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词汇 imagine


Word family noun imagination imaginings imaginablenessimaginarinessimaginativenessimagineerimaginerimaginingimaginistadjective imaginableunimaginable imaginary imaginativeunimaginative unimagined imaginalverb imagine adverb unimaginably imaginatively imaginablyimaginarily
ldoce_724_zi·ma·gine /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ ●●● S1 W2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 IMAGINEto form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 想象
imagine (that)
 Imagine that you have just won a million pounds.
 Imagine life without hot water.
imagine what/how/why etc
 Can you imagine what it’s like when it’s really hot out here in Delhi?
imagine somebody doing something
 She could imagine dark-robed figures moving silently along the stone corridors.
(just) imagine doing something
 Imagine doing a horrible job like that!
 Just imagine going all that way for nothing!
imagine somebody/something as something
 He didn’t quite dare to imagine himself as a real artist.
imagine somebody in/with/without etc something
 Somehow, I can’t imagine him without a beard.
it’s difficult/easy/possible/impossible etc to imagine something
 After such a dry summer, it’s difficult to imagine what rain looks like.
Imagine is followed by an -ing form, not an infinitive. You say:
I can’t imagine living without music.
Don’t say: I can’t imagine to live without music.
2 WRONG/UNJUSTIFIEDto have a false or wrong idea about something 胡思乱想;误以为
 Perhaps she’d never really been there at all – perhaps she’d just imagined it.
 imagined dangers
imagine (that)
 She had imagined that the doctor would be male.
 I was surprised when I saw the farm. I had imagined it would be much bigger.
imagine something/somebody to be something
 There’s nobody here. You’re just imagining things.
3 [not in progressive]THINK SO/NOT BE SURE to think that something is true or may happen, but without being sure or having proof 〔不确定或没有根据地〕猜想,猜测
 ‘A very complicated subject, I imagine, ’ said Edwin.
imagine (that)
 You are obviously tired and I imagine that nothing would make you admit it.
4 you can/can’t imagine something British EnglishBrE spokenVERY used to emphasize how good, bad etc something is 你能想象到/你想象不到某事〔用于强调某物好、坏等的程度〕
You can/can’t imagine how/what/why etc
 You can imagine how angry I was!
 You can’t imagine what a terrible week we had.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1 : to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like
be easy to imagine
It’s easy to imagine how the change in the law caused a lot of confusion.
be hard/difficult to imagine
It’s hard to imagine the suffering she must have gone through.
can easily imagine
I can easily imagine how frightening the accident must have been.
can well imagine (=can easily imagine)
I can well imagine how delighted you were with the news.
can hardly/scarcely imagine (=find it difficult to imagine)
He could scarcely imagine what living in such poor conditions must have been like.
can’t/couldn’t imagine
He couldn’t imagine life without his wife.
what somebody had imagined (=what someone thought something would be like, before they saw it or experienced it)
The office was not what he had imagined.
be bigger/smaller/worse etc than you had imagined
The job interview proved to be much worse than I had imagined it would be.
let us imagine … (=used to encourage someone else to think about a possibility)
Let us imagine that you are an employer who wants to recruit some new staff.
somebody is imagining things (=someone has a false or wrong idea about something)
She’s imagining things if she thinks she has a chance of winning the prize.
naively imagine (=to imagine something without realizing how complicated the situation is)
She had naively imagined that marriage would solve all her problems.
fondly imagine (=to believe something that is untrue)
He had fondly imagined that she was in love with him.
imagine to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something might be like 想象
When I think of Honolulu, I imagine long white beaches and palm trees.
I can’t really imagine being a millionaire.
visualize to form a picture of someone or something in your mind, especially something that is definitely going to happen or exist in the future 设想,想象〔尤指将会发生或出现的事〕
Anna visualized meeting Greg again at the airport.
The finished house may be hard to visualize.
picture to form a clear picture of something or someone in your mind 想象,设想
I can still picture my father, even though he died a long time ago.
The town was just how she had pictured it from his description.
envisage /ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ/ especially British EnglishBrE, envision to imagine something as possible or likely to happen in the future 设想,展望
How do you envisage your career developing over the next ten years?
nThey had envisioned the creation of a single armed force, small but efficient.
conceive of something formal to imagine a situation, especially one that is difficult to imagine 想象[设想]某事物〔尤指难以想象的情形〕
For many people, music is so important that they cannot conceive of life without it.
fantasize to imagine something exciting that you would like to happen, but that is very unlikely to happen 幻想,想象〔发生的可能性很小的令人兴奋的事〕
I used to fantasize about becoming a film star.
daydream to imagine pleasant things, so that you forget where you are and what you should be doing 做白日梦
Mark began to daydream, and didn’t even hear the teacher’s question.
hallucinate to imagine that you are seeing things that are not really there, especially because you are ill or have taken drugs 〔尤因生病或吸毒〕产生幻觉
The drug can cause some people to hallucinate.
When I saw the walls moving, I thought I must be hallucinating.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin imagine
(1300-1400) French imaginer, from Latin imaginari, from imago; → IMAGE




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