ noun [countableC, uncountableU]
power to have an effect on the way something happens or the way someone does something
The car magazines have been gaining influence in recent years.
The banks’ directors say they have little influence over their presidents’ actions.
see also undue influence
influenceinfluence2 verb [transitiveT]
to have an effect on the way something happens or the way someone does something
Children are heavily influenced by advertising.
influence what/where/ how etc
The number of training centres will influence what training is available and who will receive it.
Origin influence1
(1300-1400) French Medieval Latin influentia, from Latin fluere to flow




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