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词汇 ask


Word family nounaskerasking priceverbask
ask1 /ɑːsk $ æsk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 ASK A QUESTIONquestion 问题 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to speak or write to someone in order to get an answer, information, or a solution 问,询问,打听,提问
 ‘What’s your name?’ she asked.
 Don’t ask him – he won’t know.
 That kid’s always asking awkward questions.
ask who/what/where etc
 I asked him where he lived.
ask somebody something
 We’ll have to ask someone the way to the station.
ask somebody if/whether
 Go and ask Tom whether he’s coming tonight.
ask (somebody) about something
 Visitors usually ask about the history of the castle.
ask around (=ask in a lot of places or ask a lot of people) 到处打听
 I’ll ask around, see if I can find you a place to stay.
2 ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingfor help/advice etc 寻求帮助/建议等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to make a request for help, advice, information etc 要求,请求
 If you need anything, you only have to ask.
ask somebody to do something
 Ask John to mail those letters tomorrow.
ask to do something
 Karen asked to see the doctor.
ask for
 Some people find it difficult to ask for help.
ask somebody for something
 He repeatedly asked Bailey for the report.
ask (somebody) if/whether you can do something
 Ask your mom if you can come with us.
ask that
 Was it too much to ask that he be allowed some privacy?
3 SELLprice 价格 [transitiveT] to want a particular amount of money for something you are selling 索要〔价格〕
 How much is he asking?
ask $50/$1,000 etc for something
 He’s asking £2,000 for his car.
 They’re asking a fortune for that house.
4 invite 邀请 [transitiveT usually + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to invite someone to your home, to go out with you etc 邀请
ask somebody to do something
 Let’s ask them to have dinner with us some time.
ask somebody out (=ask someone, especially someone of the opposite sex, to go to a film, a restaurant etc with you) 邀请某人出去〔尤指异性〕
 Jerry’s too scared to ask her out.
ask somebody in (=invite someone into your house, office etc) 邀请某人进来
 Don’t leave them standing on the doorstep – ask them in!
ask somebody over/round (=invite someone to come to your home) 邀请某人过来[来自己的家]
 We must ask our new neighbours over for a drink.
5 demand 要求 [transitiveT] if you ask something of someone, you want them to do it for you 要求
 It would be better if he cooperated, but perhaps I’m asking too much.
ask something of somebody
 You have no right to ask anything of me.
 Expecting the children to do an hour’s homework after school is asking a lot of them.
6 I/you can’t/couldn’t ask for a better something   (also I/you can’t/couldn’t ask for more) used to say that you are very happy with what you have or with a situation /你不能要求有更好的(某事物)了〔表示对所拥有的或某状况非常满意〕
 I couldn’t ask for a better boss.
7 be asking for trouble SENSIBLEto do something that is very likely to have a bad effect or result 自找麻烦
 Saying that to a feminist is just asking for trouble.
Examples from the Corpus
8 ask yourself something FIND OUTto think carefully and honestly about something 好好想想某事
 You have to ask yourself where your responsibilities really lie.
9 if you ask me used to emphasize your own opinion 依我看〔强调自己的观点〕
 He’s just plain crazy, if you ask me.
Examples from the Corpus
10 don’t ask me NOT KNOWused to say you do not know the answer to something 别问我〔我不知道〕
 ‘Where’s she gone then?’ ‘Don’t ask me!’
Examples from the Corpus
11 don’t ask used to say that something is too embarrassing or strange to explain 别问了〔用于表示某事说起来很尴尬或很奇怪〕
 ‘What was that woman selling?’ ‘Don’t ask.’
Examples from the Corpus
12 be asking for it DESERVEused to say that someone deserves something bad that happens to them 自找麻烦,自作自受
 It’s his own fault he got hit – he was asking for it.
Examples from the Corpus
13 be somebody’s for the asking ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something informal if something is yours for the asking, you can have it if you want it 某人只要提出要求〔就可以得到它〕
 The job was hers for the asking.
Examples from the Corpus
14ask after somebody phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE if you ask after someone, you want to know whether they are well, what they are doing etc 问候〔某人〕
 I spoke to James today. He was asking after you.
Examples from the Corpus
15ask for somebody phrasal verbphr v if you ask for someone, you want to speak to them 找〔某人〕说话
 There’s someone at the door asking for Dad.
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with ask
You ask someone something:
They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.
Don’t say: ask to someone
You ask someone to do something:
I asked him to open the window.
You ask someone if or whether something is true:
Ask them if they want anything to drink.
When you report what someone asked, use a verb in the past tense:
She asked if I wanted to go.
Don’t say: She asked if I want to go.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: to make a request for help, advice, information etc
ask for help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
ask for assistance (=help or support)
You can call this number to ask for assistance.
ask for advice/ask somebody’s advice
If you are in any doubt, ask for advice.
ask for information
I wrote asking for information about language classes.
ask for directions (=instructions how to get from one place to another)
At the station he asked for directions to the museum.
ask for details
Please ask for details of the full range of tickets available.
ask for somebody’s opinion
Dad always liked being asked for his opinion.
ask for somebody’s support
Labour councillors asked for our support for the proposal.
ask for permission
The two men entered without bothering to ask for permission.
ask for an explanation
When he asked for an explanation, no one could give him an answer.
ask a question 提问
ask to speak or write to someone to get an answer 问,询问,提问〔以寻求答案〕
Did you ask about the price?
They asked me a lot of questions.
inquire/enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə $ -ˈkwaɪr/ formal to ask someone for information about something 询问,打听〔信息等〕
I’m writing to inquire about the job that was advertised in yesterday’s ‘Times’.
demand especially written to ask a question in a firm or angry way 〔坚决或愤怒地〕要求
‘Why didn’t you call me?’, she demanded.
interview to ask someone questions, to find out if they are suitable for a job, or as part of a television or radio interview 面试;采访
When they interviewed me for the job, they didn’t mention the salary.
nDavid Letterman has interviewed all the stars.
poll to officially ask a lot of people in order to find out their opinion on something 进行民意测验[调查]
Over 1,000 people were polled for the report.
n64% of the people we polled said that they approved of the way the government had handled the crisis.
to ask someone about a crime 审讯
question/interview to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information about a crime 盘问;审问
He was arrested and questioned by the police.
Detectives are interviewing the father of the missing girl.
interrogate to ask someone a lot of detailed questions, often in an aggressive way 〔长时间地〕审问,盘问
The men were interrogated by the US authorities for over six hours.
cross-examine to ask someone questions in court about the statements they made 盘问,盘诘〔在法庭上对证人就其证词进行诘问〕
A second lawyer began to cross-examine the witness.
somebody is helping the police with their inquiries formal used in news reports when saying that the police are asking someone questions about a crime – especially when they think this person is guilty, but have not yet charged them 某人正在协助警方调查〔用于新闻报道〕
He is helping the police with their inquiries in connection with the murder of Diane Jones.
to ask for something 提要求
ask for to tell someone you want them to give you something 要求
I’m going to ask for a pay rise.
order to ask for food or drink in a restaurant 〔在餐厅〕点,要〔食物或饮料〕
We ordered some more coffee.
nHave you ordered yet?
demand to ask for something in a firm way, insisting that someone gives you what you ask for 〔坚决〕要求
They’re demanding immediate payment.
nIf the goods are faulty, you can demand a refund.
request formal to ask for something 请求,要求
The pilot requested permission to land.
nI enclose the information you requested.
beg/plead to ask for something in an urgent way, because you want it very much and will be very unhappy if you do not get it 恳求,乞求
He begged me for some money.
I’m not going to plead for forgiveness.
nag/pester to keep asking someone for something, in an annoying way 不断烦扰,纠缠
She keeps nagging me for a new phone.
People were pestering him for his autograph.
Examples from the Corpus
ask2 noun  
1a big ask a situation in a sports competition when someone needs to get a lot of points or do something very difficult in order to win 〔体育比赛中〕难以取胜的局面
 We need to win the next three games. It’s a big ask, but I’m confident we can do it.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
askask /ɑːskæsk/ verb [transitiveT]
1if someone is asking a particular price for something, that is the price at which they are selling it
ask something for something
How much are they asking for their house?
2ask somebody to leave British EnglishBrE to make someone leave their jobSYN dismiss
The previous manager was asked to leave, after it was found that he had been misusing company funds.
Origin ask
Old English ascian




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