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词汇 idea


Word family adjectiveideaedidealessideationalverbideatenounideationideaadverbideationally
i·dea /aɪˈdɪə/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 plan/suggestion 计划/建议 [countableC]IDEA a plan or suggestion for a possible course of action, especially one that you think of suddenly 〔尤指突然想到的〕计划;建议;想法,主意
 You should talk to Ken - he’s always full of good ideas.
 I knew it was a bad idea to leave him on his own.
 It was my wife’s idea to move house.
idea for
 The idea for the book came from an old war movie.
the idea of doing something
 I had the idea of asking Katie for help.
Don’t say ‘the idea to do something’. Say the idea of doing something. However, you can say it is a good idea to do something and it was someone’s idea to do something.
不要说the idea to do something’. 而要说 the idea of doing something. 但可以说 it is a good idea to do something 以及 it was someone’s idea to do something.
2 knowledge 认识 [countableC, uncountableU]UNDERSTAND a general understanding of something, based on some knowledge about it 大致的了解
 Could you give me an idea of how bad his injuries are?
 You must have some idea (=have at least a little knowledge) of what happened to the money.
 Don’t worry if you don’t understand it right now – you’ll get the idea (=begin to understand or be able to do something).
have no idea/not have any idea
 She doesn’t have any idea where they’ve gone.
a general/rough idea (=a not very exact idea) 大致的想法
 Can you give me a rough idea of how much the repairs will cost?
not have the faintest/slightest/foggiest idea spoken
 I don’t have the faintest idea what to get Rachel for her birthday.
3 aim/intention 目的/意图 [countableC, uncountableU]PURPOSE the aim, intention, or purpose of doing something 〔做某事的〕目的,意图
 The idea is to teach children to save money.
idea of/behind
 The idea behind the outing is to encourage employees to get to know each other.
 They wanted Mike to go to law school, but he had other ideas (=had different plans).
4 how you imagine STH to be 如何想象某事物 [countableC, uncountableU]IMAGINE an image in your mind of what something is like or should be like 概念,想法
idea of
 Chefs differ in their idea of what makes a good dessert.
 I only have a vague idea of the kind of work I’ll be doing.
 It helps if you have a clear idea of what you want.
not my idea of something
 Chocolate milk and a piece of cake is not my idea of dinner.
 The very idea of kissing him made her feel physically sick.
5 belief/opinion 信念/意见 [countableC usually plural]BELIEVE someone’s opinion or belief about something 〔某人对某事的〕看法,信念
idea about
 She had some rather unusual ideas about raising children.
where did you get that idea? (=used to say that what someone thinks is completely wrong) 你那想法从哪儿来的?〔指某人的想法完全错误〕
 No, I’m not seeing Jane. Where did you get that idea?
6 principle 原则 [countableC]BELIEVE a principle or belief about how something is or should be 原则,信念
idea of
 The whole idea of democracy was something strange and new to most people.
idea that
 It’s based on the idea that all people are created equal.
7 have an idea (that) SUREto be fairly sure that something is true, without being completely sure 猜想(…),估计(…)〔指猜想确有某事,但无绝对把握〕
 I’m not sure where my necklace is, but I have a pretty good idea who took it.
Examples from the Corpus
8 get the wrong idea UNTRUEto think that something is true when it is not 误解
 Don’t get the wrong idea about Dan and Helen – they’re just friends.
Examples from the Corpus
9 have the right idea CORRECTto act or think in a way that will probably lead to the correct result 〔行事或思维〕方法正确,方向对头
 He still makes a few mistakes but I reckon he’s got the right idea.
Examples from the Corpus
10 that’s/there’s an idea spokenLIKE somebody OR something used to say that you like what someone has just suggested 好主意〔用于表示赞同某人的建议〕
 ‘Why don’t you invite Paula to come with us?’ ‘There’s an idea.’
11 that’s the idea spoken
a) PRAISEused to tell someone who is learning to do something that they are doing it the right way, in order to encourage them 干得好,做得对〔用于鼓励正在学做某事的人〕
 Keep your knees bent and lean forward slightly. That’s the idea!
b) used to emphasize what the main point of something is, or to say that someone understands that point 对,就是这样〔用于强调某事的要点或说明某人理解了该要点〕
 ‘You’re thinking of getting a new job?’ ‘Yeah, that’s the idea.’
Examples from the Corpus
12 bright idea a very clever idea, often used in a joking way to mean a very stupid idea or action 聪明点子,好主意〔常为反话,用于开玩笑〕
 Whose bright idea was it to leave the back door wide open?
Examples from the Corpus
13 give somebody ideas/put ideas into somebody’s head to make someone think of doing something that they had not thought of doing before, especially something that they should not do 使某人产生某种念头〔尤指不该做的事〕
 Nick tells me he wants a motorbike. Have you been putting ideas into his head?
14 is it somebody’s idea of a joke? used when you are surprised and often rather annoyed by what someone has said or done 有某人这样开玩笑的吗?〔用于对某人的言语或行为表示惊讶和生气〕
 ‘She wants you to do it by tomorrow.’ ‘Is that your idea of a joke?’
15. what’s the big idea? spoken used when you cannot understand why someone has done something ()这是干什么?()这样做用意何在?
16 you have no idea (how/what etc) spokenVERY used when you are telling someone that something is extremely good, bad etc 你简直想不到〔用于告诉某人某事非常好、非常坏等〕
 You have no idea how worried I was.
17. the idea! old-fashioned spokenAPPROVE used to express surprise or disapproval when someone has said something stupid 什么话!〔用于对方说了蠢话时,表示惊讶或贬斥〕
buck your ideas up at buck up
have an idea 有个主意
I’ve had an idea. Why don’t we walk into town?
get an idea 获得灵感
She got the idea from an article in a magazine.
give somebody an idea 令某人想到
What gave you the idea for the book?
come up with an idea (=think of an idea) 想到一个主意
He’s always coming up with interesting ideas.
hit on an idea informal (=suddenly think of an idea) 突然有了个主意
Then we hit on the idea of renting a cottage.
toy with an idea informal (=think about using an idea, but not very seriously) 不很认真地考虑
I’m toying with the idea of going back to college.
brainstorm ideas (=get a group of people to all try and think of ideas) 集思广益,头脑风暴
nWe had a meeting to brainstorm ideas for the new advertising campaign.
share/exchange ideas (=tell someone else your ideas, and learn their ideas) 分享/交流想法
nan opportunity for local business people to share ideas
an idea comes to somebody (=someone suddenly thinks of an idea) 某人突然想到一个主意
The idea came to me while I was having a bath.
a good/bad idea 好主意/坏主意
Keeping the drinks cold in the bath was a good idea.
nKnocking down this wall was a really bad idea.
a great/brilliant/excellent idea 极好的主意
What a great idea!
a bright idea (=a very good idea - often used ironically) 聪明点子〔常作嘲讽语〕
Whose bright idea was it to leave the washing out in the rain?
a clever idea 聪明点子
It seemed like a clever idea at the time.
interesting 有趣的
The idea sounded interesting, but I didn’t think it would work.
stupid/ridiculous/crazy 愚蠢的/可笑的/疯狂的
nThe idea sounded crazy to me.
nCamping in the middle of winter was a ridiculous idea!
nHe had the crazy idea of hitchhiking around South America.
original/innovative (=no one has thought of it before) 有独创性的/新颖的
nThe company is looking for people who can come up with original ideas.
a half-baked idea (=an idea that has not been carefully thought out) 考虑不周的主意
nIt’s yet another of the government’s half-baked ideas.
be full of ideas (also be bursting with ideas) (=have a lot of ideas) 有许多奇思妙想
The children were enthusiastic and full of ideas.
nfire/bounce ideas off one another (=discuss each other’s ideas and think of good new ones)
Our regular meetings are opportunities to fire ideas off each other.
idea something that you think of, especially something that you could do or suggest 主意,想法
I think that’s an excellent idea.
Let me know if you have any good ideas.
thought something that comes into your mind 想法,念头
The thought had entered my mind that he might be lying.
我心里产生了一个想法: 他可能在撒谎。
It was a worrying thought.
She was lost in her thoughts.
impression the idea that you have in your mind about what someone or something is like 印象
What was your impression of him?
inspiration a good and original idea, which makes you think of doing or creating something 灵感
Where did you get your inspiration from for the book?
nHe suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
nThe design for the house was entirely the inspiration of the architect.
brainwave British EnglishBrE, brainstorm American EnglishAmE a sudden new and clever idea, especially one that solves a problem 灵感,突然想到的妙计
I thought I’d have to sell the house, but then I had a brainwave.
concept an idea of how something is, or how something should be done 概念;观念
Concepts of beauty are different in different cultures.
the traditional concept of marriage
notion an idea about life or society, especially one that is a little silly or old-fashioned 〔尤指有点傻或过时的〕概念,观点
There is no evidence to support the notion that poverty is caused by laziness.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin idea
(1300-1400) Latin Greek, from idein to see





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